Cravings that really get to me

The first couple days of eating well are always the worst for me. Like many other people, I am passionate about food and cooking. On one hand, this means I am very adventurous when it comes to trying new recipes and tweaking old ones to make them fit a healthier lifestyle. It also means I spend a lot of time thinking about food.

I made a mistake today when I got to work. I overslept and did not eat anything before coming in. When I got here, they had Godfather's Pizza in the lobby. I debated for a few minutes but decided I could just eat the dang pizza and have less to eat later in the day.

So, I had two pieces of pizza and a salad with ranch dressing when I got to work and about four hours later, before my afternoon meeting, I had a 280-calorie Healthy Choice.. 3 hours later.. Guess what! It's "later in the day" and I am STARVING. My plan is 1480 calories per day and not I'm not doing so hot with only 290 calories left for the day. Of course, since I'm so hungry I start thinking about all the great things I wish I could be eating.

I read a post online that suggested making a list as a way to "get it out of your system" and I started wondering what kinds of things other people crave.. please share! I'm sure we're all different, but here are my top things:

1) popcorn with lots of butter and salt
2) hot wings
3) nachos
4) cheese
5) summer sausage
6) loaded baked potato
7) sour cream & cheddar potato chips
8) cheeseburger
9) macaroni & cheese
10) beef lomein

I know if I can stick it out for a couple of days the cravings won't be as intense but at the moment this seems pretty much impossible. What are YOU craving?


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    1) Cake, especially cheesecake, carrot cake or chocolate fudge cake.
    2) Eclairs.
    3) Muffins.
    4) Ben&Jerry's.
    5) Poached salmon(not unhealthy but often crave it).
    6) Chocolate, milk chocolate in particular).
    7) Carrot And Swede Mash with butter (very often craving this since cold weather came, not too unhealthy).
  • monkey_la_femme
    monkey_la_femme Posts: 20 Member
    1) Hummus, Chevre and Crackers - it's not an unhealthy snack choice, but I really have problems with portion control (1 tub, 1 packet - that's a portion, right?)
    2) Hot chips. Not french fries, not steak fries, not sweet potato but honest-to-god, thick, hand-cut, freshly cooked chips with sea salt
    3) Cold Rock ice cream with snickers and malteasers
    4) Cheese Supreme Doritos with Taramosolata (caviar dip)
    5) Biscuits: Choc chip, Tim Tams, Chocolate Royals, Scotch Finger, Caramel Crowns; whatever I can get my grubby little fingers on

    Looking over that list, it should be no surprise to me that my weight topped out at 129kg. Yet, somehow, I was shocked.
  • #1 MEGA OFFENDER: Peanut Butter
    #2: Double chocolate chip cookies
    #3: Glutino Oreos (Gluten free.. theyre tastier)
  • dhv5688
    dhv5688 Posts: 17 Member
    I crave chocolate like a crazy person and strawberry or chocolate chip ice cream from UDF.
    Also, i love hummus and whatever I can dip in it... i also have no portion control, with regards to the hummus.
  • brittuhnay
    brittuhnay Posts: 350 Member
    1. Lots and lots of noodles!
    2. Popcorn w/ butter and salt
    3. Fried chicken
    4. Mashed potatoes w/ butter
    5. Quesadillas
    6. Cheeseburgers
    7. Mac & cheese
    8. Ramen

    Basically anything with cheese or butter on it.. omg.
    And anything involving noodles.
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    Brie, Baguette and Red Wine.....nuf said ;)
  • msunat97
    msunat97 Posts: 511 Member
    Mountain Dew is my worst.
    Cheeseburgers & fries...I'm a Southern Boy so anything deep fried can be an issue
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    1) chocolate chip cookies.
    2) melted cheese.
    3) beer.
    4) dark chocolate.
    5) red wine.

    I try to have a bit of one each day otherwise I would just go overboard on the weekend and have it all twice.

    The most challenging craving to which I never give in, is Diet Coke. Something in it was headache making, perhaps the aspartame or the caffeine, but I miss it more than cigarettes and potato chips! (which I always used to enjoy with diet coke.)

    thanks for asking!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    NY cherry cheesecake ice cream:grumble: Not the low fat one either.
  • blackroseorchid
    blackroseorchid Posts: 26 Member
    ugh...tell me about cravings!!!

    1. Double xl grilled stuffed burrito from taco bell
    2. Red vines
    3. Dove chocolate with peanut butter
    4. Cake...all of the cake
    5. Pizza....constantly craving pizza
    6. Garlic hummus, I could eat that by the boat load
    7. Cheez-its
    8. Ice cream
    9. gummy candies
    10. canned pineapple
    11. canned Pears in heavy syurp
    12. Pamcakes
    13. Pastries
    14. Cinnamon rolls
    15. Almond poppy seed muffins
    16. Chai lattes
    17. Chicken pad thai...
  • Thanks so much for writing back! I'm pleased to say this actually helped me yesterday. I DID have some popcorn when I went home from work but not with lots of butter and salt, and not too much! I keep telling myself if I can buckle down through the first week I already KNOW and have SEEN it gets better! Stay strong, my friends!

    I'm working on developing healthy substitutes for all items on my craving list.

    I know cheese isn't bad for you but when I eat cheese I want like, half a block of sharp cheddar. Not good. HAHA
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    1) Cake, especially cheesecake, carrot cake or chocolate fudge cake.
    2) Eclairs.

    4) Ben&Jerry's.

    This is me .... also add Oreo's or anything chocolate, cheeseburger, clam chowder soup at the moment.
  • Cheeseburgers

    I'm currently on a (physician supervised) liquid diet. I gotta get off this thread!
  • 1) chocolate chip cookies.
    2) melted cheese.
    3) beer.
    4) dark chocolate.
    5) red wine.

    I try to have a bit of one each day otherwise I would just go overboard on the weekend and have it all twice.

    The most challenging craving to which I never give in, is Diet Coke. Something in it was headache making, perhaps the aspartame or the caffeine, but I miss it more than cigarettes and potato chips! (which I always used to enjoy with diet coke.)

    thanks for asking!

    Have you ever had chocolate wine? its like a combination of dark chocolate and red wine O.o
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    Here's a recipe for a wings substitute

    Here's pizza

    Here's mac and cheese

    Cauliflower is pretty awesome, you can even find recipes for mashed "potatoes". It's fun to try to make traditional "bad for you" recipes healthier.

    I really miss fettuccine Alfredo so the other night I blended cottage cheese with a little bit of pesto until smooth and mixed it with whole wheat pasta and broccoli. It was pretty great and a HUGE bowl was around 450 calories and full of nutritious stuff.

    My next experiment will be with nutritional yeast. It's supposed to be a lot like cheese and you can sprinkle it on popcorn. Yummo! Dieting can be delicious sometimes!
  • 1. Cinnamon Toast (I can't get it out of my head and it's really frustrating!)
    2. Double Stuf Oreos
    3. Butterfinger

    I can control myself with 2 and 3, I just don't buy them so I'm not tempted, but with the toast I have everything at home I need to make it...I'm losing my war with it.
  • thejess
    thejess Posts: 33 Member
    i don't understand portions when it comes to these foods

    - ketchup chips
    - gummy candy (especially those red big feet or swedish berries)
    - nutella
    - sweet potato fries
    - hummus
    - fresh bread
    - smoked salmon
    - anything with caramel
    - mexican food

    oh now i want tacos!
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    1. Cinnamon Toast (I can't get it out of my head and it's really frustrating!)
    2. Double Stuf Oreos
    3. Butterfinger

    I can control myself with 2 and 3, I just don't buy them so I'm not tempted, but with the toast I have everything at home I need to make it...I'm losing my war with it.

    Healthier Cinnamon Toast
  • Here's a recipe for a wings substitute

    Here's pizza

    Here's mac and cheese

    Cauliflower is pretty awesome, you can even find recipes for mashed "potatoes". It's fun to try to make traditional "bad for you" recipes healthier.

    I really miss fettuccine Alfredo so the other night I blended cottage cheese with a little bit of pesto until smooth and mixed it with whole wheat pasta and broccoli. It was pretty great and a HUGE bowl was around 450 calories and full of nutritious stuff.

    My next experiment will be with nutritional yeast. It's supposed to be a lot like cheese and you can sprinkle it on popcorn. Yummo! Dieting can be delicious sometimes!

    THANK YOU so much for this! That fettuccine sounds great too.. I'm a little leery about cauliflower. I made this amazing soup with cauliflower in it but after eating it two days in a row I had some rather unpleasant stomach issues. Seems like it was pretty hard for me to break down. Thanks again! :):)
  • 1. chocolate

    2. chocolate

    3. chocolate

    did I mention chocolate??!!!!!