not hungry on weekends?

It seems like I am constantly hungry during the work week, I eat 5 meals most days and try to keep each meal except dinner right around 200 calories. I'm eating mostly protein supplementing with veggies and some fresh fruit. But when it comes to the weekends I find it hard to eat my 5 meals, I might have my breakfast protein shake and then nothing again until late afternoon because I don't feel hungry. Anyone else experience this? Do you force yourself to eat even though you aren't interested or hungry to make sure you get in your calories?


  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    I'm the other way round, not hungry during the work week but hungry (due to boredom sometimes) at weekend. I don't force myself to eat tho because then I usually feel sick after
    if you really want to get your calories in, try a soda? :l not the best advice I know
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    I felt the need to edit my post because I realized that came out wrong.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    It seems like I am constantly hungry during the work week, I eat 5 meals most days and try to keep each meal except dinner right around 200 calories. I'm eating mostly protein supplementing with veggies and some fresh fruit. But when it comes to the weekends I find it hard to eat my 5 meals, I might have my breakfast protein shake and then nothing again until late afternoon because I don't feel hungry. Anyone else experience this? Do you force yourself to eat even though you aren't interested or hungry to make sure you get in your calories?

    I don't know, maybe it is because you aren't doing as much work during the weekend? Depending where you are in your fitness level, it could also be a sign of slowed metabolism, so yes, you have to eat, at least whatever the calorie intake MFP decides for (or if you follow the 20% off TDEE method). This will definitely boost your metabolism since it doesn't have to hold on to food anymore, as it learns that food will come. Couple that with workouts, and boom! Your metabolism will rise and it will want more food :)
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Sounds normal to me. Work takes energy/calories/food. Your body is quite intelligent; in theory, it should raise and lower your hunger levels depending on your energy expenditure for the day. (We know sometimes that's not true when other emotional and situational factors are included.)

    Anyways, 1.) I don't think you're eating enough during the weekdays. From what I see in your profile, you could probably eat 2,000 calories each day, maybe more. And, 2.) Yes, you need to force yourself to eat on the weekends, especially with a low intake like yours. Everything about eating intuitively (only when you're hungry) goes out the window when you're not fueling your body right in the first place.
  • Kynzmomma09
    Kynzmomma09 Posts: 25 Member
    i wouldnt force urself to eat if ur not hungry.. if anything grab some fruit or raw veggies to snack on instead of a normal 200 cal meal. im the opposite though, i do great thru the work week, have my meals made out, snacks for my breaks and i drink the water im suppose to drink. but on wknds i seem to slack off and i feel like i always have the munchies, cuz im BORED!! but this wknd was better, i didnt eat all that great but it was a better wknd for me, plus i got my workout in.
  • glamis_dust_bunny
    MFP has my caloric intake higher than what I am taking in, yes. I changed it to fit the program that my doctor has me on. I'm supposed to take in approx 70 grams of protein each day at less than 200 cals per serving trying to keep it around 1200 cals per day. I'm fine once I eat but I am usually hungry about every 2-3 hours. Yesterday I could have gone the entire day until dinner and not eaten. I made myself eat yesterday even though I wasn't hungry. You would think it would be opposite because I am a lot more active on the weekends then I am durning the week. I have a desk job so I sit most of the day. I do have a mini bike under my desk so that I can take a "ride" a few times a day for 15 minutes or so.
    Sounds normal to me. Work takes energy/calories/food. Your body is quite intelligent; in theory, it should raise and lower your hunger levels depending on your energy expenditure for the day. (We know sometimes that's not true when other emotional and situational factors are included.)

    Anyways, 1.) I don't think you're eating enough during the weekdays. From what I see in your profile, you could probably eat 2,000 calories each day, maybe more. And, 2.) Yes, you need to force yourself to eat on the weekends, especially with a low intake like yours. Everything about eating intuitively (only when you're hungry) goes out the window when you're not fueling your body right in the first place.