How in the world?

How in the world do I replace my happiness=food mentality with something else? Seriously, I get excited when I know I'm going to eat something delicious and then I don't stop. I've been trying to find a hobby with no luck. I'm not really good at anything but eating..what to do? All I'm doing is gaining and gaining...and going up in pant sizes. I've never in my life been as big as I am now. I need some serious answers on how to change my mindset. Anyone have any serious suggestions? Thank you in advance.


  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    I do the same thing, like I get so happy knowing that later in the day I get to eat so and so. Unfortunately Im still trying to figure out how to change my mind set as well!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Well considering the only way to survive is to eat, you need to control yourself. Eat what you normally do, just grab a smaller plate, or make less of what you would normally eat. It takes patience and discipline to get out of a habit, but if you really wanted a change, you would do it!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Counselling? What is your definition of delicious - fatty and sugary, crunchy and salty? What is not delicious about your everyday food? Are you going into a delicious meal with low blood sugar or are you filling up on healthy lower calorie food first?

    You don't need to be accomplished at something to enjoy a hobby or to get started, where has that idea come from? What did you enjoy when you were much younger - science, art, music, dance, watching sports, reading books from a certain genre, did you want to learn another language or travel? Do you volunteer?
  • sarahxx68
    This is one of my biggest problems, rewarding myself with food or only looking forward to food. For me, I attempt to plan my meals out for the day. When I get excited to eat something it's usually something healthier now because I have either already bought or prepared it and don't have the time/money to eat something else. What I try and think of is the feeling of accomplishment when I step on the scale. Or I pull up a picture of my "goal outfit" and remind myself that if "I suck it up now I won't have to suck it in later". Instead of buying more normal go to snack (tortilla chips and salsa/cream cheese concoction) I try to walk the "edge" of my grocery store where the fresh food is. I treat myself with a new fruit or veggie I haven't tried.
  • ampherz
    ampherz Posts: 55 Member
    I get excited about moderation.

    For example, on Friday I woke up feeling great knowing an Insanity workout awaited me at 6 p.m. During the day, it felt so good to eat healthy and watch my calories. I also knew that after my workout I had a date with my boyfriend to walk to an Asian food place. Yeah, I wanted a (fried) crab rangoon and sushi, but I just kept in mind how important my figure is to me. I savored my crab rangoon. I let my boyfriend have a few extra servings of sushi. Pre-weight loss, I would have left the restaurant feeling stuffed and guilty. I left with a doggy bag, feeling great, if not a little indulgent because I know that food didn't quite fit my regimen, but it was a treat I handled well. Plus, I get leftovers for lunch today (Monday).

    The muscle burn from exercise keeps me going, too. It's going to feel awesome next time I do the Insanity video with the heavy emphasis on body weight training.

    And, yes. Treat yourself with healthy junk food. Carrots and some nonfat Greek yogurt with a little salt and seasoning (like Tony's or Old Bay) is a great stand-in for chips and dip. Keep fruit out on your kitchen counter. I don't even think of hummus as a weight-loss food. Salads can be so fun. Just drop the goopy store-bought dressings and get creative with fruits, veggies, pickled things. Little oil and lemon or vinegar.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    thank you everyone
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    learn to savor each bite more so that way you eat less of the things that make you happy without having to cut them out entirely