I'm getting married

and i'd like to lose weight. to be clear i've been trying to lose weight for a long time and have only managed to gain 30. i would like to make some positive and motivational friends on here. if your interested please add me. i've decided to start tracking my food effective today and i am going to pick up running if nothing else. this is something that i'd obviously like to keep up long term not just for the wedding. i have about 50 lbs i'd like to lose. thanks for listening :)


  • HEllooooo there! Well making changes in your everyday life is not easy but i can assure you that you will receive all the support you need here with us!

    Congrats on the engagement!
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm getting married too! Next fall. But to be honest, the wedding wasn't enough motivation. My fiance loves me at this weight and will love me when I lose 40 pounds too. He doesn't care. And I don't really care what anyone else at the wedding thinks. So I had to find something else to motivate me. I'm doing Tough Mudder in June! Maybe something like a 5k or other fitness event a few months before the wedding could help you too :)
  • Of course you would like to keep the weight off, post-wedding. You can add me if you wish, and I am sure many more will want to add you too! Good luck!
  • iheartredsox80
    iheartredsox80 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm losing also in goal for my wedding this coming May, feel free to add me, I have some really supportive, and non judgemental friends that would love to add you!....when is the big day ?!?!?
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    thanks everyone! the big day is July 6th! and erica i'm with you. my fiancee loves me just as i am bless his heart but i have to do this for me.
  • I am going down the same path, but I started counting calories about a month ago and joined the site last week. I have cut out all soda,coffee,and tea. I only drink juice or powerade as a reward. I also am drinking more water than ever and I am always thirsty imagine that. I have been eating sugar free jello as snack and things. Lots of carrotts and celery too. They seem to fill me up quickly. I have lot 7 pounds so far. I have 7 more to go.....Good luck to you!!!!!
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Hi! I'm getting married in March! I don't have much to lose, so I'm more focused on getting fit and building muscle.
  • Hey! I´m getting married in April, and would like to lose weight too! I have about 15 lbs to lose... I´ve tried many things, but this is the first time I´m trying to participate in an online group support. So, hopefully we can help each other!
  • I could use some fitness friends on here too
  • sbozik123456789
    sbozik123456789 Posts: 22 Member
    you can add me, I just had my second baby and am on the baby weightloss diet, I run 4-6 miles everyday and track every piece of food that goes in my mouth, I will support you and encourage you all the way. Oh and congrats on the impending marriage :smile:
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    congrats to all the other brides to be and thanks everyone for the kind words :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Tough love here. If you were "trying" to lose weight and gained 30, then your trying was lackluster. You have to make your goal specific, write it down and daily remind yourself of what you're trying to achieve. If not, then you'll just be winging it and that usually doesn't get results.
    Set a goal weight, a time that you'll reach it, break it down to how much you need to lose a week and how many calories you need to burn daily to reach that weekly goal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    thank you niner buff. that is what i am doing this time around.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I got married in June and didn't start tackling my weight until September. Soooo wish I'd started earlier so I looked better in my wedding dress! Good for you for getting the jump on it!
  • HeidibooJB
    HeidibooJB Posts: 62 Member
    If you want to try out a seriously fun cardio workout, see if there are Zumba classes available near you. I've been doing Zumba for 6 years, and have lost 50lbs doing it. If you like to dance, it's for you. Start out slow, with the awareness that you will not feel coordinated or know the steps starting out; those things come with time. You'll learn some fancy new moves for your reception, too! Congrats on your impending nuptuals, and all the best in your future.
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    i tried zumba before. i like to dance but i didn't find the class challenging. my sis in law suggested trying a different teacher.