How often to weigh??

Is it a better idea to pick ONE day a week to weigh yourself or weigh everyday??

I find myself wanting to weigh myself everyday but I feel like that's only going to set myself up for dissappointment cause I'm not going to lose weight eveyday.

Also if the better choice is once a week, do you do it at the beginning of the week [Monday] or on the weekend [Saturday or Sunday]??


  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    I think however often you weight yourself is a personal decision. You know yourself better than anyone else so it's up to you to decide how often you can do it. If you are the type to get easily discouraged than I definitely recommend that you don't weigh yourself every day.

    Personally, I weigh myself every Monday and take measurements to record. However, I like to weigh myself almost every morning just to get an idea of where I'm at. I actually enjoy weighing myself to see what is going on, but not everyone feels that way.

    I know it's not much of an answer. However, good luck!
  • rachaelbermingham
    I weigh every day because I want to develop a better understanding of how my weight varies. For instance, even if I'm under on calories, I will always put weight on the day after I have had any Chinese food. But I do recognise that this can lead to disappointment so I only really compare my weight at weekly intervals. I think weighing on a Friday or Saturday morning is best so you can be a bit naughty over the weekend and still have a week to get it back under control.
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    I weigh myself at the weekend, I do it after a BM and naked, I do this the same most weeks, it is a good idea to keep it the same as much as you possibly can.

    It can be disheartening to weigh yourself every day but it can be motivating for some people too, to eat right each day and not get off track. If you weigh yourself every day you will see fluctuations and it probably is not a good idea to log it every day.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I like weighing in on Monday morning. That gives me the motivation to stay good over the weekend, because I know I have a weigh in coming, and I don't want my hard work to go to waste. I have a hard time not weighing in every single day, just because I am so curious, and want to make sure what I am doing is working....But, I only count what I weigh on Monday and I take my measurements every other Monday.
  • KajunDC
    KajunDC Posts: 14 Member
    When I was losing the weight 6 years ago I would weigh first thing every morning... but only took the scale seriously one day a week. Weight can fluctuate greatly day to day. (And with your being a female, hormonal cycles will really cause weight fluctuations.) But I knew that if I was going to step on the scale every morning then I needed to do right the day before otherwise I would be angry at myself.
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    If you are concerned about being disappointed by weight fluctuation, I would suggest choosing a day of the week and only weighing on that day. I don't know about you but my weight varies throughout the week, often going up almost 5 lbs... because of this I stopped weighing more than once a week. It didn't matter that my weight went down on my weigh in day... that fluctuation was enough to make me want to give up.

    I will likely start weighing myself more frequently once I get closer to my goal weight. That way I can monitor how what I am eating is affecting my weight. But right now it is just too discouraging for me to do so.

    As for when to weigh, I don't personally think that the day of week matters, as long as it is the same day every week. I weigh on Tuesdays but that is because I joined a challenge when I started on here and we all weigh in on Tuesdays. :o)
  • amarti24
    amarti24 Posts: 19 Member
    I do it twice a week. Friday and Monday. Helps me see where I was before and after the weekend. That way if I have a bad weekend I know that I made bad choices over the weekend. The hardest was the first 3 weeks since I had a few events but the past two/three weeks I've really gotten into a better routine and it's interesting to see the difference.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I record on monday mornings. but i do check few times week to see where I am at
  • Candlelite89
    Thanks for your input guys!

    I think I like the idea of weighing everyday but recording where I'm at only once or twice a week. I don't want to think I'm doing really well and treating myself to something good when I'm really not. That would be NO good! = ]

    I also wanted to ask...

    Are you SUPPOSED to eat back the calories that you work off or no?? I always thought you wouldn't want to but some people say you should. Just any opinions work for me. ; ]
  • amarti24
    amarti24 Posts: 19 Member
    some people say yes others say no.

    I am one that says yes. You need it to help fuel your body.
  • fioreseta
    Physiologically, if you expect to build muscle and get proper nutrition please eat your exercise calories. That muscle will burn more calories pound for pound just sitting on your body than a pound of fat will but you can't make muscle without the right building blocks.