On a plateau and can't get off....help!

Hi, my name is Rhonda, and I'm 58 years old. I have been trying to lose weight since Jan. and I've been fairly successful until now. I have a 20 month old granddaughter, and I so badly want to lose enough weight that I can play wih, and keep up with her.
My problem is that I have chronic back pain, and lifting her last week made it worse. I can't straighten up due to the pain. On top of that, I had a knee replacement almost 3 years ago now, but every time I try to walk it begins hurting after about 10 minutes. I think something is wrong with my knee, but dread having to go through that terribly painful surgery again. However, I'm going to make an appt. with another doctor to see what's going on. In the meantime, I'm thinking the lack of exercise is slowing my progress down. I don't know what type of exercise I can do with my back and knee in their current conditions. I'm getting really frustrated now, and I'm beginning to wonder why I'm working so hard on my diet with no success! Any suggestions out there on exercises and how to get off this plateau I've been stuck on for a month? Help, please!


  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Swimming! Low impact and great for you. The buoyancy of the water gives you a great workout without making anything hurt. If you have a local indoor pool somewhere, it may be worth it to get a trial membership....who knows, you may love it and want to keep going. As for the plateau, switch up foods. Over time, our bodies get used to what we eat (because we are creatures of habit and generally like to eat the same things over time). Try a spicy dish-for some spicy does the trick. Most importantly, just keep going! Don't give up, and know that eventually your body will have to lose weight. Maybe, if you feel like your eating too much or too little.....go into your goals and readjust your nutritional requirements. But be proud and keep on strivin'!
  • will4change
    Rhonda, so sorry that you are having such a terrible time but hope yo'll get some answers soon to your problem. Dr. do say that we know aour bodies best, so if you are having so much pain in your back may be you need to take it easy for a while and may be get an MRI to see if you are having some disk bulding problem or any nerve impingment.
    As far as the diet goes may be see if you switch aroud your lund dinner and b'fast. I am not sure if addingmorfe veggies and fruiot might do the trick. Pherhaps you could eat your big meal for lunch or b-fast and light on dinner. It is hard when you can not compensate by doing some kind of workout. I ma not much for yoga/meditation ( I loose fucus very easly so not for me for sure ) but there are people that say that they get help by doing that too. Something to think about I guess?!!
    But don't let your spirit down. It will get bettter!!
    Have a good Sunday and hope for a better wk for you.
  • thisemmabites
    I know u don't want to go to the doctor, but you really should. U may not have to have surgery, u may just need some physical therapy or something. Don't ignore pain, it could make things even worse in the long run. As far as your plateau, up your calories a lil bit and as the others said switch your foods around. Swimming, or even sitting in a chair doing punches will burn some calories. Good luck to you!
  • rojanpa
    rojanpa Posts: 6
    Thank you all for your advice.....it sure helps when you've got other people helping! I'll try your advice and see how it goes....:flowerforyou:
  • rojanpa
    rojanpa Posts: 6
    I tried going into my goals to change them, but I can't figure out how to do it.....could someone please explain how to do this? Thanks!
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    HI, I I beleive that Jillian from Biggest Loser said that if you stand in place with knees slightly bent (you may not be able to bend at all so try to modify) and punch your arms out one at a time like you were hitting a punching bag, that this is a good cardio workout for people with medical problems. Now remember, I'm not telling you to do this because I don't know how severe your problems are or what you can handle, but its a start to try to figure out a possible way to get some type of activity in that will raise your heart rate.

    I feel for you, I had to have back surgery a few years ago and up until I had it I was actually bedridden, thus gaining a ton of weight in the process! Take care of yourself and good luck!!
  • rojanpa
    rojanpa Posts: 6
    Thanks so much for the encouragement! It's so nice to know that other people have experienced what I'm going through......it helps so much!