Survey on Body Image



  • ChasingAmyLiz
    ChasingAmyLiz Posts: 145 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? Mostly I think that I am pretty ****ing awesome. There are days, though, where I wonder why I have any friends at all. LOL.

    2. What do you like about yourself? I like my take-no-**** attitude. I like my self from my collar bones up, physically. I like that I am intelligent and a hard worker.

    3. What don't you like about yourself? I can be a REAL ***** sometimes. My attitude towards my image sucks and physically I hate my body from my collar bones down. Being a fat kid all my life combined with the effects of gastric bypass has taken it's toll on my tiny 4'11 body. I have loose skin flaps, fat knees and a really messed up idea of what I REALLY look like in my head.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? There are days where I feel so good about myself that I can't stay away from mirrors. Then on the days that I hate myself i avoid mirrors at all cost and get REALLY *****y.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? See above.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? Many many many times. For many many many reasons. I think the key to liking yourself is to make sure that you are happy with everything you are doing for yourself and for others. It's not just about appearance. It's about how you are living your life.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? I would lose the extra weight, get my full body tuck (if I financially could) and change my attitude (be less *****y).
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? Most days I do. Much more than I used to.
    2. What do you like about yourself? My eyes
    3. What don't you like about yourself? How much fat I still have left
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Oh yeeeeeeah.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? I can't. I'm addicted to checking the mirror. I think I have a problem, lol.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? Mmmmhmmmm. I hated myself from puberty up to last year. Now I'm good with myself most days but I still get blue every once in a while. How? Well...before I just moped which didn't help. I decided to start making myself better by getting myself off of medications and losing weight by being healthy. Best decision I've ever made.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? That I made more money, lol. In terms of my body, I would love to get rid of the excess fat around my midsection. Then I'd be pretty happy I would. :)
  • twright513
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? Some days yes, but some days I do not. My biggest issue is my motivation to do anything! I am really happy that I have chosen to loose weight and being healthy!!
    2. What do you like about yourself? I think I am witty and smart :)
    3. What don't you like about yourself? That i am so over weight and unemployed!
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? YES!! .
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? Nope - never done that!
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? I think i have always felt the way i feel about myself . . .
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? I wish I did not let myself go when I was in my early 30s!!
  • wowhb30
    wowhb30 Posts: 15 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? Yes, not sounding conceited but I know I'm a great person and have many great qualities.

    2. What do you like about yourself? The ability to listen to others and my drive to get better.

    3. What don't you like about yourself? My smile

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Everyday I look at my abs and am like, "Why can you not tone up!!"

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? Not really

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? Middle school to high school. Went from being the socially awkward somewhat chubby kid to the "jock" that truly found myself in society and set myself up to where I am today.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? I wish I would have gone to school right out of high school!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    No. For reasons coming later.

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    I'm intelligent, quick witted and a fine drummer.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    The rest of it. Namely my extremely fragile brain that breaks down with next to no provocation and does its own thing all the time.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Not really. I look in the mirror, see imperfections but I don't stand there dwelling on them.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    See above.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Nah, I've always thought I was a bit of a tit.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    The inside of my head. To not be mental.
  • ashleyhacker
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? I detest myself.
    2. What do you like about yourself? I am generally a happy person.
    3. What don't you like about yourself? My stomach, back, chest, arms, legs...
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Yep.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? I don't avoid them anymore but I used too like the plague.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Mainly in high school.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? Everything physically.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    I love myself.
    2. What do you like about yourself?
    My body, my face, my personality, my empathy.
    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    My various illnesses which like to prevent me from doing the things I want to do.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Yup. I think everyone does. During these days I try to remind myself it's just a bad-body-image day and don't take it too seriously.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    Nope. I love the mirror cuz it reminds me how hot I am.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Yes! It's been an ongoing process which started at age 18, when I discovered Fat Acceptance. I learned to love myself through reading, self discovery, and becoming aware of the fatphobia around me.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    I'd change my brain chemistry so I wouldn't be ill all the time.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    2. What do you like about yourself?
    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?

    Just answer whichever questions you feel comfortable answering.

    1) I am the greatest.
    2) Everything, maybe not my toes...
    3) My toes.
    4) the mirror tries to emulate my perfection.
    5) Mirrors try to hide away so they aren't reminded of how imperfect they are...
    6) No.
    7) I would increase my bone density.
  • midnite81
    midnite81 Posts: 162 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?

    Mostly yes, I like the inner me and most of the time I like the outer me. I'm so proud of what I've achieved with my weight loss, but very occassionally I get a little down wishing the loss to be quicker. (But slower the better).

    2. What do you like about yourself?

    I like my caring, compassionate side. I also like my eyes and smile. It seems to be what most other people comment on too. I also like my new found muscles :)

    3. What don't you like about yourself?

    I don't like that I let myself get so overweight. Despite having some valid reasons for getting overweight, it's not something I should have allowed. I am in the right place now to address all this.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?


    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?

    No. I often surprise myself these days at how slim I am in comparison to my former self.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?

    I had a low self image during high school, not that I really showed that much at the time. Just lived with it internally.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?

    I wouldn't change anything about me, I am who I am. I am taking charge of my weight issues and over time I'll fix them and be a better person for that.
  • curvysunshine
    curvysunshine Posts: 35 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    I do like myself. Yeah I'm overweight, but I'm happy with my appearance. I think I'm pretty. I try to be a good person.

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    My eyes are very blue, I have nice feet even if they are a little big, and my boobs are AWESOME
    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    I hate on my belly a lot because I've got the 'double roll' where the bottom roll is bigger but wearing tighter pants makes the top roll muffin top no matter what I do.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    Nah. I'll look in the mirror and go 'eurgh' some days but I don't really dwell on it.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    If I'm not going anywhere I'll glance in the mirror to brush my teeth but other than that, meh.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    I hated myself as a teenager, of course. I didn't wear makeup or know how to do my hair. No one talked to me because I was a quiet nerd and I've never in my life had a boy ask for my phone number. Food was my one comfort. After school I started to branch out a little, learned how to wear makeup and make my hair less frizzy. Also, we got the internet when I was 18 years old, and it helped me a lot. It's easy to make friends online when they don't judge you on appearances first thing. It gave me confidence.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    Physically, that belly roll. Mentally, I'd like my depression to magically go away and never darken my door again. But I deal with it.
  • LMick1986
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? I do! I think I'm an overall good person.
    2. What do you like about yourself? I think I'm pretty kind and caring. Sometimes I can be really funny.
    3. What don't you like about yourself? I don't like how I can come off as someone who is insecure or has a lack of confidence. I've been told I'm humble to a fault. I don't take compliments well.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Yes, of course.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? I don't avoid mirrors at all...I tend to try to catch every single one and get every angle.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Yes I did. When I was younger (grade school), I was very insecure. I hated my legs, my collarbone, everything. Silly things to hate when you're so young. I covered up with a jacket and baggy jeans all the time. I don't know when I started to get a little more confident in myself, but some of the things I hated slowly became some of my favorite things about myself.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? Physically, my knee caps. Haha! Aside from that, just how much I get caught up in my head.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? - Yeah, I am very open minded

    2. What do you like about yourself? - I think everything is easy, and if someone else can do it, I can DEFINITELY do it.

    3. What don't you like about yourself? - I think I know everything

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Not finding imperfections, but improvements.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? Only after watching the movie "Mirrors"

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this? Yes, like 7 months ago.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? Sometimes I wish I could say anything that comes to mind, but alas, I have a freaking conscience ugh.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    -- Most of the time I do like myself because I know I'm a good person. The days I don't like myself tend to be connected to my mental health issues where I dwell on my negative aspects.
    -- Do I like my body, since this is about Body Image? I like that it's strong, but I don't like what I've let my body become.
    2. What do you like about yourself?
    -- I'm intelligent, strong, and creative.
    -- Specially about my body, my hair, my smile, that I have a comparatively small waist.
    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    -- How truly hateful and out of control I can be when my illness takes over, and that even on my best days I lean towards being lazy.
    -- Other than overall size, the shape of my legs.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    -- No.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    -- I rarely look in mirrors except for the cursory check of hair and clothes.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    -- No. I don't think so.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    -- I wish I could sing.
    -- Body image-wise, that my weight was more proportionally balanced.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    Now I do, but it took a few years of counseling for me to reach that point.

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    That I am caring and kind and am an advocate against child abuse and animal abuse.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    Body wise - my thighs LOL.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    No. The stuff that needs fixing is going to take more weight loss.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    Not any more. I used to do that. Although I'll never look like I did when I was in my 20's, I love to get dressed up and check myself out in the mirror and think, damn girl you look good!

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Definitely. I'm a survivor of child abuse and sexual abuse. I tried to be strong and overcome things on my own but found that was impossible for me. Seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist was a life saver for me.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    If I could go back years ago, I would have followed my passion instead of taking the path chosen for me. As for the current, it's not so much what I would change about myself but about where I live. It was our intentions to move to Florida, but my parents are both elderly and need caretakers. I live less than a mile from them and I am their primary caregiver.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    -- I tolerate myself. It's been a long road and I know I don't like myself through choices I've made, but I've come to accept that's just how it was and I am only in control of how it will be.

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    -- I'm pretty witty, I am committed and I care a lot about other people. Physically? My toes and fingers are pretty awesome.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    -- I'm judgmental, I tend to put my foot in my mouth and I am quick to be offended. Physically, my stomach and the fact I'm never gonna look like a supermodel? The last one not so much, but I am a little upset I'll never fit with a social norm.

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    -- Can't fix it, but will obsess over it.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    -- Nope. Since losing weight, I'm more critical of myself, thus look every chance I get.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    -- Not yet. On this path now.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    -- I guess my breasts? They've changed a lot over the years and they don't even feel like my own anymore.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    - Kind of. Maybe. Not that much.
    2. What do you like about yourself?
    - I'm not sure... I can find a flaw with just about every part of myself.
    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    - A lot of things...
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    - Every day of my life. Seriously.
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    - I try, but then just end up obsessing over my flaws in the mirror anyway.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    - I feel like I was more confident a couple of years ago, and way less confident now.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    - I'm not going to answer this simply because it will trigger a **** storm of things that need to be fixed in my brain.
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    Most of the time I do. Most days I like the way I look and I know I've worked hard for it. Generally I think I am a nice and loving person and I have developed self confidence that I didn't have when I was younger

    2. What do you like about yourself?
    See above and I also think I have a nice figure and pretty face.

    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    I wish my stomach didn't have stretch marks and loose skin from pregnancy, but the kid was worth it :) I also wish I stood up for myself more often, I'm nice and people sometimes take advantage of that

    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    No, not really.

    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    No, I'm not a mirror hog, but I'll take a good look whenever I go past.

    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Several times. I hated my body just after puberty hit. I was a bit overweight and I got ta-tas and hips overnight causing ugly stretch marks, so I was very self conscious. Finally as I neared adulthood, I lost a little weight, toned up and found some confidence.
    This lasted through college then I got married and entered grad school. Between the stress of a bad marriage and school I gained a little weight and had a lot of negativity in my life which led to me disliking myself in many ways. Dug myself out of that mess, made some tough but necessary choices and found myself again in my mid-20's.
    I was happy and confident until I got preggo and gained a lot of weight. Then I hated my body and lost some of my self-confidence. Now at the 30 year mark I've lost most of the weight and come back around to liking myself again.

    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?
    If I was going to be picky, there are lots of things that could be smaller or more toned, or not stretch marked. But in the end, I am who I am, and I'm happy with that.
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not? Some days yes, some days no. I'm fickle like that.
    2. What do you like about yourself? I'm intelligent, creative, independent, care about others, and have a sense of humor. Physically, I like my height, long legs, and slender figure.
    3. What don't you like about yourself? Self esteem. Oh, and most days, my face.
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections? Nope
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether? I can go all day without looking in the mirror, even in the bathroom.
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    Sure, multiple times at various stages of my life.
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be? Various aspects of my personality. My face and hair. Firm and tone a few areas (in progress). My self esteem.
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    1. Do you like yourself? Why/why not?
    2. What do you like about yourself?
    3. What don't you like about yourself?
    4. Do you ever have days when you look in the mirror non stop trying to fix imperfections?
    5. Or do you avoid mirrors altogether?
    6. Have you ever gone through a transition from not liking yourself to liking yourself? If so, at which ages? And how did you do this?
    7. If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be?

    Just answer whichever questions you feel comfortable answering.

    1. Varies. I like myself, I hate all depends on my mood.
    2. I like that I am really smart, funny and talented. I love my friends unconditionally and they love me back and I am almost always surrounded by amazing people, so that makes me feel good about myself.
    3. I have recently discovered that I have low self-esteem and I make up for it by masking it with self-deprecating humour.
    4. Not really. If I start, I don't think I'll ever stop.
    5. No. I think I am pretty and I like to stare at myself sometimes :D On good days that is.
    6. No. No big epiphanies as yet.
    7. I wish I was thinner. I wish I didn't have a huge belly that makes me look pregnant. I wish I was healthier.