36/Hysterectomy/Weight Gain

Ugh! I had a hysterectomy last year....plus I am getting older....gaining weight gradually. Ten pounds since last year. I have two children 8 and 10 and my worst habit is to snack while cooking and then eat what is left on their plates. Bad Mommy! . South Beach Diet worked for me....when I was 28, lol. Trying to get a well balanced diet and regular exercise program started TODAY! I have some back problems so strenuous workouts aren't an option. I LOVE doing burpees and yoga type stretching and ab work. Here we go! I am MOTIVATED!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Great that you're getting back on track! 36 is not old and your metabolism slows such an insignificant amount with age that it really isn't a factor. The biggest issue with aging is that we lose lean muscle mass from inactivity which leads to lower calorie burns for just living. The up side is that it's totally possible to rebuild that muscle! Unless you had a total hysterectomy that removed your ovaries then that isn't a factor for weight gain either. The act of removing your uterus has no effect on hormone levels.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Good luck! I had a TAH/BSO 3 years ago when I was 23 and I tell ya it's been murder trying to lose the weight I gained post baby number 2. Like impossible. Not to mention I had complications after surgery. Here's hoping you have a better go of it than I have had!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    I am with you. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago. I now have "it" all in my middle and can't seem to lose it there. (I am also diabetic). I spoke with a nutritionist and she said that I should decrease my calories by 150. She said 1350 cal a day. Good luck on your journey. Friend me if you would like. Us "Hyster- Sisters" need to stick together. lol
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I don't completely agree that there are no hormones issues associated with only the removal of your uterus....doesn't it have something to do with progesterone?

    In any event - I had a TAH 6 years ago due to cancer. 1 year later I had the left ovary out. Last year I had the right ovary out. Yes, weight gain is constant threat, but one that I've managed to reverse!

    I think I do work harder than my "Plumbing Intact" counterparts....but I also feel such a huge sense of accomplishment! It IS possible!
  • brenda4life
    brenda4life Posts: 65 Member
    I was 35 when I had my hysterectomy. I have steadily gained since - now I am 48. I was very motivated and lost 12 lb, now I am in a rut and can not get my motivation back. I keep watching the boards looking for motivation. Don't let yourself get to where I am now, I need to lose 50 lb. The worst for my is the flab over my scar. Ugh - good luck!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Great that you're getting back on track! 36 is not old and your metabolism slows such an insignificant amount with age that it really isn't a factor. The biggest issue with aging is that we lose lean muscle mass from inactivity which leads to lower calorie burns for just living. The up side is that it's totally possible to rebuild that muscle! Unless you had a total hysterectomy that removed your ovaries then that isn't a factor for weight gain either. The act of removing your uterus has no effect on hormone levels.

    Not true, sometimes removal of the uterus will send your ovaries into menopause. Sometimes it won't. Depends on the person.
  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member
    Im 39 not had a hysterectomy but have four children and have bad lower back issues which I have physio for but Im doing Tapout XT which is actually helping my back because its all about core strength. Do look into core work outs including pilates as this is supposed to be the best workout for back problems. Good luck
  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi all
    I had a total Hysterectomy 2 years ago and I am currently on estradion gel every day. When I don't take it my body acts like a woman 10/15 years older, hot sweats etc.
    I have currently lost 42lbs but have been stuck there for quite a while. Started this journey in June 12. I suffer with a big tummy and I think this has alot to do with all the surgery I have had on it. Been open now 3 times, my tummy muscles are knackered.
    You have to stick with it and slowly but surely it will come off.
    Hang in there.
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I am also 36 and have had a hysterectomy (February 2012). I haven't gain any weight from my surger, in fact, I have lost more. Start clearing the kiddos plates as soon as they are finished, so you aren't tempted to eat off of them. Snack on fruit, veggies and other healthy alternatives. Does walking bother your back? Best of luck in whatever you choose!
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    I had a full hysterectomy last November when I was 46. I lost weight right after the surgery and then started to gain. I gained 10lbs in the last year...thought it was due to that, however when I look back most of it was my crappy eating and lack of exercise. As we age it does get harder to lose due to lack of muscle tone. I decided to get off the treadmill and eliptical and start builidng muscle. In the past 8 weeks I have been able to lose 12.6 lbs due to eating clean and incorporating weights into my daily exercise. I am amazed at how much different I look and feel. It also helps me sleep better and I rarely get hot flashes. I do NOT and will not take a RX for horomone replacement. I do take a natural supplement that was wonderful right after my surgery.