Weekend Binge Monster...support needed :(

For the past 7-8 weeks I have been working hard at the gym monday-thursday. I have gained muscle, I can tell, but have also gained 10 pounds. My pants are tight and am really starting to get depressed. During the week-ends, starting Friday nights, I'm pretty much out of control...and am having a really hard time stopping this. Chocolate, ice cream, eating out with my husband, etc.
Gaining 10 pounds is like an excess of 35,000 calories...I think to myself, have I really consumed an extra 35,000 calories??? I know muscle mass is maybe a tiny bit a part of my weight gain, but not 10 lbs. Maybe some water weight too?? Possible, as I find it difficult to drink very much water.
Anyway, am I alone in this? Are others struggling too? How do I control this?
Is it true if I eat too low calories during the week I will gain weight? I find this hard to believe...I try to net 1300-1500 during the week as my BMR is 1530.


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Have you logged every bite of food both during the weekend and over the weekend? That can tell you if you've really eaten 35k extra calories-that can also maybe help you get a handle on the weekend binges. Are you being restrictive during the week? Like maybe a little too restrictive? That can lead to some epic binges for me. If so, try lightening up the reigns a tad during the week. I'd imagine that after 7-8 weeks you've conditioned yourself to say "it's the weekend-time to splurge". If so, knock it off-your body doesn't care that it's Saturday any more than it care that it's Tuesday-calories are calories. Just because they are consumed on a weekend doesn't make them less potent. Try to find other ways to "celebrate" the weekend that don't involve food. I personally prefer to do activities with my husband (that I only do with my husband) that burn calories rather than consume them.
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    Have you logged every bite of food both during the weekend and over the weekend? That can tell you if you've really eaten 35k extra calories-that can also maybe help you get a handle on the weekend binges. Are you being restrictive during the week? Like maybe a little too restrictive? That can lead to some epic binges for me. If so, try lightening up the reigns a tad during the week. I'd imagine that after 7-8 weeks you've conditioned yourself to say "it's the weekend-time to splurge". If so, knock it off-your body doesn't care that it's Saturday any more than it care that it's Tuesday-calories are calories. Just because they are consumed on a weekend doesn't make them less potent. Try to find other ways to "celebrate" the weekend that don't involve food. I personally prefer to do activities with my husband (that I only do with my husband) that burn calories rather than consume them.
    ^^This. If I'm too restrictive during the week, I get to the point where I want to eat everything in sight on the weekends.

    I started doing better when I actually started tracking what I eat on weekends, instead of considering it my "cheat days". Whether you restrict yourself on weekends or not, it still makes you think about what you're putting in your mouth. And you can see how much damage you're really doing calorie-wise. (Turns out my "cheat days" were more than negating any calorie defecit during the week.) On weekends, I also tend to sleep in and either skip breakfast or have a small brunch, which makes up a little for having a larger meal or eating out later in the day.
  • LaceyMorley
    I suggest you up your calories during the week so that when the weekend comes you dont feel deprived and ready to binge. I would also suggest you give yourself a "free day" on the day you WI and lose. Now by free day I don't mean all out binge-a-thon, but lighten up the reigns a little bit and by the next morning you will hopefully feel ready to tackle the week ahead of you on track until your next free day (if you lose more weight). Just my thoughts.