100+ weightloss, excess skin?

I am 5'1-5'2 not exactly sure, and my starting weight was about 280. I have about 140 more pounds to lose. I have always been obese for my age and height since childhood, if that matters. I am wondering, is there a way to prevent lose skin after excess weightloss? For the people who have lost that much, what were your results, do you have a lot of skin or a little? What advice do you have to lessen the chances of having a lot of skin? Anyone have pics after their weightloss?

Edit: If you did end up with loose skin, are there natural ways to reduce it? (I'll never be able to afford surgery)

If it matters, I'm still young :P I just turned 20...

What about stretch marks, can you reduce their apperance? (I've had a kid, I know they won't all go away, but can I make them less visable?) Oh, and I had a C-section, would that affect it too?

Idk....I was looking in the mirror yesterday and while I am really happy about my weightloss so far, I got myself in a funk. I care about by health too yes...but I also care about looking pretty. I am really depressed about what I might lok like after the weightloss. I just want to feel confident. I'm just afraid I have already ruined my body too much to achieve that. I have stretch marks on my belly, no where else, thank god. I can deal with that, even if I was skinny I would never feel comfortable showing my belly anyway, I'm too modest. I have scars on my legs from a skin problem I have had for years that causes abcesses and scarring, THAT gets me down, but nobody will SEE that, so still I can deal. The skin thing is a really big blow for me though, my arms are huge and I want to wear tank tops and stuff and look cute. I want my husband to think I'm cute, I want to feel good about myself. Sorry half rant...I'm just feeling down. is there a way to reduce this? Any advice?


  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    I am in the same boat! I have 100 pounds to loose and I'm curious how that is going to look. Everything I have read online says drink plenty of water everyday and take it slow.
  • Im 25. I started at 260 lbs. I was 270 lbs right before I had my daughter. I had a csection as well. I think it has a little to do with it. It sure doesnt help.
    I have lost 71 lbs in a year. I have loose skin on my face, arms and belly. I actually thought to myself at one point "This is stupid. When I was fat I felt more attractive because I didnt have loose skin" and then it occurred to me that loose skin is my punishment for over eating.

    From my understanding, losing weight slowly helps. Drinking lots of water and taking vitamin E supplements help.

    A friend of mine has lost over 100 pounds and her skin is starting to retract. It just takes time.
  • Elise_healthy4life
    Elise_healthy4life Posts: 182 Member
    I started at 353 I'm now about 183 ive also had a csection which is why it sits funny, my stomach is slowly coming up I think it just takes time for it to bounce back

    This is mid September

    This is today

    I've lost about 25lbs between these



    I'm 5'6 :)
  • iSurvive
    You have one really good thing on your side, AGE! Seriously! Drink tons of water, and loose it at a safe rate, and I think you'll be okay! :)
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    My daughter is 5 now, but I gained SEVENTY TWO POUNDS during my pregnancy. Strength traning has helped my skin return to normal. I also swear by using cocoa butter :) The stretch marks fade in time... mine are hardly visible now. :) Good luck
  • GrandGal2
    I have been overweight most of my life and have had 3 significant weight losses. Even as a teenager a doctor asked me if I had lost significant weight due to my stomach being 'puckered'--3 years after I had lost the weight, however at that time I was young (18 yrs) and had good elasticity and had no problem with sagging arms or thighs or breasts. I kept this weight off until after the birth of my second child and after I quit breast feeding, I ballooned to 242 lbs. I lost weight again at 34 and felt sad because my deflated skin looked worse than my plumped, fat, tight skin. I was challenged by the diet and unprepared for maintenance and quickly regained the 112 lbs. I had just lost.

    This time I am 56 and have lost 140+/- lbs. and yes, I have sagging skin (Upper arms, breasts, stomach, and thighs) and so wish I hadn't abused my body all these years, but must deal with reality. Plastic surgery is not an option for me either. The good news is that, although my skin is important, but my total overall health is what matters. I have realized that loose skin can be camouflaged to some degree and fat cannot.

    There are some clothes I do not look my best in, but I dealt with that when I was fat -- that's life. I feel so much better physically and emotionally once I decided to regain control of my unhealthy urges. I can wear jeans and look good. I have a shape and when clothed attractively, i look pretty decent--better than I looked at a size 24/26. I enjoy moving again.

    As I have recently began adjusting to a maintenance plan, my body is firming and toning--albeit, slowly. My measurements are coming "into it" -- It just takes effort and time. I hope to be happily surprised in a few years at how far I have come in repairing
    my body.

    Here is some info (in a nutshell) I have picked up through my research and experiences--

    ~ Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, and hydration are the best friends of healthy skin.
    ~ Educate yourself. Learn good nutrition.
    ~ Wean yourself of processed food, unneeded/unhealthy fats, white sugar,
    cut back or cut out wheat breads, cereals, and pasta, and minimal dairy.
    ~ Count your calories.
    ~ You don't need to be an exercise guru--unless you want too, but a good
    maintainable exercise routine is important for maintaining and building
    your muscles as you lose AND forever after. I do a minimum of 30 min.
    up to an hour or more depending on what I feel like. Learn to enjoy activity,
    add more biking, hiking, dancing, swimming (shopping) activities to the mix.
    Decorate your house or do some landscaping, wash your windows . . .
    . . . just stay as physical as possible.
    ~ Drink lots of water and teas.

    (Regular exercising has been a slow process for me this time, due to a physical condition that has
    somewhat diminished since I have lost weight. I able to do almost any exercise I attempt now.)

    ~ Losing weight slowly gives your skin time to shrink as you lose.
    I lost weight rather quickly, but have noticed once I have reached my goal-3 months ago-
    my skin is beginning to get more toned with exercise and time.
    ~ Supplements and vitamins are good to use to 'cover' any deficiencies you might miss in your foods.
    ~ Topical creams (such as cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, vitamin E oil, etc.) hydrates and nourished from
    the top down, the message action helps to stimulate and tone the skin also.
    ~ The longer you maintain your heavier weight the harder it will be to tighten your skin completely.
    ~ The older you are, the less elasticity you will have to help it shrink up.
    ~ Repeated losing and gaining weight weakens your skin and muscles.
    ~ I believe good genes will make a difference as well.
    Some people just naturally are more 'elastic'.

    You are still young, so I think with a little work and a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can repair most
    of the damage of loose skin.
  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks for the replies and advice, I had forgotten about this thread! I appreciate all the feedback.