Any Workaholics or people with a crazy job or crazy hours?



  • Lup120
    Lup120 Posts: 31
    I too have crazy work hours I have a standard 9-5, 40 hour work week desk job. Then I have a part-time 12-16 hour retail job, so I am on my feet running around for those 4.5 hours. I worked the part-time job full-time before the desk job and when I got the desk job the retail job really wanted me to stay at least part-time so I did because I am really trying to get out of credit card and student loan debt. Those extra 12-16 hours is typically spread over three days during the week days when I do my 9-5 so I leave the house at 8:30 in the morning and don't get back until 11:00 -11:30 at night.

    I def find it hard to find time to head to the gym because on the weekends I have to try to do all the little errands and chores I did not have time for during the week and sometimes I am just plain too tired to walk down to the gym and work out.
  • bdubois63
    bdubois63 Posts: 87 Member
    Anna I work 75 hours a week minimum! Crazy enough for you?
    I am self employeed, on two different jobs.......
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Right there with you! I leave my house at 6:45am and after work, commuting, and working out, I don't get home until 9pm. Sometimes later if I have to go to the grocery store of something! It's tough and I'm usually pretty worn out, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? :)
  • frogmanjared
    I'm in the crazy schedule boat... I work 6 days a week to get close to 40 hours, and Mon-Fri I watch my 6 month old during the day... doesn't give me very much time to be with my family. I really don't get a day of, but I've gotten into decent shape in the last few weeks, and now I'm on day 3 of P90X... which I usually start after I get home from work at 10 pm.
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    Wow there's a lot of us out here! I wonder then who all started that 9-5 40 hour work week norm that I use to believe growing up. Right now I leave for work 5am and get back 6:30pm Monday-Saturday. I work outside at least half of that, so I'm normally wind & sun beat by the time I'm back home. Right now I eat alright on workdays, but I have no exercise habits due to coming home brain dead and tired most days!

    Anyway, nice to meet you all! :-)
  • kimber_av
    kimber_av Posts: 98
    Add me to the list!
    I work Monday-Saturday almost every week. I sometimes get a saturday off.
    I manage the Pediatric department of a large neurology practice. I'm scheduled for 40 hours a week. but never work that little.
    I work during my lunch breaks and its somewhat stressful and fast paced.
    its extremely hard for me to find workout time and time to eat healthy. But we do what we can right! Just have to plan better I guess
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    bump - There has to be more of us out here on mfp! :-)
  • Ellyabell
    Ellyabell Posts: 49 Member
    Workaholic here. Right now it's been full time internship (40-60 hours a week), preparing for the bar exam and doing a masters course aside.

    Living abroad and not having much of a private life makes working out easier, but I will have to see how things go when I am back home in January. Will stick to my training schedule though, just have not yet figured out how exactly ;-). I also made a deal with friends to alternate healthy cooking, so hopefully that helps a bit.

    Feel free to add me anyone.
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    I leave my house at 3:30pm for work and get back home at 5:20am, followed by gym and shower and maybe a TV episode of X, in bed by 8am for sleep, only to get up and do it all over again.

  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I seem to work a lot. 40-42 at one job, evenings and weekends installing surveillance systems and I have a one man bakery. And they wonder why I drink.... ;)
  • Violetta86
    Violetta86 Posts: 150 Member
    I never work less than 50 hours a week! Usually more like 52-55 hours. I could also use some friends that have a similar work situation. My career is important to me and I am a bit of an overachiever.

    Random side note, is it that bad that I judge people that can't “find time” to work out, but don't work nearly as much as I do LOL? I always make time. It's all about planning ahead.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I live in NC and work in Chicago. Usually I commute Tue - Thur and work crazy hours then work normal hours from home on Mon & Fri.
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    I'm typically in-office 6am-5:30pm Monday-Friday and work from home Sat-Sun 10am-12pm...

    I sacrifice too much sleep for my recreational activities. :(
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Not so much a crazy job but I am a nurse, so I do tend to have some crazy hours!.. =P
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I also have a crazy work schedule, I volunteer in two places on the weekends, am taking classes online, commuting, maintaining a household (bills, cleaning), and my other half is in school full-fime as well as applying to grad school.

    I'd love more support in my crazy lil circle... :)
  • RubyRed8067
    M-F 8 am - 5 pm (primary job)
    M-F 6pm - 10 pm (1st parttime job)
    Sat/Sund - 10 am - 5 pm (3rd part time job)

    I'm not a workaholic, I'm trying to pay off my house. I've already paid off my c-cards, student loans and car. Just a little longer (or so I tell myself).
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hey anna, i'm doing a crazy job and works 45 hours per week
  • busymnmom
    I have crazy hours as well. And they change everytime we do a bid so my schedule sometimes only lasts 3 months. Currently I work at 5:30am-4pm. But I have to be up at 3:30am to get to work on time and then I don't get home until after 5pm. Now that we finally have snow, who knows when I'll get home and if I'll have to get up earlier. So I need to try to be in bed by 8pm. But sometimes I fall asleep before then right after dinner.
    So I struggle right now with working out and making healthy dinner for the family.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    who says exercise has to be done in a gym, or even in special clothes??

    i'm a big fan of doing things like "i will do X amount of push ups/squats/pull ups/crunches every half hour from the time i wake up." if you are awake from 6 to /10, that is 16 hours, meaning that 32 times you will hit the floor.

    lets say you pick to do 5 push ups every 30 minutes. that is 160 push ups at the end of the day.
  • booknurse
    I may not be a workaholic but I have some very crazy hours. I'm finishing my master's degree in library science, doing an internship at a local academic library, and working part-time as a private duty hospice nurse. I also have four children at home ages 13-20. We are currently a one-car family and my husband has a 50-mile round trip commute. He works from home one day a week so I get the car then.. Most of my exercise is walking to and from the bus stop or moving my patient. I'd like to find a good full-time job or a combination of rewarding part-time positions. The shocker for me about not having a car is how much more challenging it is to get anywhere and how much time it takes! Not having a car also limits my employment options. I need a full-time job to pay for a car, but there are some positions that require a car. Most of my days start at 5:30 am and end very late. I'd better get offline or I'll be up even later!