I need help

I don't know how to find motivation and will power with in myself. I'm currently the smallest weight I've ever been in my adult life but its still 202-205 I don't want to be here anymore, I hate the way I look from the shoulders down I hate the way I feel I want to be a good example for my kids I just never seem to have the time to work out or at least with out getting up at 5 am and for some reason I can no longer find the will power to do so. my story is long and I don't have a lot of time but I had to get it out to someone who would understand my struggle and understand how I feel. I don't know how to put the damned for down and after taking care of everyone else all day I don't have the energy to take care of myself and I don't show it to anyone around me but its truly taking its toll on me, I want to be fit and healthy and really I just want to be skinny and not fat anymore. but I don't know how to get my will power back. I lost 40 lbs in 4 months bringing me from 250 to 210 and over the last year I've managed to shave off a small amount of weight obviously its not enough. how do you guys find will power I feel like I've tried everything lately.


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When it's important to me, I make time for myself and for my health. When it's not, I make excuses. It's that simple for me. I don't get support/motivation from the people around me, it comes from within.

    You said you don't show your unhappiness (in this area) to people around you. Why not? Sometimes family/friends are the best source of support.
  • 3kidsanddone
    3kidsanddone Posts: 3 Member
    I lack long-term motivation and find it hard as well. I think the breaking point for me was after looking at a picture of myself after my third baby. I realized I do not want to look the way I looked in the picture for the rest of my life. Whenever I start to feel my motivation waver I think of being an example for my kids. They will learn their habits, eating, motivation from me. I want them to to follow the me that was hiking up mountains and exercising and not the me that has started to think of a day of desk work as too exhausting to fit in the exercise. I have started to use my kids as exercise by taking them out and being active with them doing something sports oriented. It helps me exercise when I see them having fun rather than going to gym.
  • I didn't truly find my motivation until I really found love for myself. A lot of women say they don't have time for themselves because they give so much to husbands, children, family, friends, work, and activities, and I was one of those women. And I was ok with that because I really love those people so it's ok to put so much time into them. But then, if I really loved myself, wouldn't I put time into me, too? When I really looked at it, I saw that I didn't value myself as much as I valued those I love. So I changed that, and I love myself, really and truly (though self esteem still waivers sometimes). If I stay this size forever, I'll be ok; I'll still love me because I'm awesome. :) My husband and friends haven't suffered at all since I started spending more time on me, either. They are getting in the game with me so we've all been getting healthier and feeling closer because we're working out together or meal planning together. It's been great. Motivation has been easy since I finally believed "I'm awesome, I'm lovable, I'm beautiful just the way I am."
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    The only thing that helped me was realizing that nobody was going to do it for me. It was all me. If I didn't do it, then it was not going to happen. And I want it to happen. If I want it, I will do it. You have to want it so bad you will do it no matter what.
  • You can do this! And I totally agree with everyone else. For me, I am just trying to get through it one day at a time. I can always find an excuse but I am trying. It is so hard but it will never happen if you don't keep trying. Hang in there! You can always call/txt me.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    Firstly, learn to love yourself. Only when you love yourself you will find motivation and will power to exercise more, to find ways to drop the weight, to look for help from love ones.