Any one go to planet fitness?

I'm a member at planet fitness which I love and I was thinking about maybe looking into one of their personal trainers. Does anyone else work with one from planet fitness? How do you like it? About how much do they charge for one? And how often do you work with them.


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I'd love to get a guest pass and go in there,,, just for the thrill of setting off the Lunk Alarm and getting thrown out. :laugh: :happy: :smokin: :bigsmile: :devil:

    Do they really serve free bagels & pizza? And nobody revolts??? That's like Mr. Goodwrench offering a free bag of sugar in your gas tank...

    ((Sorry, threadjack over)).
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'd love to get a guest pass and go in there,,, just for the thrill of setting off the Lunk Alarm and getting thrown out. :laugh: :happy: :smokin: :bigsmile: :devil:

    Do they really serve free bagels & pizza? And nobody revolts??? That's like Mr. Goodwrench offering a free bag of sugar in your gas tank...

    ((Sorry, threadjack over)).

    SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! IT IS VERY TRUE> why would they put free pizza and bagels out to people who are trying to loose weight!! Thats like brining alcohol to an AA meeting. YOU JUST DONT DO IT!! Lol one time..before I started to try to actually loose weight..i went their to tan and was waiting for an open bed and it happened to be pizza night..i sat my *kitten* down at one of the tables and ate 3 slices of pizza!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    They do it because they don't really want you to lose weight silly. If you walk in there 50 pounds overweight,,, and you do it right and diet and exercise and achieve your goals,,, you may quit their gym!

    They don't make money when you lose weight, they make money when you stay big and keep paying. So how can they keep you from losing weight??? By stuffing you with free starch,,, duh.

    To me it's two-faced, and manipulative and just evil. I can't believe people don't see right through this and boycott the place.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    They do it because they don't really want you to lose weight silly. If you walk in there 50 pounds overweight,,, and you do it right and diet and exercise and achieve your goals,,, you may quit their gym!

    They don't make money when you lose weight, they make money when you stay big and keep paying. So how can they keep you from losing weight??? By stuffing you with free starch,,, duh.

    To me it's two-faced, and manipulative and just evil. I can't believe people don't see right through this and boycott the place.

    Well I know better now. No pizza for me thankyou! And about the lunk that what its called? Anyways..i dont know how that works lol there is an actual alarm and I've heard it go off like once or twice but I dont know if it's for real or just for fun lol. Have you ever gone into a planet fitness? Its not very manly..everything is purple and yellow...EVERYTHING lol
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    i <2 PF!! I think their personal training is free. I believe you just sign up for a time and they kinda do them in small groups. I sometimes see small bundles of 4-5 women in groups w/ a trainer doing lunges and working on certain machines. I myself haven't tried it yet...
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    i <2 PF!! I think their personal training is free. I believe you just sign up for a time and they kinda do them in small groups. I sometimes see small bundles of 4-5 women in groups w/ a trainer doing lunges and working on certain machines. I myself haven't tried it yet...

    reaaaaaally hmm. Well I'm going to ask about it today but I was just wondering if anyone does it now. I see the groups of people but then I also see the one on one which is what I would like.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I've been warned about it and I'd love to go just to ruffle feathers. From what I hear the 'lunk alarm' is real, and it goes off if you do any musclehead weight lifting stuff. Like grunting or straining, or making some other sound that may make it appear that you're doing something hard and trying to get stronger.

    Ya',,, it's a gym that insults women. Pink? No problem, I love pink. I have a great rose shirt that I wear about once a week. But no grunting? Why do they have weights if you're not allowed to lift them? Do they throw you out for sweating?

    My wife is a big strong woman who grunts and sweats and swears and maybe toots a little once in a while and she'd probably throw one of their little 2lb "smartbelles" through a mirror on the way out the door.

    "Pizza night"? Really? At a gym? Wow,,,
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Oh my! I never heard of this lunk alarm thing. Look at this video of this guy having a fit when he set one off!;feature=player_embedded
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    i like it there and i never ever go on pizza or bagel day.
    they have my favorite machine that is an ab twist which works your core muscles front and back....
    i like it better than WOW gym due to the lack of gym meat heads... although i do miss the spin classes at the other gym.
    they both have their plus and minues.
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    Never heard of this gym & by the sound of it...I'd never give them my money if they showed up in my town w/ those kinds of manipulative ploys.

    It defeats the purpose of going to a gym if they feed you crap. Why would you want to give that kind of company your money?