What am I doing wrong?



  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Also, dont feel bad if you aren't in the right place to lose. I've even losing and gaining and gaining some more for over ten years. Along the way I learned that if my mind wasn't in the game, it wasn't happening, no matter what I "tried" or who tried to help me. I personally believe that weight loss is just as much mental as anything else.

    If you aren't able to really control the food right now, maybe you can focus on exercise. I know that exercising helps me feel better, even if the scales not moving. It doesn't have o be hard or expensive. Take the baby to the mall and do laps, or check out a DVD from the library to exercise with, or find something to keep you moving and burning calories.
  • meskibrp
    meskibrp Posts: 23 Member
    Losing weight is not as complex as some portray it to be "watch this,,, watch that" blah blah blah.... Is there some relativity sure there might be, but detrimental? Not at all (In most cases)

    There is one golden rule to body composition goals.... calories in versus calories out. That is it, period.
    IF you are not burning enough calories IE deficit you will NOT lose weight and vice versa.
    Formulas and pre made calculations are general guide lines and do not work for every individual.
    If you're not losing weight simply adjust your deficit.. Simple

    HOWEVER, there are thing that can complicate weight loss/gain.... MEDICAL CONDITIONs. These areas should always *ALWAYS* be addressed by your primary care provider... If you are sure you are a deficit and still not losing weight, i would get in touch with a doctor and have some tests run.


    IF you need some help, please feel free to pm with detail.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Losing weight is not as complex as some portray it to be "watch this,,, watch that" blah blah blah.... Is there some relativity sure there might be, but detrimental? Not at all (In most cases)

    There is one golden rule to body composition goals.... calories in versus calories out. That is it, period.
    IF you are not burning enough calories IE deficit you will NOT lose weight and vice versa.
    Formulas and pre made calculations are general guide lines and do not work for every individual.
    If you're not losing weight simply adjust your deficit.. Simple

    HOWEVER, there are thing that can complicate weight loss/gain.... MEDICAL CONDITIONs. These areas should always *ALWAYS* be addressed by your primary care provider... If you are sure you are a deficit and still not losing weight, i would get in touch with a doctor and have some tests run.


    IF you need some help, please feel free to pm with detail.

    Excellent point about possible medical reasons. Most obese women have PCOS, for example, which makes losing weight more difficult.

    People keep telling her she eats a lot of processed food. She posted that she uses those to estimate restaurant food. Please stop telling her that she's eating what she says she isn't. That said, restaurant food tends to be high in sodium. I can tell when I'm retaining water by how chubby my ankles look. I learned this when I started taking a diuretic.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If I eat at a restaurant twice in a week I am struggling to fit it into my calories and I don't do low calorie! It's going to be hard to find things to eat there that will fit in with losing weight easily but I understand you are getting it for free so just make the best choices you can when there.
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    Well I'm glad I came for help and got judged instead. Thank you all for your advice.

    actually everyone who replied were honest and fairly gentle about it. I didn't see any judgement at all. you asked what you were doing wrong and they told you. :huh:

    and about fast food, I used to eat quite a bit and I didn't really start losing until I cut it back to once every month/every other month. been doing that for a couple of years, now the only fast food I ever have is pizza every once in a while. (pizza is effing delicious) and I don't even miss mcdonalds and all that other stuff.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    People keep telling her she eats a lot of processed food. She posted that she uses those to estimate restaurant food. Please stop telling her that she's eating what she says she isn't. That said, restaurant food tends to be high in sodium. I can tell when I'm retaining water by how chubby my ankles look. I learned this when I started taking a diuretic.

    people keep telling her that shes eating processed food, BECAUSE SHE SAID SHE EATS FAST FOOD 1-3 TIMES PER WEEK... thats her words, not ours. i think we all know that fast food is processed food... multiple trips to fast food each week is excessive, for anyone, let alone someone stuggling with their weight! that being said, when someone asks for input and ideas on why they are not losing weight, they need to expect honesty, which is what she got.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    by doing the math on your macros (assuming theyre all correct)
    you actually ate 1859 calories today

    most of us are eating more than we think
    9 calorie per gram of fat
    4 calorie per gram of carbs
    4 calorie per gram of protein
    4 calorie per gram of sugar

    You don't double-count calories for sugar...
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    Do they not serve salad at these restaurants, maybe a side of chicken or turkey breasts? Maybe opt for healthier meals when you are there instead of the Mac and cheese, pizza, ect. I'm sure if you change what you are eating at these restaurants you will see a huge difference. Good luck.
  • jennalee1312
    I would just try to figure portions better...to make sure u are getting what you think u are and up ur water a glass or 2

    ~~~~~******On a side note I dont feel ANYONE was meaning to judge u....the thing is if they CANT tell you what they see wrong with it then they can't offer any help....maybe u should have just asked for encouragement? Bc if they can't say what they see is wrong then ALL they can say is "Sorry ur gaining...just stick with it"

    *if* that happens the issues they could of brought to light never are changed then u keep gaining and eventually give up....they are saying what they are TO HELP u see those numbers and those inches go down bc these people here (many who have tranformed their bodies and lives totally) KNOW what its like and the KNOW once they can get u moving in the right direction ur life can tranform too....

    I truly think they meant well hun....but I do get what u are ssaying about substitution....the fast food can be killer I maybe eat it only once every other month.

    It will get easier...its hard when those numbers aren't going the way u want and these people here just want to helpu****~~~~~~
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    People keep telling her she eats a lot of processed food. She posted that she uses those to estimate restaurant food. Please stop telling her that she's eating what she says she isn't. That said, restaurant food tends to be high in sodium. I can tell when I'm retaining water by how chubby my ankles look. I learned this when I started taking a diuretic.

    people keep telling her that shes eating processed food, BECAUSE SHE SAID SHE EATS FAST FOOD 1-3 TIMES PER WEEK... thats her words, not ours. i think we all know that fast food is processed food... multiple trips to fast food each week is excessive, for anyone, let alone someone stuggling with their weight! that being said, when someone asks for input and ideas on why they are not losing weight, they need to expect honesty, which is what she got.

    Um... precisely. When the diary was open, in addition to regular fast food, every day there was canned soup, hot dogs, pre-prepared meals. Seriously, no one was ganging up on this gal for the sake of ganging up. One has to be utterly honest if you want things to change. You know that saying -- if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. When habits are ingrained, they're sometimes hard to see. Asking for help from others is the first step in seeing -- and learning to work with -- those blind spots. But you also have to be ready to see it, too. I -- like I think everyone else here -- only wish the OP the best of luck, success, and more than anything, good health.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Not saying anyone is judging her. I just think we should keep in mind that the (non-fast food) processed foods are typically substitutions.

    Personally, I call fast food "fast food" as that is the critical descriptor.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Well I guess if you consider things like Stoffers mac and cheese, Cici's pizza, Taco Bell, Trader Joes bagels canned soup, Mcdonald's, pickles, and olives to not be processed that could be why things are not working like you think they should. Having days where sodium is over 2,500 daily is a clue that you are eating very high processed meals.

    These things are not clean eating and they are processed, but good luck and may next time you should just post what you want our answers to be if you are going to take offence when we give you feed back that you don't want to hear. :noway:

    We gave the ADVICE based on what we were given if you give us wrong info I am confused what your were wanting.

    Now if you really want to lose some weight take the time to do the logs correct you will be surprised when you see the real numbers for the food you are eating and will then understand what is wrong.
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    Hello! I noticed that you said you usually don't eat until noon?? If you get up at 9 am, that could send your body into starvation mode, maybe try to eat a yogurt or oatmeal as soon as your day starts and see if that jump starts your metabolism. Also, adding lemon/lime juice to your water helps to break down toxins and helps flush out any water retention. Hang in there girl!!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    If you get up at 9 am, that could send your body into starvation mode, maybe try to eat a yogurt or oatmeal as soon as your day starts and see if that jump starts your metabolism...
    ^ Not this.

    You don't go into "starvation mode" after not eating for a few hours. Google "Intermittent Fasting" - there are people who go 12-16 hours a day without eating. Your metabolism runs 24 hours a day unless you're dead, in which case you have more to worry about than "jump starting" it.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Hello! I noticed that you said you usually don't eat until noon?? If you get up at 9 am, that could send your body into starvation mode, maybe try to eat a yogurt or oatmeal as soon as your day starts and see if that jump starts your metabolism. Also, adding lemon/lime juice to your water helps to break down toxins and helps flush out any water retention. Hang in there girl!!

    Actually, not eating until noon won't send your body into starvation mode (UNLESS you're not getting the required amount of calories in).

    "Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting (usually meaning consumption of water and sometimes low calorie drinks such as black coffee) and non-fasting.
    There is evidence suggesting that intermittent fasting may have beneficial effects on the health and longevity of animals—including humans—that are similar to the effects of caloric restriction (CR). There is currently no consensus as to the degree to which this is simply due to fasting or an (often) concomitant overall decrease in calories, but recent studies have shown support of the former"

    IF's website: http://www.leangains.com
  • FITBY30
    FITBY30 Posts: 39 Member
    well i wont be the one to argue with wika, but i know from how my body responds that if i dont eat within two hours of waking up, my body DOES hold on to weight and the longer i wait to eat, i will continue to put it off and that leads to "night time eating disorder"-dangerous ground for anyone trying to lose weight, and very disheartening for anyone trying to rev up their metabolism. I have been trying to keep my sodium in check for a few weeks-it's tough if you are eating prepackage foods of any kind, but if it's all natural foods, its super easy. Now, dont feel discouraged or offended my anyone on here, in their own way EVERYONE is trying to be supportive and helpful. I did read your comment about being "too poor" for the right kinds of foods-and if you live anywhere near a trader joe's-you can afford it. Frozen peas,corn,french green beans, etc under 2 a bag, bags of lettuces, 1lb containers of tomatoes, baby carrots etc under 2 dollars a bag...my point is, drop the Velveeta, eat fresh and clean, and your love for food will come back to you, then you can save those skills and make something decadent every once and awhile and really enjoy it and enjoy the new you. good luck, it'll get better
  • rosieg1979
    rosieg1979 Posts: 99 Member
    From what I have read here on MFP I don't think the main issue is *what* you eat. MFP has taught me that a calorie is a calorie, and you can lose weight on the Twinkie diet.

    If you are gaining weight you are probably eating too much. I know it is a total pain, but try religiously weighing/measuring everything you eat/drink for a couple of weeks. You may be surprised. Also rather than substituting foods, maybe have an educated guess, you have no idea what is in the substituted food, so your guesstimate may actually be more accurate.

    Also, make sure you log *everything*

    You should still be able to love food, just less of it. Fill up on protein as much as you can as that keeps you full for longest, if you are starving try and fill up on fresh/frozen veg.

    You will get there, don't be discouraged.
  • Domi_BTGfit
    Maybe your macros are out? It's all well and good to follow the recommended calorie intake, but I think it's more important to watch the breakdown of your protein, carbs, fats, sugar and sodium each day. 6-8 glasses of water isn't enough, try to aim for 10-12 per day and that will REALLY help with your loss!

    I personally aim to eat 2-3 times my allocated protein level, half of my carbs, the right amount of fats and no more than my sugar or sodium recommendations. I drink 8-12 glasses of water per day and I work out 4 days per week (twice at the gym, and walking home 4 nights pw). Maybe try increasing your core strength and weights training as opposed to focusing on cardio.

    I've gone from a size 18 (size 14 in USA) down to a size 8 (size 4 in USA) in the last 17 months and that is definitely what worked for me.

    Good luck!!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Sometimes, when I make food at work, it's 100% from scratch but I use a product that's already in the database - for example, last Tuesday we made macaroni & cheese for 500 people. I knew exactly what and how much the ingredients were, but I wasn't 100% on the serving size or how many servings the recipe actually made. Instead of trying to figure that out, I put in that I had Stouffer's macaroni & cheese. I find myself in that situation quite a bit.

    Well, that could be a huge part of the problem. MFP has a recipe calculator that allows you to put the exact information in. Think about it: if you use a larger percentage of cheese in your mac & cheese than Stouffer's does, or if you are using a higher fat cheese, your estimates are going to under by a lot.
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    I have to say I agree with Fitby30. Even if your body does not go into "starvation mode", its still important to feed the body upon waking, if you figure that a person normally eats dinner around 7 or 8 the latest, if you wake up at 9 and not eat until 12 that is already well over 14 hours without eating. That is why it is called "breakfast". You are "breaking your fast" after sleeping and having gone a long period of time without eating. I know that it has been very beneficial for me, I always function better with breakfast, even if small, maybe that will help you as well.