Survey on Body Image

BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
2. What do you like about yourself?
3. What don't you like about yourself?
4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?

Just answer whichever questions you feel comfortable answering.


  • apgant
    apgant Posts: 82 Member
    1. Some days I like myself and some days I don't. I would like to be more of a giving person.
    2. I like my green eyes
    3. I don't like everything else
    4. NO! Aging sucks. Everything is wrinkling, sagging, falling, etc.
    5. I don't avoid mirrors
    6. Nope, never have
    7. My attitude
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    1. Do you like yourself? YES Why/why not? If I get to hate myself then who else will gonna like me?
    2. What do you like about yourself? my straight forward attitude
    3. What don't you like about yourself? emotionally "weak"
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? YEP did that many times
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? NO
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? YES If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? Its a long story but that happened for a very long time period plus I had EDNOS leaning to anorexia when I was a teenager which continues to haunt me sometimes
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? same with my answer in #3
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? On most days
    2. What do you like about yourself? I'm a very caring person and I have a lot of inner strength
    3. What don't you like about yourself? I have a lot of extra skin left over from losing so much weight.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Yes.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? No
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? Yes, by losing my weight that I needed to lose. It helped a lot.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? I'd get my extra skin taken off.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    Yes. I am a good, strong person, that's why.

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    If you meant my features, I'd say I like my square jaws and brown eyes best. If you meant my character, I'd say I like my drive and confidence best.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    Stretch marks in my abs. As for qualities, my temper.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Nope. Looking at imperfections again and again is not gonna fix them. So, I workout instead to get the abs I want.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    No. I love mirrors!

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Yes. Growing up, I had a horrid body image and thought I was ugly and fat. Now, I like me and I feel good about myself. That's because I have learned my strengths and weaknesses and overall I think I am quite satisfactory.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    My temper. I want to be less hotheaded.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?

    Yes. I'm an amazing person. I'm hard working, dedicated, loving, dependable, and fairly brilliant if I do say so myself (hey, I never said I was humble :smooched: )

    2. What do you like about yourself?

    Pretty much everything, I'm smart, beautiful, and fairly successful in my attempts at life.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?

    I don't like that sometimes my mental disorders get in my way. I don't like that they exist as an excuse or that I sincerely cannot stop them.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?

    Sometimes - like the above said - I have a compulsion disorder and some days I'll literally spend hours in front of the mirror looking for the smallest blemishes and cannot stop.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?

    Nope, they actually make me feel full of myself. If I can see my reflection I am checking myself out :heart:

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?

    I've pretty much always liked myself, but I recovered from anorexia a few years ago where I learned how to take care of myself and learned what I was worth.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?

    If it was a magical change I would want to be a couple inches taller. I can work out and eat clean and do my hair and makeup and even where ridiculous high heels, but nothing I do will actually make me taller and give me the long slender legs I would love.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    1. Yes - I'm a nice person!
    2. I'm empathetic & compassionate, I can understand other people's points of view as well as my own.
    3. That I am unhealthy and can't do the things I really want to do.
    4. Nope. One look at myself in the morning before I leave the house and then just get on with my day.
    5. No.
    6. No, but I want to and am looking forward to it.
    7. I am very cynical about people after a lot of heartache. I would like to go back to the days where I used to trust people and not always think about what they are trying to get out of me or hide from me.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    1. Not really, because I'm skinny fat. Too flabby.
    2. I like my hourglass shape, my legs (from mid thigh down).
    3. My flabby arms, tht fat roll under my boobs, my belly, my inner thighs, my love handles, my back
    4. Yes, very often
    5. no
    6. I can't even remember the last time I liked myself. Must have been when I was young & it didn't matter back then
    7. I would change the skinny fatness to fit, sexy & strong
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Bump for later :)
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    I do :) Cos if I don't like me then who else is gonna like me?

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    I like my eyes, and my brains.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    My *kitten*! Okay, it's a love-hate thing. I love it, but it makes buying pants in flat-*kitten* Asia bloody difficult.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Yeah, happens to all of us, no? :)

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    Nah, I need them ^^

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Hmm, maybe between 13 to 16. Always considered my sister the "pretty one" of the family, but at 17 I discovered style, so that helped :)

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    I tend to over-think things. If you mean body-wise ... I'd like slimmer thighs.
  • KariT13
    KariT13 Posts: 4 Member
    1, I hate myself for so many reasons
    2. l like my wrists
    3 I dislike everything else about myself, my physical body, my personality because my weight makes me angry
    4. Never, not even when I was super skinny
    5. I hate mirrors but I look at them so I can punish myself for being so gross
    6. Never
    7. I would make myself like myself, be happy and feel joy
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. But I like myself more often.
    2. What do you like about yourself?
    I think I'm quite an intelligent person, I pick up on things quickly. I'm much stronger than I appear to be in every possible respect - I'm really good at dusting myself off and moving on when something bad happens. I'm strangely very athletic.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    I'm too cynical for my own good, I've got some problem with expressing my feelings. Tend to get obsessed with things. I avoid confrontation way too often (but I got so much better with that).

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Not really, when I look in the mirror a lot it usually means I think I look good. :)

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    Only when I'm having a pretty bad day and I feel like I look terrible.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    I probably disliked myself until about age 17-18.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    Be better at everything stated on 3. Oh, I'd also love to be 10 cm's taller.
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? Yes, 90% of the time, until I get impatient about stuff.
    2. What do you like about yourself? I am accepting of the views of others but will stand up for myself and what I believe in if need be. I am gentle, caring and considerate. Oh, and I like my ankles!!
    3. What don't you like about yourself? Sometimes I can be impatient, I have the temper of a true redhead but I try to keep it well under control!! My tummy still wobbles something shocking - work in progress though.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Yes, I am accepting of who I am, no point trying to change that which can't be changed.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? I have cheekbones for the fist time in years, and just sometimes my own smile lights up my day...
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? In my mid-twenties I managed to shake off all the self-doubt, and grow to be who I am, not who I thought I was at school when I listened too much to the bullies.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? My impatience probably.
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? - Usually yeah.
    2. What do you like about yourself? - My hair, intelligence, perseverance, generosity.
    3. What don't you like about yourself? - That I tend to be overly self-critical. Ha!
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? - Usually spots. I'm just really bad with them and if I know they're there...
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? - Never. I'm ridiculously vain and find my reflection thoroughly entertaining.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? - Pretty much 14 through ongoing (25). How? Within a wider context of depression I realised it was either top myself or stop moping around like a loathsome teenager. For whatever reason that sorta worked and I just review why I'm feeling what I'm feeling and if it has no solid base, dismiss it.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? - Hair a touch less frizzy and more curly on the top third of my head. Otherwise, I quite like my character flaws.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    1. Physically/Aesthetically I like where I've progressed so far, not satisfied with end result just yet. Outside of that I live a happy life with no complaints.
    2. My dashing good looks.
    3. Currently my right wrist, I sprained it a while ago and it's a pain to deal with.
    4. Nope.
    5. Mirrors help motivate me, no reason to avoid them.
    6. Nope. Always liked myself, maybe didn't have the physique I wanted but I'm currently working on that.
    7. I'd be taller :(
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    Sometimes. Sometimes I am confident, hard working, funny and happy. But other times I am self-destructive, lazy and mean,

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    I'm funny

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    I'm way too much of a stresshead, I don't think things through a lot, I always try make excuses to get out of things, I avoid conflict, I can be incredibly antisocial at times.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Most days

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    Used to

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Yes. In May when I got to my goal weight. I was so proud of myself. I started going out more, was confident, felt good, looked good. Then I started bingeing again.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    I wish I wasn't so indecisive.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    Truthfully, no. I can pretty confidently say I hate myself. Why cos I hate the way I look, I hate having no self esteem or confidence and think I am boring and socially inept. Also I had an amazing girlfriend and let my mental issues stop me from showing her how much I loved her and they got in the way of the relationship and she ended it, and I can't forgive myself for that.

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    Pretty much nothing, at a push I am independant, intelligent I guess, and a good listener for others.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    See 1.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Not really, can't polish a turd as they say

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    No probably the opposite. I used to be almost pleased that I was a bit different, but no I wish I fitted in better, and was more normal.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    Or if it has to be one part I would not have depression and anxiety, might still have the girl of my dreams then!
  • FauxNinja
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    Yes. I have all the qualities that I would look for in a friend. Trustworthy. Loyal. Confident. Apathetic.
    2. What do you like about yourself?
    My tenacity.
    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    My inability to conquer my weight.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    No. Happy with my appearance.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Always liked myself. Just disliked some of my decisions.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    My weight -- Obviously.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    1. Yes I do. I am Funny and out going and get a long with everyone
    2. My sense of Humor
    3. Currently I am dealing with some financial issues and I dislike the way it has changed my mood. I tend to be snappy, mean and I am having a hard time clearing my head and staying focus at times.
    4. Depends on the day. I still have a stubborn spare tire that is a pain to get rid of
    5. NO
    6. I think we all go through that on a daily basis. Age doesn't really matter except that with age you get wiser and understand what is more important in life
    7. To have more muscle.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? For the most part, although I am very self-conscious physically.
    2. What do you like about yourself? Most non-physical aspects, such as sense of humor and intelligence. Physically, hair, teeth, eyes, skin, breasts, shoulders, and derriere.
    3. What don't you like about yourself? Stomach and legs. I have scars and birthmark on my legs. Also my freak out anger factor and lack of confidence in balancing showing my abilities and offending/intimidating other people. I don't get very angry often, but when I do I completely shut down and end life-long relationships for good.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Not really.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? I used to when I weighed more.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? Yes, several times, through weight loss and meeting physical challenges. I felt very good at age 32 (I am 39 now) and pretty good at age 35.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? Stop struggling with food (life long issue)
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?

    generally yes i try to be a good person and support family and friends

    2. What do you like about yourself?

    im friendly i get on with pretty much everyone im a good friend

    3. What don't you like about yourself?

    my appearance

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?

    i have body dysmorphia i constantly find imperfections whether they are there or not.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?

    generally yes for the above reason, it can make me feel physically sick seeing myself.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?

    i like myself enough to lose weight and be healthy, been working on it the past 4/5 years. by working my *kitten* off!

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?

    my body?