
becky23 Posts: 60
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Anybody done this program for the 90 days? did it work for you?


  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    if you go here http://www.weightloss-hq.biz/weight-loss-forum/p90x-forum.html

    you'll see a section devoted to before and after pics/stories as well as 'graduates' area...its not the beachbody site either so if you are really cynical that shouldn't be an issue either.

    I actually researched there before starting the program ( I am 60 days down and noticing results) and then found MFP because the P90x'ers really recommended it.
  • I'm on day 46 and I've seen some fantastic results. Down 11 pounds since starting (I'm sure much of that has to do with my diet), and much more toned overall. Can't wait to see final results. I'd highly recommend it.
  • Feeni
    Feeni Posts: 2
    Totally works...if you stick with it. Over the 90 day period I lost over 20 pounds (from 195 to ~170) and got a LOT stronger. It's been about a year and I have gaines some of the weight back since getting a new job at a desk but I'm still stronger than I ever was before the program. I'm convinced that this will work for anyone as long as they are able to keep it up.

    I won't lie, the workouts are hard. This is not a program for beginners. Take the fit test they provide and if you can't easily pass it I recommend starting with a different program. Also, it is very difficult to fit every workout in each day (average is over an hour each day, that's why I haven't been able to keep doing it). Overall if you have the dedication this is an excellent program.
  • esarah23
    esarah23 Posts: 7
    I attempted to do it.. but it was wayy to hard for me.. I have a guy friend who was already fit . He tried it and he looks great it worked out for him.. he has muscles everywhere lol :D, but I've had some girl friends who have also tried it.. its a great challenge but maybe a little to extreme for them.. it was for me.

    Are you purchasing it?? If you are I would say try and see if you know anyone that may have it.. see if they can lend it to you for a day or two, try it out and see how you like it..??

    Good Luck ;)
  • Everybody's different. My boyfriend has been doing it for a full year now. He isn't ripped, but he is strong and has never looked better. I did the full 90 days, but I had too much weight on me to really be able to get the full benefit. That said, I DOUBLED my strength (I started the program able to curl a 12lb dumbell for a set of 6-8, and was able to curl a 20lb dumbell for a set of 6 by the end). My weight stayed the same, but my shape changed. My butt was smokin'! I stuck to the diet to the tee. I didn't go for a big calorie deficit at all. I just went for the program's caloric recommendation, which is your body weight X 10 + 600 for the daily exercise. I couldn't actually eat that much, but I did what I could.

    Good luck! One thing's for sure, you'll never be more fit or more strong than when you do P90X!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    what is the diet like? I can't eat dairy or gluten.
  • I think you'll be able to modify.
    The diet basically deals in 100 calorie blocks of certain foods that you divide up however you want.
    The diet is a little bit different for each level of caloric needs, so mine would have been different from yours because I was 220 when I did it. (most people at 220 wouldn't be able to do this program, but I have always worked out a bit, so I was as in shape as a 220 pounder could be.... this is not a good program for beginners, though).

    Anyhow, the diet: Let's say you weigh 165 lbs. Times that by 10 is 1650, plus 600 calories for the workout, means your daily caloric needs including everything might be roughly 2250.

    That puts you in the 1800 calorie group.

    I forget, but the diet might say that, daily, you need to eat 7 100-calorie portions of protein, 2 100-caolorie portions of carbs (like ezekial bread or something), 3 100-calorie portions of vegetables, 1 fruit, (what are we up to?), 100 calories of good fat.... um...

    You get the gist. By the way, I'm the one who decided that a portion was 100 calories. The guide does not actually tell you how many calories each portion is. I just sort of did some math and came up with that. YOu can do your own math and you'll probably come up with the same thing, but just wanted you to know.

    Then, you figure out your whole day on your own. I think it does say that there is so much dairy you should have, but i know you can substitute. If you go onto beachbody.com, there are great learning boards with tons of people on there.

    Wow, and congrats on your weight loss so far!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ErikaSudz
    ErikaSudz Posts: 26
    I am on week 10 and it rocks! I've lost 14 pounds and 14 inches! Stick with it, once you hit the 4 week mark it get's easier.

  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    and you do a workout everyday? for an hour right?
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    Are there any rest days?
  • Every 7th day is a rest/stretch day. Workouts are generally 60-90 minutes long.
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    k, so I am borrowing one of my friends' P90X DVDs and bands. My plan is to start Tuesday, wish me luck! I think the hardest part will be finding the time to do it after work! ah!

    Oh I don't have the bar, will that be a problem?
  • wendyr67
    wendyr67 Posts: 4
    You can use the bands instead of the bar. Tony is good at instructing on that and there's one person in every routine using the bands instead of the bar and weights.

    I've been doing P90X since last Fall. I started by staying on track, 6 days in a row, one day off. But that was too tough for my schedule and I found myself skipping some of the workouts all together just to get back on track. So now I do the workouts in order, but I may end up doing 4 days on and 1 or 2 days off and back to 4 or 5 days on... For me, that's ok and I'm still seeing results.
  • KajunDC
    KajunDC Posts: 14 Member
    I've been using P90X/Beachbody DVD's since 12/08 and they are absolutely phenomenal! I used to workout in the gym and got the P90X DVD's to use during a 2 week Christmas trip to Canada where I knew I would not have access to a gym. My plan then was to use them for the 2 weeks and head back to my gym once I returned home. 15+ months later and the only time I have used my gym since starting P90X is to go swimming or sit in the hot tub or sauna.

    My 90 day, 180 day and one year progress pics are posted at http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/main-lowcarb-lobby/666080-life-sweet-progress-pics-time.html

    Oh, my avatar is one of my 1 year progress pics but the comparison shots are at the link above. I may also post them here but have not done so yet.
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    Thanks guys!

    What about the order of the DVD's. I am doing the Lean version. The day that I have to do Yoga is a day that I don't have 90 minutes to workout. My question is, is there a purpose for the order that the DVD's are in? Can I mix them up?
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