New mummy and new to mfp!

Hello just joined today, it's been just over 8 weeks since i had my son Shane so i thought it was time to join MFP and try find the motivation to get into prepregnancy shape. I'm 19 and currently weigh 142lbs and hope to get back to 112lbs.. so not a massive weigh to go but it won't come easy.

I'm currently doing the 30 day shred and am 3 days in but sadly my legs being a pain and my knee keeps clicking when i'm doing star jumps which causes excrutiating pain.. :( trying to push through.

Feel free to add :) As i could use the support :)


  • 15kaspen
    15kaspen Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulations! :D I added you, by the way.

    Also, while exercising, make sure you find a balance between pushing through, and pushing too hard. There's a limit your body can take, and there's a fine line between pushing yourself to improve, and completely over-doing it. If it's just sore muscles or whatever, push through for a while; but if it's actually a joint (or like your knee) that makes unnatural sounds/feelings while exercising, don't keep pushing it. You can end up with an injury that will take you out of exercising for a while, and that wouldn't help anything. If your kneecap is clicking, that might be a good sign to slow down. You want to push yourself to do your best, but you definitely do not want to over-do it.

    Good luck! (:
  • AlexLeeAS
    AlexLeeAS Posts: 33 Member
    I am new to mfp too. I just joined today and just had my second baby boy 12 weeks ago today. :) I need to lose about 35lbs!