Pregnant ladies?

I would love some pregnant friends on here, I'm 6 weeks right now and would like to have a healthy weight gain this pregnancy. Last time around I got huge! I'm hoping that by exercising and watching my calories this time I can keep my weight gain to a minimum.
Last pregnancy mostly included cheeseburgers and lying on the couch, anyone who can help me get off my butt and stay active would be appreciated. I will admit that I also don't know what exercises are safe during pregnany, seriously, can I do a sit-up? a plank? I have no clue.


  • jessiej1980
    I am pregnant, and yeah I am the same way....I am already a big girl, been working SO hard and losing so much weight. I am concerned with gaining weight too! I am about 12 weeks right now.
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    yeah, fellow Preggo!
  • C55H104O6
    C55H104O6 Posts: 5 Member
    Not pregnant, but trying to be! Trying to lose weight before I get pregnant tho....
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    I lost some of my weight before I got pregnant but only about half of it, hoping to be active this pregnancy... not like last time
  • crystalnichle
    crystalnichle Posts: 126 Member
    When I was pregnant I tried to stick with 2300 calories.. which was enough to not lose weight and gain an appropriate amount.. not sure about exercise tho, i walked a lot and just kept up with my normal activities.. id say you probably cant do sit ups or anything like that.. id discuss it with your doctor! :) oh and btw congrats!!
  • NeverTooLateForChange
    Add me. Im 7 weeks. Ive lost about 7 lbs since I found out on Thanksgiving. Im just sticking to my normal plan. My doc and nutritionist both say The baby has more than enough cushion on me to grow healthy and strong even while I continue to lose. I am watching my vitamins and water and everything is good. I was 227 when I found out and am now 220. I want to be no more than 180 when I deliver in July. I think it is doable.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    When I was pregnant I tried to stick with 2300 calories.. which was enough to not lose weight and gain an appropriate amount.. not sure about exercise tho, i walked a lot and just kept up with my normal activities.. id say you probably cant do sit ups or anything like that.. id discuss it with your doctor! :) oh and btw congrats!!

    Preggo here too- 10 weeks on Thursday. My OB told me to stay around 2300 calories, but MFP has me set at 2100, and I usually don't eat all of them. That being said, i'm not looking to lose a substantial amount of weight while pregnant; rather, I'm aiming to not gain anything (which, I guess by virtue of the fact that the baby will gain weight, and all that goes along with it, means I will be losing weight). My goal on here is to eat healthy and stay motivated, and prevent myself from being put on bedrest again.

    Walking is the absolute best thing you can do while pregnant. Well, next to swimming, if you live in a warm climate or have access to an indoor pool. You can also use free weights- keeping your muscles strong is a great way to stay healthy, and you'll have more muscle to burn fat after you've delivered.

    Good Luck!!!
  • thecapaccino
    Add me. I am almost 6 weeks...this is my first child! So everything is NEW .

    Havent been to the doctor yet, waiting a couple more weeks.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I am just over 6 months pregnant and have only gained 4 pounds. I've stayed active and try (read TRY) to watch what I eat, but being pregnant... man you are just hungry for some good stuff! I walk regularly, ride my bike, and last night I did like a modified HIIT session in my living room.
  • BeanCounter3
    BeanCounter3 Posts: 158 Member
    Options your screen name, lol
  • cbroussard090608
    Is anyone in here pregnant and Vegan? I was diagnosed with cancer almost 2 years ago and am not on my meds now as I'm 25 weeks pregnant and don't want the meds to effect the baby. So, I'm thinking from all of the research of a plant based diet, I should try Vegan! Any help would be great :)