I am really needing help.

A little backround, I started my weight loss journey in Jan. Up until that point I was trying but not really trying. In Jan I started using the weight watchers point system and started doing the couch to 5k running program. I lost 6 pounds right away.put me at 190 .then nothing seemed to work for me..so I was told to switch it up.. I started counting calories instead, eating different foods, working out more. stayed at 190.. Up to date I am on week 8 of the training (I had 2 weeks off because my daughter being hospitalized) that is running 28 min 3 days a week. On my off days I get on my elliptical for 30 min or go for a walk along with strength training. I don't eat much meat, rarely junk (my worst snack this week was a handful of jellybeans of which I counted in my calories) I started using this program last week to track my calories..I stayed within my calorie count all week.. and ate some but not all my exercise calories. I am not losing.. I am still at 190. I am seriously confused. I really thought I was doing everything right? 206 minutes working out, 2150 calories burned, drinking all my water + some, tracking my calories..

can anyone shine some light on this for me?


  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Not be too nosy, but what is your daily intake goal? If it is too low, even though you are eating your exercise calories (or most of them as you said), you may still be near starvation mode...did you let MFP set your daily count? Are you expecting to lose more than a pound a week? Sometimes you need to lower your expectation of how quickly you want to lose and make sure you are eating enough to keep your metabolism going...good luck to you!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Are you eating all of your "regular" calories? How is your sodium count? How much water are you drinking daily- I find I lose much more consistently if I drink 10-12 glasses of water a day - and I aim for more.

    I would try eating all of your exercise calories... it's really important to refuel your body. Also - have you taken measurements? Since you're doing so much exercise it could be that you're building lean muscle. Give it a few weeks and see how it goes... we all reach those periods where out bodies hold on to the pounds with a steel grip!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Sometimes it just takes time. Your body has to adjust to the change you've put it through.
  • ah5red
    ah5red Posts: 1
    It sounds to me like you are doing everything right. All I can suggest is to increase the length and intesity of your workout. Your body adjusts to exercise so you have to constantly push yourself a little harder every week. On the eliptical you can increase your intensity by increasing the incline, this also helps on the treadmill. I think that what you are doing is great...you may not see it on the scale but your over all health is better :)
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Try to remember that you are training as well. This alone is going to build muscle (which weighs more than fat) so try to go by measurements rather then the scale. That way even if the number doesnt budge you can have something tangable to track. Good luck!
  • jusimm
    jusimm Posts: 28
    open your food diary so we can see it!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Are you lifting weights? I highly recommend you start a weight training program if you are not. My go-to resource was stumptuous.com for weight lifting information. Feel free to ask on these boards, too, tons of great ppl to help.

    Weight lifting has so many benefits, don't be afraid to pick up some heavy things!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I definitely agree with cassandra about the measurements. I thought I wasn't getting smaller even though I was losing 1 lb./week and then I saw the difference in my measurements for one month & I was completely reassured. Measure and keep track of that and then when the scale doesn't move, you can still keep score of your progress! Also, more cardio than strength training will help you burn more fat. On the elliptical, don't increase the incline or resistance, this will build muscle. Keep it on the lowest incline and keep the resistance at about 2 or 3. This is what I was told & I can tell the difference already in just doing this twice last week. When you burn more fat, you lose weight versus doing just strength training which is building muscle.
  • Melwith9
    Melwith9 Posts: 17
    ok.. I had to go figure out how to open my food diary.. but I got it.. so thats open now..

    I don't know about sodium.. I wasn't tracking that but I don't salt anything and I don't eat much packaged foods..I added that to my list of things to track now though.. I drink a ton of water..in fact its the only thing I drink...I average a gallon a day so I don't think thats my problem.

    Stress.. well.. I have 9 kids that I homeschool.. stress is an every day part of my life but not really something I can change..The one thought that I did have is not getting enough sleep maybe? and I am horrible about breakfast.. usually if I eat it its really late.. I need to work harder on that.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I took a quick peek at your diary and I honestly don't think that you're eating enough. I understand not being hungry first thing in the morning - but you need to find a piece of fruit or something to kick start your metabolism. It seems like there were several days that you didn't even get to 1200 calories, perhaps those are days when you didn't log everything? If not - you need to eat at least 1200 calories and much closer to your goal. The other thing that I noticed is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of fruits and veggies in your diet - lot's of breads.... but not so much fruit. You should try to get more fruit and veggies into your diet!

    I'm a homeschooler too - though only of one child... I can't imagine how you manage 9 - but it must be fun! Maybe you and your kids could hve some fruit and veggie time mid-morning while you're working on school?
  • Melwith9
    Melwith9 Posts: 17
    ya.. there are a few days I wasn't able to complete my diary.. and I just realized that I am supposed to click the button to complete a day...lol..

    I talked with a friend today who is a fitness trainer.. she took a look at my diet and workout and feels that I am not eating enough as well.. my goal is set at 1340.. and I burn 500 extra.. I am going to do my best to meet my goal ..and eat back at least half of my burned. I need to focus on getting more protein since I don't eat much meat and putting more time into my food (I eat on the run a lot..count my calories but don't always stop to think if there is something healthier to eat). I am going to try to make a couple days worth of breakfast and lunch and snacks up tomorrow that way I can just grab it when I need it.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    •beans and legumes
    •peanut butter
    •whole grain products
    and soy products, you may need to also look at protein supplements
    if you eat fish, tuna is awesome for protein, 1 can of tuna, 28g of protein
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    Everyone has already offered you great ideas. My thoughts are stress! Its horrible to us, and 190 is a sticky number! I always get stuck there. Always.
    Something I just started to do is, when I get home with groceries I cut up my green peppers, cheese, carrots, and snack things like that and put portions in the little half baggies, then I always have a snack ready. Or if I don't have time for breakfast, I can eat on the go. I don't do well packing lunches, so this has saved me!
    Good luck to you, with patience and determination you will do this! You can!!!! :)
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    ya.. there are a few days I wasn't able to complete my diary.. and I just realized that I am supposed to click the button to complete a day...lol..

    I talked with a friend today who is a fitness trainer.. she took a look at my diet and workout and feels that I am not eating enough as well.. my goal is set at 1340.. and I burn 500 extra.. I am going to do my best to meet my goal ..and eat back at least half of my burned. I need to focus on getting more protein since I don't eat much meat and putting more time into my food (I eat on the run a lot..count my calories but don't always stop to think if there is something healthier to eat). I am going to try to make a couple days worth of breakfast and lunch and snacks up tomorrow that way I can just grab it when I need it.

    Do you like egg salad? I make an egg salad of hard boiled egg whites, lite mayonnaise, shredded spinach, diced celery and a pinch of shredded cheddar. I used to eat this on Wasa crackers - but since giving up wheat have started using Rice Cakes... it's a quick grab and go meal and it's a good kick start to the day.

    You're obviously not used to eating a high volume of food (must be nice, lol) - so you might try nuts/trail mix to add protein. A serving size is generally 1/4 cup and is about 160 calories (depending on brand of course). I also buy the 100 calorie packs of natural almonds - but that's only because I'm pretty bad about portion control.

    One of my favorite snacks is to take a teaspoon of natural jif peanut butter and microwave it for about 20-30 seconds. Use it as a dip for cut up apple slices.

    As far as grab and go snacks - it doesn't get much easier than grabbing an apple, an orange, a banana... so you should have no problem getting your fruit in.

    I spend about 30 minutes with MFP every morning while I drink my morning coffee. I plan my day backwards... starting with dinner (that's the meal that I'm most likely to go over because I'm preparing something for the whole family). I plan my lunch, and my breakfast then figure out what I can have for snacks. I always leave room for a "treat" after dinner because my husband is notorious for wanting ice cream after dinner - which is fine as long as I have my frozen yogurt in the house and have enough calories left to have some. The "treat" calories are usually part of my exercise calories.

    Hope some of this helps!