
I am trying to figure out which ones will be most helpful to me at this point in time. I have been to a nutritionist but the amount of supplements(and money to get them) was slightly overwhelming and I tend to forget about them. I am wanting to keep better control on what and when I eat, I tend to graze. Every one is different on what the need as supplements and vitamins but any ideas to help would be appreciated.


  • GoatBoat66
    Multivitamin is all you really need. But, I recommend fish oil and protein if you aren't getting enough in your diet.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I just bought a bunch of vitamins about a week ago that are supposed to help boost my metabolism, my energy and my mood (and stuff), but after a week of taking them I'm finding that I can hardly choke them down and they make me feel really off after I take them so I am going back to not taking any vitamins and getting them in my healthy foods.

    I do, however, drink a protein shake every day to help with my protein intake and I love those.
  • BSN2Be
    BSN2Be Posts: 23
    I take a pre-natal vitamin (although I'm not TTC or anything) plus fish oil. I feel a lot better on days I take them. I think it's the iron that really helps.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Go get your blood taken and find out if you're lacking in anything. :)
  • qbdeal1
    qbdeal1 Posts: 25 Member
    I am trying to figure out which ones will be most helpful to me at this point in time. I have been to a nutritionist but the amount of supplements(and money to get them) was slightly overwhelming and I tend to forget about them. I am wanting to keep better control on what and when I eat, I tend to graze. Every one is different on what the need as supplements and vitamins but any ideas to help would be appreciated.

    Isolate protein
    Multi Vitamin
    fish oil
    glucosamine chondroitin
    CLA - depends on your body
    Milk Thistle
    Hawthorne berry

    Do you lift?
    Pre-workout - mp assault or jack3d
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Raspberry ketones..... oh wait nvm

    I do a multivitamin and fish oil.. But you really don't need any supplements if you get enough through diet. I am actually planning on stopping the multivitamin once the bottle is gone because my micronutrition is good.
  • rickybluntjr
    rickybluntjr Posts: 15 Member
    I use a fiber supplement called Konjac Root that keeps me from grazing and having cravings. It also makes me feel full off of less food. Overall, it just makes it easier for me to keep my calorie consumption low.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I always tell people, if you want to know what you actually need, go to the doctor and have a vitamin/mineral panel done. Taking too much supplement of something you don't need will do you no good. Not everyone needs a glucosamine/chondrotin supplement every day. If you eat fish, you likely don't need the fish oil. Etc etc etc.

    I did this, and the only supplements I take right now are a multi-daily, D3 (as I was deficient), and energy drinks/B vitamins/C as I personally feel they help me have a happier disposition.

    I do NOT recommend taking herbals or anything without discussing with your doctor, especially for women, as they can mess with all sorts of hormones, and if you have specific goals, you need to understand what you are doing.

    Supplements are a big market, and can be helpful, but honest professionals will tell you that the best way to get your nutrients is through your daily diet and digestion, so I'd get checked and then see if you can accomodate whatever needs you have with diet first.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm a Type 2 Diabetic so I take several to help with that, but in general I would think it depends on your activity type & level...

    If you are into weight training, then your needs are going to be slightly different than a cardio person, and those are different from a couch dieter.

    In general, fish or flax seed oil are the usual suspects. I add Coconut Oil caps as well along with a good multivitamin. (I take the oils even though I eat fish simply because I have a very low-fat intake and the oils help keep my mind sharp so I don't turn into a babbling idiot)

    For weight training: BCAA's (help with recovery & reduce soreness) & whey protein (muscle repair) are all I use. Do your research on supps because some are just pure crap.

    Eat clean and you should have no problem meeting your nutritional needs.

    ~ Cheers
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    You don't NEED any supplements. I would suggest just a multi-vitamin. You don't need BCAA's unless you're in a severe cut. 99% of the supplements out there are pure crap.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    I am trying to figure out which ones will be most helpful to me at this point in time. I have been to a nutritionist but the amount of supplements(and money to get them) was slightly overwhelming and I tend to forget about them. I am wanting to keep better control on what and when I eat, I tend to graze. Every one is different on what the need as supplements and vitamins but any ideas to help would be appreciated.

    Isolate protein
    Multi Vitamin
    fish oil
    glucosamine chondroitin
    CLA - depends on your body
    Milk Thistle
    Hawthorne berry

    Do you lift?
    Pre-workout - mp assault or jack3d

    He's pretty much got it covered. Get a liquid or powder form multi-vitamin because tablets like Centrum or one a day end up getting 90% of them peed out. Milk thistle and hawthorne if you're doing a lot of drinking or damaging kidneys and liver.

    Those pre-workouts IMHO absolutely blow. Jack3d is garbage... mostly just caffeine and has 1.3g creatine monohydrate which is about a QUARTER of what you need for actual creatine monohydrate supplementation.

    Get something like Engaged by nutracore nutrition. Or rhino revolution by muscle sport international if you want something really strong.
  • 0Karina0
    0Karina0 Posts: 131 Member
    I started taking Vitafusion - Multivites in gummy form (yummy!...i cant take pills xD) and the calcium ones, pretty good way of getting your vitamines! but they have some calories so remember to add them :D
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    None of it is necessary but:

    I like creatine monohydrate and whey protein.

    I also like some caffeine for working out.

    Agree with the others that most of it is just crap to waste your money.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good quality:

    Protein powder
    Fish oils
    Wazy Maize
    Greens Powder
    Green Tea Extract
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I was taking too many supplements at one point to where I made myself really sick.

    I scaled back to a vitamin every other day and a fish oil or flaxseed omega 3 every other day. Once I got off all the supplements, my sickness instantly went away. Except for the vitamins. I find taking them in the morning, even after having a meal made me throw up. I take them in the evening now and don't have any problems with throwing up or nausea.

    I also keep protein powder in the house, just in case. I needed it more when I was a non-meat eater. Now that I'm back to eating meat, I don't have low protein issues. But there are some days where i'm just not really that hungry and I need more protein, so I have the powder.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am trying to figure out which ones will be most helpful to me at this point in time. I have been to a nutritionist but the amount of supplements(and money to get them) was slightly overwhelming and I tend to forget about them. I am wanting to keep better control on what and when I eat, I tend to graze. Every one is different on what the need as supplements and vitamins but any ideas to help would be appreciated.

    Multivitamin and a healthy diet
  • qbdeal1
    qbdeal1 Posts: 25 Member
    I am trying to figure out which ones will be most helpful to me at this point in time. I have been to a nutritionist but the amount of supplements(and money to get them) was slightly overwhelming and I tend to forget about them. I am wanting to keep better control on what and when I eat, I tend to graze. Every one is different on what the need as supplements and vitamins but any ideas to help would be appreciated.

    Isolate protein
    Multi Vitamin
    fish oil
    glucosamine chondroitin
    CLA - depends on your body
    Milk Thistle
    Hawthorne berry

    Do you lift?
    Pre-workout - mp assault or jack3d

    He's pretty much got it covered. Get a liquid or powder form multi-vitamin because tablets like Centrum or one a day end up getting 90% of them peed out. Milk thistle and hawthorne if you're doing a lot of drinking or damaging kidneys and liver.

    Those pre-workouts IMHO absolutely blow. Jack3d is garbage... mostly just caffeine and has 1.3g creatine monohydrate which is about a QUARTER of what you need for actual creatine monohydrate supplementation.

    Get something like Engaged by nutracore nutrition. Or rhino revolution by muscle sport international if you want something really strong.

    Jack3d is pretty good, **** makes you go insane, i dont take 1 scoop though i have to take 3 in order for it to work. Assault on the other hand makes you work hard on 2 scoops. You sweat so much and your heart wants to moonwalk across the table. As for vitamins, any all in one is good. I have tried many supplements for pre workout and these 2 are the only ones i feel. I have tried rhino, it wasnt that good. It all depends on your body though. You cant go by me.. Go to everything on there is cheap.

    For creatine, Con-Cret is good stuff
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    What does fish oil aid you with?
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Supplements that are working for me...
    Multi-vitamin (take one that matches your age and gender)
    Fish Oil
    Glucosamine (used to play football and the joints below my rib cage are all shot)
    Gingko Biloba (I can't remember how to spell it)

    CoQ 10 (did nothing for me)
    L-Tryptophan (did nothing for me)
    St. John's Wort (did nothing for me)

    Good luck...