226 lbs and new to this site!



  • Good luck!! :) I just joined as well, you can add me if you'd like :)
  • ventrone
    ventrone Posts: 27 Member
    I am nearly exactly where you are, only I stumbled across this sight about a month ago. I also am a mom, but my oldest is nearly your age!

    I am also looking for a support system. I really am trying to get it right this time!
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    When I joined MFP in August I was right around that size. I started at 240lb in April. If you need anything let me know. Congrats on starting! You'll do great!
  • Welcome! You will do well! Feel free to add me (same to anyone else). I just returned to this site and found that my compliance with my diet/exercise plan has increased quite a bit knowing that I have friends on the site that are watching my updates!
  • ventrone
    ventrone Posts: 27 Member
    Wow! An amazing success story. You look great!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    244 as of yesterday, down 18 pounds so far. I would love to weight what my drivers license says so I can stop being a liar =) Slow but steady. Find what works for you: meaning, what you will STICK TO! Good luck on your journey, and feel free to add me.
  • Kelly welcome. This is a great place to loss weight and keep it off. Don't worry about pills and the lastes diet plan. Eat healthy and exercise. Stick to the goal u created on mfp. Eat clean (fruit, veggies, lean meats and whole grains), drink plenty of water (don't waste your cal on other beverages) rest and get moving. If you have a partner u can exercise with it helps. Take pictures, I didn't really take pictures in the begining but wish I had. Take measurements too. The pictures and measurements will keep u motivatied. The scale doesn't always tell the truth. Set small goals for yourself and when you miss up it's not the end of the world, do better the next day. When u exercise u get more cal to eat. Now some will say eat them all back some will say don't eat any. Eat some if your hungry if not don't. Log everything you put in your mouth, anything you add to your food, weigh your food to be accurate. Good luck on your journey. U can do this!
  • soontobemeagain
    soontobemeagain Posts: 14 Member
    Thankyou so much :)