brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
does anybody have a recipe for salmon they would like to share
I am not a really big fish eater, but I am trying to eat more fish cause of the high protein that it has
I started eating tuna and tilapia and would like to try salmon


  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Poached salmon with salsa verde with a side of steamed veggies such as brocollini and carrot = YUM/HEALTHY

    Salmon in a basic yellow or red curry sauce is also nice and easy

    Smoked salmon is great too - I have it on rye/wholegrain toast with cream cheese and/or avocado

    Smoked salmon is also good for salmon omelettes - I use 2 whole eggs and 2 egg white and about 50g smoked salmon, and some red onion, And serve with cracked salt and pepper and a spoonful of cottage cheese on the side :) SUCH a protein meal! A good filling breakfast :) Love my salmon!

    P.s I'm sure google will have a billion recipes, like baked or grilled salmon :)
  • Rub with paprika and garlic, panfry in olive oil, eat with lemon juice or aioli and salad or steamed veggies .
  • I make my own salmon omelet for breakfast. My ingredients are:

    - 2 whole eggs beated (you can use 4 egg whites OR 1 whole + 1 egg white if you want)
    - 100g wild salmon, chopped
    -- 100 g cheese
    - about 4 red/green chili peppers (optional for marinating)
    - 10g garlic & onions, chopped (for marinate)
    - 10g spring onions (half for marinate and half for garnishing)
    - 1 tsp salt and pepper, celery powder or any seasonings you like (for marinate)
    - 2 tsp lemon juice (optional for marinate)

    Marinate salmon and let it stay for 15 mins. Then on the baking pan, put a tsp of olive oil or few sprays of cooking oil spray and then put the fish mixture and bake the fish for 20 mins. On a pan, place the beaten egg on low heat until 90% cooked. Then put the baked salmon on the center part of the cooked egg then put the cheese and the remaining spring onion on top before wrapping the mixture with the egg. Serve with either fried rice, steamed veggies or toasted bread.

    Calories: 575
    Fat: 4
    Carbs: 28
    Protein: 30
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I mix low fat cream cheese, with garlic and herbs and spread this on top of the salmon and bake, it is delicious! On other times I just add lemon juice, garlic and herbs. Give it a try!
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Almond-crusted Salmon

    -Salmon fillet (one per person)
    -Egg whites
    -Lemon/lime juice
    -Black pepper

    1) Crush your almonds. Usually to a point where half of what you've got is a fine powder, but there's still some chunks there.
    2) Pour lemon juice and sprinkle pepper into your bowl of egg whites.
    3) Dip and coat your salmon fillets in the egg white; cover the entire thing.
    4) Now, sprinkle and caress crushed almonds over the salmon fillet. You want a good deal of it covered for the nutty crunch.
    5) Place in the oven at 200 celcius/ 400 Fahrenheit for 10-15 minutes

    Want a side dish with it, and not want to waste the egg yolks? Slice a sweet potato into wedges and crush it the yolk over it garnish with spices and cook alongside the salmon.

    Fish'n'chips - Omonomnomnom.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I love salmon with cajun seasoning, just leave it to marinade for half an hour and either steam or fry with some oil spray :)
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Thinly sliced raw smoked salmon with some light soy sauce.

    Or salmon and avocado sushi rolls with wasabi sauce. Hmmm. That sounds like a good idea for dinner.
  • DreamOfSunshine
    DreamOfSunshine Posts: 911 Member
    I love salmon and I like preparing it in different ways! Here are some of them:

    Recepie 1:

    Put some olive paste on top of it ( no additional salt ) and bake it untill the meat looks a bit white.

    Recepie 2:

    Instead of the olive paste put dijon mustard and bake it again.

    Recepie 3:

    Just put some salt, peper and lemon juice and bake it.

    And one of my favourites, but takes time...

    Recepie 4:

    for 1lbs salmon use 1/5 tablespoon sugar and 1 of salt. Mix them together and after that cover the salmon on both sides. Put it in the frige and for 4 days turn it around once per day. After 4 days it's ready and can be eaten like sashimi, just the fish, or on integral toast.

    *One tip, when I bake it I always put aluminium foil under - it's so much easier to clean afterwards!

    Hope this helps. Good luck with getting used to fish eating, for sure is very healthy ( especially salmon which has tons of benefits! )

  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Lightly seasoned with
    Onion powder
    Garlic Powder
    Black Pepper
    Olive oil and drizzled with a bit of Lemon Juice

    Bake but do not over bake will dry out and hard to get down
    When baked at right temperature and time it is juicy and great

    Pair it with - Asparagus
    Seasoned Rice
    Mixed Veggies ...
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    WOW! those all sound so good, I am going to have to cook me some salmon.
    thank you !
  • I have one more:



    100g (1/2 cup) Wild Salmon, chopped
    200 g (1 cup) Cabbage, shredded
    3-4 cloves Garlic, chopped
    100g Onion, finely chopped (1/2 for cooking, 1/2 for garnishing)
    75g Grated Cheese (or Guacamole)
    15g (1 T) Salsa (may not be needed if using Guacamole)
    1 chili pepper, chopped (optional)
    3 Tortilla Wraps or Taco Shells (whichever you prefer)

    In a pan, saute garlic and 1/2 the onion in olive oil then add the salmon. Cook for 10 minutes or until the fish is cooked. Then on the tortilla or taco shell, place the cooked fish followed by the remaining onions, shredded cabbage, chili pepper. Top it off with salsa and sprinkle with grated cheese (or simply guacamole). Serves 3 people. Enjoy!

    Calories (per serving): 195
    Fat: 1
    Carbs: 32
    Protein: 8
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    I mix low fat cream cheese, with garlic and herbs and spread this on top of the salmon and bake, it is delicious! On other times I just add lemon juice, garlic and herbs. Give it a try!

    ^ This is good. You can also use already flavoured cream cheese to make it even quicker. Baked salmon is the best! I like to put lemonpepper on top for some extra crunch.

    Spreading pesto on top is also very very very good.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Maple syrup and Montreal steak spices.
    'nough said.
  • honeybee1036
    honeybee1036 Posts: 147 Member
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Bake salmon as you normally would but during the last five minutes of baking cover with a thin layer of sugar free orange marmalade mixed with ground red pepper. Just bake enough to caramelize. Sweet and hot.
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    Marinated salmon

    Mix juice of 1 orange, 1 tbsp low sodium tamari and 1/2 tsp toasted sesame oil. Rub into salmon steak/fillet for a few hours or overnight. Grill or griddle salmon.

    (per person)

    100g cooked salmon (fresh or canned red, skinless and boneless)
    1/2 tsp olive oil
    1 egg, hard boiled, chopped
    50g sweetcorn kernals, cooked
    1 small red onion, finely chopped
    1 tsp curry powder
    1 tsp garam masala
    2 tbsp finely chopped parsley or coriander (or 2 tsp dried will do)
    1 lemon, juiced and zested
    50g brown rice, cooked
    Cracked black pepper, to taste

    1. Heat oil, add onion, sautee until soft.
    2. Add curry powder and garam masala, stir until aromas released
    3. Add sweetcorn and rice, stir until coated in spice/onion mixture
    4. Stir in lemon juice & zest and herbs
    5. Flake salmon and fold in along with hard boiled egg
    6. Season with black pepper, to taste
  • Just pan fry in olive and canola oil. Season with lemon pepper & cajun seasoning. I like Slap Your Mama seasoning. You can just cook it alone, however I like to add fresh spinich and saute and add manderine oranges at the end just enough to heat them up. Delicious and simple.
  • sujenwujen
    sujenwujen Posts: 43 Member
    Top a filet with dill or cilantro. Spritz with EVOO or margine spray. Broil. Easy-peasy!

    Or , go to Whole Foods & try some of their seasoned-to-cook fish. If you've never been a fish eater, you can experiment with what they already have prepared to see what you like. For instance, I learned that I do not like halibut, no matter how they dress it up!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    bump... I love salmon!
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I love salmon and eat it about 2 or 3 times a week. I love to take canned salmon and eat it in the same way I eat tuna. If I have a salmon steak I just cook it on the outside grill. I add nothing as I love the flavor of salmon and would not want to destroy it with lemon, garlic or whatever people find to add to it. Be careful not to over cook.

    Canned salmon, diced green peppers, diced onion, low fat crackers, and egg whites all mixed together makes a great salmon loaf baked in the oven.