Not new but looking for more friends :)

Hello Everybody!

I started MFP in March/April of this year. Ive added many good friends that all have been wonderful in supporting me through this difficult journey. I'd like to add a few more people who are daily posters with open diaries. I find it very inspiring to see how others eat, it makes me strive to be as healthy as they can be.

Here's a little about me:

-Age: 24, soon to be 25
-Status: single, child free unless you count my 2 little fur baby kitties <3
-Location: Fort McMurray, Canada
-Highest Weight: 180 (fall 2010)
-Lowest Weight: 139 (fall 2011)
Current Weight: 152
-Goal Weight: 135 but Im more concerned with body fat reduction and feeling healthy than what the scale says

-Exercise Habits: poor at the moment. Im interested in weight lifting and have a barbell with 45 lbs of weight currently, really trying to get into the habit of doing compound lifts but dont really follow a certain plan (ex. 5x5 or NROLFW) I prefer the elliptical for cardio and change incline/resistance to make the most of it.

-Eating Habits: 70% healthy, 30% poorly... I try to stay in calorie range when I do eat bad foods. Im trying to change this ratio a bit but Im being realistic with cravings and my long term weight management goals. I dont believe in fad diets, starvation or limiting certain types of food. I want to have a healthy relationship with food and to me that means indulging from time to time.

If anything Ive said appeals to you, please add me! I try to comment and be as supportive as possible

Good day to you all!


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member

    I'm not new either, but happy to have more friends. Sure i'm a little bit older and live on the other side of the world, but does that matter? nah well I don't think so.

    feel free to add me.
  • La_dolce_vita_222
    Hello! I joined in November 2012 and am looking for people who I can support and those who will support me as I try to get from 180 to 115 (I have lost 7 pounds since I joined). I am 5 feet, 29 and have a 11.5 month old who keeps me on my toes. I work from home as well so lots to balance :-)

    I do post daily and have an open feel free to add me to both your lists!!
  • FitinHonau
    FitinHonau Posts: 63 Member

    I am looking for new friends as well! Please fill free to add me. I joined MFP since October 2012

    I try to eat healthy as well. I am 62 kg and would like to be 56kg. My lowest weight was 51kg and my highest 64 kg. I just upped my calories from 1200 to 1600 a day. I have been eating for decades not enough.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Ive added all 3 of you :)

    I forgot to add that Im 5'6" and apple shaped (most of my excess weight has settled in my"spare tire" around my bellybutton)

    I tried eating at 1200 calories for a long time but felt hungry quite often and that would lead to bad food choices and binging. Ive been trying to stay around 1400-1500 calories a day and i feel like this has been much more successful for me. Whenever I do exercise eat my calories back as well.

    Kuddos on the progress so far ladies :)
  • gish27
    gish27 Posts: 78
    hi guys here just over a month feel free to add
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member

    I'm 26, I'm on here daily and my food diary is open :)

    feel free to add me!
  • Apollonia84
    Apollonia84 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! Would love to find new friends too! I'm 28, so just a tad bit older, and have about a little under 50 pounds to lose until I'm in a good, healthy range :) Is it okay if I add?
  • gataury
    gataury Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning!

    I started a few months ago and never had the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Cruz Conrad and I am 42 years old. I am tryin to lose about 12 lbs. when I started here I weighted 140; now I am down to 136, but it seems that I am having difficulties losing more weight. I have decided to start Insanity again starting on Monday. I try to go to the gym at least 4 times a week, so that my helps. I wish everybody well in their endeavors with the weight and health. :)
  • annajenine
    Hi there!

    I have joined Myfitnesspal about a month ago. I try to log on every day but I have been slacking since Thanksgiving. I am 23 years old and want to loose another 28 lbs (SW: 163 lbs GW:130 lbs). I have not been eating right the last three years, which resulted in alot of weight gain. So now I try to eat clean and excercise daily (my dog is helping me out alot :) ). I love to jog and would like to do a 10k in march regardless if I am able to jog through it all the way or not.
    I would LOVE to have some friends on here as a support group! So feel free to add me! I will do the same :)
  • trellshantel
    trellshantel Posts: 17 Member
    Add me !!:wink:
  • trellshantel
    trellshantel Posts: 17 Member
    Add me:smile: