Aw, come on! Two pounds up? No way!!!

i really didn't expect on my journey that i would consistently lose week to week. i have really been blessed that since starting 150 days ago each week i have shown a loss .... until this week.

Okay, i was prepared for a plateau. But GAINED two pounds? I made it through my birthday losing weight. I made it through Thanksgiving losing weight. And, now, this week, where i stayed on track the whole week except for one meal, and i GAIN two pounds? SMACK! (The sound of my head beating against the wall.)

Intellectually, I know that i could not possibly have gained two pounds this week. That would have meant me eating 7000 calories over maintenance. That did not happen. Even with my one meal off, i was in calorie deficit all week. i know it must be water retention, or hormones, or the phase of the moon, but, THE SCALE WAS UP TWO POUNDS!!!! (*sob* *sob* weeping into my non-caloric beverage).

it's not fair. I know, life's not fair, but in the back of my mind i was hoping that at least my new lifestyle would be fair.

This is temptation in my path. I was one pound away from my Christmas goal weight. I was so proud that i was going to hit the goal two week before Christmas. So much for that plan! This is going to be a push to make that deadline. And, geesh, I've got three batches of fudge and several batches of cookies to make before Christmas. Maybe I'll have to wear a gag while making them.

Wish me luck everybody. I am definitely going to make my Christmas goal weight. Despite cookies, despite fudge, despite my stupid scale!


  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    good luck!!! you can do it!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Why are you so alarmed if you know it's not a legitimate gain in fat?
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    The last time I made cookies I was determined not to eat them so I swished mouthwash before I started and every 15 minutes to keep the taste in my mouth. It's not a taste you want to combine with cookies or fudge! Haha

    Don't worry about two pounds, just keep doing what you're doing and your body will adjust. It's probably just temporary. You may get on the scale next and find those 2 pounds plus your remaining 1 gone. If not, re-evaluate and start again. Personally, I tend to gain 1 or 2 back temporarily before a bigger loss take place. For some reason, that's just how my body works.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I've gained upwards of 8 lbs in a week before, and I've lost it all again the week after.

    Your weight will ALWAYS fluctuate. As long as the pattern is a loss, then you're fine.

    And who cares if you're at a certain weight by xmas? If you make dates, you set yourself up for disappointment and/or desperate measures when it comes to crunch time. Both are not good for your health.
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    Weigh again tomorrow...I bet all or most of it will be gone :smile:
  • Frances4646
    I would suggest taking measurements or you're waist and arms etc too because the scales aren't always accurate but the measurements will be. Make sure you're measuring yourself at the same time of day each week before eating or drinking anything and whilst wearing the same outfit because these can all efffect the scales. I wouldn't wory to much about the weight I'm sure if you're still coming in under 2000kcals you're not going to keep gaining
  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    OMG - TWO POUNDS!!!!! holy cow.
  • astrummortis
    astrummortis Posts: 14 Member
    I suspect water weight. Did you eat a lot more carbs and/or sodium than usual? Your mind is right; it just isn't possible to have actually gained two pounds of fat from one meal.

    I experimented with a diuretic diet for one week, got down to 198 pounds. That was two weeks ago; now the scale reads 200.2 but my waist is an inch smaller. Obviously, I lost fat. I'm just 'well watered.' ;)