Left the fold, ready to come home

Hi I had been using mfp a year ago, then for some reason I stopped, I am back now bigger than before =( and I am ready to get healthy, I have pre hypertension and I am just 31! I WILL save my life, right now I weigh 440lbs. It wil be slow but I am ready for the change, help me and I will help you WE CAN DO THIS!!


  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome back. :) You'll do great. Realize it's a whole life change, and it's not going to be easy.... BUT you can do it!!!
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    You can definitely do this. One step at a time. Don't beat you up, just start where you are with what you have. Move a little bit every day. Eat a little less. You definitely don't deserve hypertension and you can stop it in its tracks. Add me if you'd like.
  • jono2970
    Welcome back! I think MFP is brilliant - you will get the support you need. Add me if you wish. We are all rooting for your new healthier, happier lifestyle!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Yes- you can! And you are setting yourself up for success by not waiting til the new year- it is a lifestyle change- ups and downs, and you have to be patient and learn what your body needs. Feel free to add me as a friend as you begin this journey! :)
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    Now you are ready for that life change. Slow and easy. The weight didn't go on over night and it is not going to come off over night. BUT YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • chanvi
    chanvi Posts: 26
    Its a good start for you! It is a slow and steady journey.. you can make it.. Add me if you wish to...
  • Newbody72
    Newbody72 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome back and congrats to taking that first step to becoming healthy. Atleast you are taking a step into becoming more healthy. We all can help each other on our journeys, so lets help each other stay motivated and lets do it.