Cheat meals do or don't ?!!



  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
    I think your confused, people cheat to win not lose, cheating would be lipo, hit the gym, earn the calories then party
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    If I know I'm going out, I eat lighter during the day than I normally do. No way am I gonna cut out going out to eat! Also, if the restaurant has an online menu with calories, I preplan my meal early in the day and work around the calories I'm going to eat that nite and I dont open the menu to get sidetracked or tempted by something different.

    Remember this is a change for the rest of your life. Do you plan to avoid all social events for the rest of your life? No way! Get out there and have fun but dont drink your calories! Three things I have given up when going out is, bread, dessert and alcohol. I still have a wonderful night out. This works for me. You'll learn as you go along.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Cheating is okay once a week, it is a good idea actually to have a day where you go slightly over maintenance even.

    it tends to help re-assure the body that the downward trend is not ultimately going to lead to terrible things.

    Please explain

    There are a few realms of though on this...

    Sanity wise, it allows the dieter to be able to take a break from the hard work, within reason of course. This often keeps them motivated as they do not feel like they are holding out on themselves for too long. It also allows them to enjoy a night with friends or social events without guilt while still eating a bit more.

    Biologically speaking, it helps prevent stress levels from raising too high and slowing down weight loss. Excessive stress caused by prolonged caloric deficits have been known to slow down weight loss for many people, sometimes even stalling it all together. There are other factors besides the caloric deficit that can slowly build up stress such as constant work stress, traffic (and being unable to cope with it lol), and consistent sleep deprivation (one day of bad sleep won't hurt, but several days or even weeks in a row can). So, minimizing at least one area of stress can be helpful.

    Now... cheating where you eat so much extra that you wipe out your entire week's deficit... that will not help.
  • I have a cheat meal once per week. :) It's needed, especially if you're on a very strict eating plan. It not only keeps your metabolism going, but it also makes it so you don't cheat as often per the week. (You start looking forward to those cheat meals!)

    I highly doubt eating above maintenance once per week changes your metabolism
    Have you tried it? I'm a certified nutritionist, prepping for a fitness competition and can leg press 750lbs, deadlift over 200lbs and only have 16% body fat. :-)
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    If you were an Alcoholic, would cheat drinks be ok?

    Seriously?? Get out of here with that garbage. Do you mean to say that if you EVER eat a high calorie meal you're some sort of addict who needs to be shamed?

    Look, this is LIFE. If you can honestly say that you NEVER again will eat a meal that isn't 'on your plan' then more power to you... have fun being completely miserable.

    OP: You need to decide what's right for you. If you want to go and totally splurge that's your call! If you want to go and try to make a meal fit into your calories for the day that's another perfectly good option. If you are trying to limit the indulgences a bit because of the upcoming holidays that's also perfectly acceptable!

    The bottom line is that whatever decision you make is one that you have to be okay with. If you go and pig out you have to be okay with seeing that in your progress, or lack thereof. Likewise if you choose not to go so that you don't have to deviate from your plan you shouldn't sit at home alone having a pity party.

    Listen to yourself. You started this thread so that tells me you want to go. Go, have fun, and then move on. :)
  • Cheating is okay once a week, it is a good idea actually to have a day where you go slightly over maintenance even.

    it tends to help re-assure the body that the downward trend is not ultimately going to lead to terrible things.

    Please explain

    There are a few realms of though on this...

    Sanity wise, it allows the dieter to be able to take a break from the hard work, within reason of course. This often keeps them motivated as they do not feel like they are holding out on themselves for too long. It also allows them to enjoy a night with friends or social events without guilt while still eating a bit more.

    Biologically speaking, it helps prevent stress levels from raising too high and slowing down weight loss. Excessive stress caused by prolonged caloric deficits have been known to slow down weight loss for many people, sometimes even stalling it all together. There are other factors besides the caloric deficit that can slowly build up stress such as constant work stress, traffic (and being unable to cope with it lol), and consistent sleep deprivation (one day of bad sleep won't hurt, but several days or even weeks in a row can). So, minimizing at least one area of stress can be helpful.

    Now... cheating where you eat so much extra that you wipe out your entire week's deficit... that will not help.

    :flowerforyou: YES!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I have found that for me working in two or three typical dietary no-no's per week is a good idea. It helps to keep me sane... Picture Homer Simpson without donuts... Multiply by three and you get me! I have something like a half slice of pizza from Costco, some ice cream, or a burger... I work it into the calorie count for the day to stay within goal... Friday night it was Bourbon Chicken and Shrimp at Applebees and Saturday was two quarter pound burgers... I've gotten away from ice cream too often and do a lot of smoothies with my Vitamix...
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I don't do 'cheat'.

    I don't avoid situations that have been triggers in the past, I need to be able to live my life freely.

    Work out a bit more, make better choices when you're out, and don't worry about it.
  • ARHx0
    ARHx0 Posts: 32
    I actually usually lose after a cheat day. I don't have them very often.. I think they're good for you.

    Kinda like when people fluctuate calories to keep their body guessing (and it seems to work for a lot of people!), I guess and jump in calories kinda jumpstarts your body.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I don't have cheat meals. If I eat something that is way over budget, I've either put in extra time at the gym or will put in extra time at the gym or make it up over the next couple of days.

    That being said, I generally try to make better choices, but sometimes you gotta have that tiramisu or whatever. That's why I exercise so I can occasionally have Tiramisu or an extra slice of pizza or whatever would push me over if I didn't hit the gym or run.

    I also try to plan ahead by hitting a menu online or at least the database to get an idea if I need to plan lower calorie options for the rest of my day.

    But no, I don't have scheduled cheat days. At least until march when I'm in New Orleans and I plan to eat on maintenance and do a fair amount of walking.
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    cheat meals make no difference for your weight gain (or loss) as long as you are still within your calorie goal. It's simple in vs out. Now, of course, depending on the what food you are cheating with, it could be unhealthy for you but that is a different thing entirely.

    I used to be insanely anal about what I ate. But sometimes I have cravings or am in a social event that I can't eat healthy. Now, I will have cheat meals but i log every calorie of it and keep within my goals. Sometimes I have to fast before or after to make it happen and that's fine. It's also a good idea to workout before your cheat meal so your body is burning through it as you are having that meal.