Weight Loss with a Thyroid Disorder

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to lose about 35 pounds and I'm hypothyroid. I consume about 1200 calories per day, but I never see any changes in my weight. I know for a fact that I'm not getting enough exercise, and I plan on joining a gym next month and doing more in my home whenever I can. My question really is since I have lowered my calorie intake from what I estimate was around 1600 or so calories to 1200 or less per day, over the past two months shouldn't I have seen some change in my weight, or is my thyroid most likely to blame? Has anyone else had a difficult time losing weight with a thyroid disorder? From what I understand it can be difficult and you really have to work for it, so I may have to just not get discouraged and wait until I can join the gym. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm also with hypothyroid and goiter. I'm completely off any thryoid medication (wouldn't recommend it), but it's not extreme or anything and I feel fine without it. Currently trying to find a new doctor. That's a completely different story. I'm also on 1200 calories a day (my own choice). I've lost 66lbs so far. If I could recommend anything, it would be talk to your doctor. Water retention is a big thing. So perhaps, drink more water. I try to do 2-4 liters of water a day.
  • teawithmilkplease
    teawithmilkplease Posts: 17 Member
    That's good advice because I know that I'm not drinking enough water. It's so easy for me to gain weight, but so difficult for me to lose it. I think talking to my doctor is a good idea because over the past year I've gained so much weight and can't seem to lose it. Congratulations on your weight loss. :) I hope that I can lose it too.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i am also hypo and i have had a very hard time losing the weight. i hit many stalls and it took me a year to lose 20 lbs. I never lost more then 1.5 a month and most months it was .5. i still never gave up.... i try to drink as much water as i can and watch my cals but i quickly upped my cals after 2.5 month from 1200-1400 and it didn't change how i was losing, it was still the same.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. I am losing weight just fine. Make sure you are measuring your food correctly and staying at a deficit. Calculate your TDEE and eat at 20%-15% below that. You will lose weight as long as your meds are regulated. I don't use my thyroid as an excuse, it shouldn't be a factor if meds are regulated. Good luck.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    There are a lot of theories, you just have to keep looking and trying 'til you find what works for you. My endocrinologist wasn't at all helpful, but there are better ones out there. I hope you have a good one.

    I avoid gluten & "white" carbs, get regular exercise, stick to the 1200 + some exercise cals, drink the recommended 8 glasses most of the time, and take some thryoid supporting herbs as well as my prescription for levothyroxine. I'm 10 lbs from my goal & seem to be in a plateau; not sure what I'm going to do to get past it.

    We hypo folks may need to be more patient than others. I'm sticking with it; at least I'm not gaining!
  • teawithmilkplease
    teawithmilkplease Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for all of the help and suggestions everyone. I really need to increase my water intake and get more exercise, I know. I'm joining the YMCA day after tomorrow, which I'm really excited about. I also need to see my doctor when I can because I haven't had me levels checked in a very long time and I don't think that I'm medicated correctly. I think once I have everything under control I'll be on the right track.
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    I struggle with thyroid levels. I lost 50lbs in the last 2 years and cannot get the last 15-20 off. I work out min of 5 times a week. I have blood draws every 6 weeks to monitor but nothing seems to make the scale move! I feel your pain!!!
  • abermouse68
    abermouse68 Posts: 4 Member
    I have somewhat normal thyroid but noticed that when I took kelp in the past, my weight loss seemed to really pick up. So did my energy level. I just bought kelp capsules and it made a big difference. Im breast feeding a baby now and cannot take kelp at the moment but I want to try it again once I can, or maybe I will try eating differently. Anyway, if you get more active and maybe take a supplement like kelp, or just incorporate more sea vegetables into your diet, it might be worth a try. I had such awesome results with the kelp a few years ago. Also Ive heard that raw cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower) inhibit thyroid, and so do food allergies to things like wheat or corn. Hope this helps!
  • horselady34
    horselady34 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I was born without the thyroid gland.. Have you had your levels checked? Are you on a thyroid med? I can relate, it really sucks especially in the winter.. I feel better in the summer and able to lose some weight but when winter comes all that hard work goes right down the crap hole! I hate what its done to me mentally and physically. I hope you find what makes you feel better :)
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    I am hypothyroid as well and stayed fairly regular for about 6 months with my levels and then Friday I got the call it was up again. Most Dr's recommend that your level be between .3 and 3, 1 being where most people feel good. The American Endocrinologist recommends those levels as well but some Dr's still follow the old .5 to 5 level. So definitely keep a check on your levels.

    I am still struggling with the weight loss and in addition to my normal working out everyday at the gym I have invested in a trainer once a week. She is hypo as well and through her I found out that raw broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and even cabbage are bad for thyroids. Also bad is dairy and soy. I am lactose in tolerant and used soy in place of milk but have now switched to Almond and not only do I love it MORE I have noticed a difference too. Once I started cutting out those things or at a minimum steaming the veggies and lowering the amount of dairy I consume, upping my calories from 1400-1600 I lost 3 pounds in NO TIME. Now that could be the last for a while but as stupid as it sounds I may not see huge losses on the scale everyday I am seeing the inches leaving.

    Keep at it and do your research and TAKE YOUR MEDS like you should. Some days are harder than others I know, but we have to push ourselves. :)
  • horselady34
    horselady34 Posts: 51 Member
    I had my levels checked today so I should get the results back in a few days. Im only on 50 mcgs and Im scared to eat cause I gain soo fast and so easy.. Im scared to eat anything and winter is when the pounds pile on fast anyways. My metabolism comes to a halt in the winter and I know everyone is differen't but I took vitamin D and it didn't do a darn thing for me at all :(
  • GomesDavid
    Did you get any suggestions from your doctor about weight loss with thyroid issues? I'm not an expert on thyroid issues but I do know it makes weight loss more difficult so maybe you can seek advice specific to your own body.