Am I missing something here?



  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I'm probably about to open a can of worms, but I'm sincerely not trying to here.

    I feel like little thought was put in to some of the comments in this thread. There are people on this website, myself for example, who have crap for a self esteem to begin with. Because I struggle with trying to reach my caloric intake each day (when still eating things like healthy pasta, several servings of fruits and vegetables, dairy and other things) I should be inadverdently grouped into 'those people'? I do understand that you're probably frustrated with hearing about it.

    But if you're seeing it often, than that must mean mean that there's a very real situation that people are having issues coping with and obviously asking for help on.

    I probably shouldn't have taken this so personally, but I did. I just think that sometimes people should consider what is being said, especially in a place like this, before it's said. Call it a case of miscommunication, if you will. And I know that text is OFTEN a miserable way to communicate, but be aware that some people have taken some of the things said here out of context. Myself included.

    I apologize for any annoyance that this, or anything I've said prior to this, has caused to ANYONE.

    Edited for super heinous typos.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    @haisiangirl and durbanski: Congrats on the life change to exclude Mickey D's and BK. I used to eat BK about 13 times a week or more, but haven't had any since December. I know what a big deal it is to give them up.
  • Good Question. I’d have no problem eating pizza all day to fill up my 1,200 calorie diet. But I’m trying to eat healthy. Eating more veggies and low calorie foods, I’m feeling quite full without even reaching my calorie goal. See, before MFP I went all out on things like icecream, pizza, french fries, Sonny’s (you get it).
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :bigsmile: Okay... for those who think we are fooling ourselves or not understanding possibly I will be able to enlighten you to 'my' situation. I've been dealing with excessive weight for literally years. My doctors would say - "Eat less and exercise" but they didn't tell me how much or little. So for years I ate 'very' lite... prior to starting here my day entailed about 600 calories a day and I was at a point where I was starting to gain again - I stumbled upon MFP. Since then, I've had to re-program myself of years of "eating less" to actually eating more than I was accustomed. I have been here since January and am now starting to get a handle on this. I cannot speak for others - this is my situation. You can say it is all in my head (as my siblings do - yet the changes they have witnessed are in front of them). I track my intake honestly and with commitment. I do have health issues where there are some foods that I would love to eat but shouldn't or can't and would love to have more variety but preparing a meal for me alone is not that interesting to me. But I feel I am doing well with this situation of staying up to my caloric recommendation but for some time it was difficult. Remember - it is all about perception and habit. Lifestyle change in the works. :flowerforyou:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've found that, like LittleSpy, once I got rid of the notion that everything had to be low fat or fat free and low cal, my calories went up and so did my feelings of being satisfied.

    Another BIG help was to eliminate all artificial flavoring, preservatives, coloring, sweeteners, MSG and HFCS. That pretty much cuts out all processed foods. I closely monitor my sugar intake as well, which eliminates a chunk of naturally sweetened items.

    The list of foods I CAN eat is long and fascinating...Chicken, lean beef, shrimp, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, any kind of fruit, any kind of veggie, pitas, tortillas, almonds, soups, some breads, occasional pasta, olives, some cereals, turkey bacon, uncured ham, cocoa, coconut, etc...I could go on and on :tongue:
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    We will get there. Just takes some time and know-how, I suppose.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I see soooo many people saying they're struggling to reach just 1200 cal a day... That they don't know how to eat that much.

    i'm confused... Aren't the majority of us here because at some point we were eating WELL over 1200 cal / day? How can it suddenly be impossible?

    is this just all talk or is there something I'm missing here? I mean, just my normal LUNCH (2 sandwiches + banana approx 750cal) is what some people are eating all day and saying they can't possibly fit any more in, and I feel it's a good balanced and nutritious lunch, it certainly leaves me full, but it wouldn't leave me full all DAY iykwim.

    So, what's up with 'over'eaters suddenly not being able to eat enough?

    LOL I've been thinking the same thing. I eat 900 calories before dinner :) I'm not starving but I'm not struggling to eat them either.
  • valleyp
    valleyp Posts: 49
    I think metabolic systems have alot to do with it, too. I am a fast oxidizer (my system processes my food quickly) and I can fill up on veggies but I am not satisfied and can't stay full on them for very long. I am soon looking for something more to eat. I really need heavier types of food at meals, which means that my calories are "eaten up" pretty quickly. My husband (a slow oxidizer), on the other hand, can go all day without eating until dinner time and still not overeat. I simply cannot be satisfied on 1200 calories a day for more than a day or two and so I will do workouts that burn the most calories possible so I can eat more. I can't identify with the folks who are filled up quickly and stay full on small amounts of food. I'm relatively petite ( about 5'1") and have only about 15 lbs. of leftover baby weight to lose but I really struggle to stay within my calorie allowance.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    It's strange, I've been overweight my entire life! I have done basically every diet known to man. BUT I haven't counted calories in about 20 years, LOL. I've always been most successful on the high protein/low carb diets and when I was just making sure that what I chose was healthy and acceptable for those requirements I did fine, but once I lost it was hard to maintain and I yo-yo'd back up. So, counting calories is quite hard for me right now. Thank goodness for MFP and it's wonderful database of items.

    I've been on MFP for a week now, and it has been very eye-opening. I actually look at calories now. BUT I also pay attention to where my calories come from. I would love to eat my 1200 calories a day by eating 12 of the 100 calorie packs of oreos or something like that, but it's not good for me and wouldn't be satisfying. Most of my calories come from things that are high in protein and low in carbs (cheese, nuts, cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat, etc)... So my meals add up quickly. So, I find I need to workout so I can add on some more calories.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's strange, I've been overweight my entire life! I have done basically every diet known to man. BUT I haven't counted calories in about 20 years, LOL. I've always been most successful on the high protein/low carb diets and when I was just making sure that what I chose was healthy and acceptable for those requirements I did fine, but once I lost it was hard to maintain and I yo-yo'd back up. So, counting calories is quite hard for me right now. Thank goodness for MFP and it's wonderful database of items.

    I've been on MFP for a week now, and it has been very eye-opening. I actually look at calories now. BUT I also pay attention to where my calories come from. I would love to eat my 1200 calories a day by eating 12 of the 100 calorie packs of oreos or something like that, but it's not good for me and wouldn't be satisfying. Most of my calories come from things that are high in protein and low in carbs (cheese, nuts, cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat, etc)... So my meals add up quickly. So, I find I need to workout so I can add on some more calories.

    A couple of weeks ago I caught myself exercising extra so I could add an apple to my food diary. I realized I didn't get my proper fruit for the day. To me that's success!
  • I'm one of "those" people who struggles to get in 1200 cals. I'm not fooling myself or exaggerating either.

    Not everyone on MFP is here because they ate themselves into oblivion. I don't think that is a fair assumption. MFP is NOT a diet website. It is a health and fitness website.
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Wow everyone OK no need to take it all personally though, yes. It was just a question.

    I guess it comes down to differing visions of healthy and a lifestyle change for life - I don't see cutting out bread, nuts, healthy oils, dairy and all those nutritious and calorie dense foods as either healthy NOR maintainable for life. nor do I see living on low-fat no fat low-cal no-fun foods healthy or a good lifestyle choice (my goodness one would need a chemistry degree to even start deciphering the ingredients listings on some of those things - and they're passed off as "healthy"? Scary) as our bodies need fats and the nutrients that it carries.

    I see I am not missing anything, I just have a different vision of healthy. :wink:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I'm one of "those" people who struggles to get in 1200 cals. I'm not fooling myself or exaggerating either.

    Not everyone on MFP is here because they ate themselves into oblivion. I don't think that is a fair assumption. MFP is NOT a diet website. It is a health and fitness website.
    I wish there was a like button...cause i'd like the *kitten* out of this post lol

    another thing is it all depends on what u cut out...for example...I cut out alot ALOT of carbs...i eat protien and good fats and mostly fresh produce carbs....i just find that my body feels better without the carb over load and i tend to not stop eating them ... therefore that is a huge chunk of cals taken out
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Wow everyone OK no need to take it all personally though, yes. It was just a question.

    I guess it comes down to differing visions of healthy and a lifestyle change for life - I don't see cutting out bread, nuts, healthy oils, dairy and all those nutritious and calorie dense foods as either healthy NOR maintainable for life. nor do I see living on low-fat no fat low-cal no-fun foods healthy or a good lifestyle choice (my goodness one would need a chemistry degree to even start deciphering the ingredients listings on some of those things - and they're passed off as "healthy"? Scary) as our bodies need fats and the nutrients that it carries.

    I see I am not missing anything, I just have a different vision of healthy. :wink:
    its not fair to call those life styles unhealthy???....i am perfectly healthy ...and dont eat many carbs maybe 40 a day and all from fresh produce that right there is just not fair to say...and it may not be a complete lifestyle change but once a person reaches their goals they can choose to slowly incorprate them back into the diet....
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    I think it's because it's hard to eat "good" and get that many calories. If you are not eating bread (like I am), a sandwich is out, so the calorie count goes way down without it. We eat alot, but not calorie dense food, so it's hard to be able to eat enough to reach our calorie goal because we are full.
    At least that's the way it is with me.
    I totally agree here.....I have 600 calories I still need to eat and I am not hungry...Today for breakfast I ate a slice of wheat bread, a slice of turkey ham and one egg....for lunch I ate grilled chicken breast and spinach.....snack an orange....and fo r dinner I was tired from working out so I ate a bowl of cheerios - multi grain. I will eat another peice of fruit and drink water, but other than that I'm not hungry. Another think I noticed....before I used to eat just to be eating or because it was routine. Now I eat because I am hungry and when I am full I stop eating. In the beginning I was complaining like hell about 1200 I am trying to eat them....
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    I didn't say it was UN healthy, its just not MY vision of healthy, which is what I was "missing". I guess I have a more holistic viewpoint.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I wish there was a like button...cause i'd like the *kitten* out of this post lol

    I agree! A "like" button would be awesome! Wow, how Facebook has changed the way we think nowadays. LOL

    ~~~~ Sorry for my interruption ~~~~
  • I don't feel like I am lying to myself about being full. There are times that even when i am full I take a few more bites because I know my body needs the calories and I don't want to jip myself. But in all honestly I do eat balanced meals. I don't eat a lot of bread because I don't like deli meat and I don't like cheese but if I want bread its not like i feel that I can't have it. I don't deprive myself of things that I want, I just eat in moderation and try to find low fat options. I am a huge chocoholic and I compensate for that by eating chocolate pudding and fat free chocolate ice cream. My goal is to be healthy. For once I am including veggies in my meals, grilling chicken, and just saying no to things I don't need anymore (such as salt). I realized that food is good when you don't load it with crap like butter, salt, or oil. I also learned about portion control. For instance, for a bowl of cereal I would normally pour cereal to the top and eat away. Now I am learning to measure out the cereal (1 cup of total whole grain) and by the end, I am full! So all of that extra cereal I was eating before wasn't going to cure my hunger but really because thats how much I thought I was hungry for. Thats really all I have got. I'm trying to not be sensitive about the subject (which sometimes its hard to be) and in no way do I feel like that I am being unhealthy with my eating. Being healthy is my whole goal and it's not something I want to compromise.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    If you are eating 1200 cals than you are certainly here to lose weight, and that inherently IS a diet. After some careful observation since I've joined WAY back in June 2008, I find that people who have this 1200 calorie issue are generally newer folks...usually 1-3 month members, that was me back then too, I had trouble eating the 1200. There's something to be said about really embracing the 1200 cals, I know for me I was obsessed with how much of everything I ate, every little calorie....then reality sets in. More failures occur over time, no one can be perfect 100% in this process, and sometimes it just gets easier to cheat after you've been logging for a long time...things begin to slide. I'm not here to discourage anyone, but I think over time reality sets in and 1200 isn't hard to achieve. If it were easy then everyone would eat a healthy number of calories to maintain, gain, or lose. But isn't eating too many cals what brought most of us here in the first place? And then there's the folks who have quite a bit of weight to lose who swear that they always under ate and they were never eating enough so that's why they are overweight, well, I don't have much to say about that because I've seen anorexics who are always in starvation mode who don't look obese...ah well, it's all a process, a journey that I think mfp has helped me learn a ton about what I was doing right and wrong!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I didn't say it was UN healthy, its just not MY vision of healthy, which is what I was "missing". I guess I have a more holistic viewpoint.

    I have to say I do agree with you..**ducking the daggers**:wink::tongue: . People have this 1200...a number..stitched in the heads, whether it be the right or wrong number for them people can become fixated on it. I'm curious to know if you went a few days without "counting" calories and went based solely on what your body is telling you, letting your body tell you you're hungry, and not eating cayse you have exercise calories, or you need to use them you think that number would be higher or lower? this is based if course on the lifestyle changes you've already applied to your lives. I'm quite fascinated more by the 1200 calorie gig...cause everyone and their grandma fits this number on MFP, if I ate that, i'd die...seriously, I would be famished, probably would eat one of my young ones...but to each their own, not saying it's right or wrong, you do what's in your best interest and what's working for you.
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