Foot/Ankle Flare Ups

Has anyone struggled with this issue? Its only 1 foot for me. It does not matter how easy or light i go with working out (Power 90 program) my foot/ankle flares up and it hurts really bad. Ive had to stop my work out routine alltogether because the pain was unbearable. i'm so frusturated. I feel like its holding me back. I've been at this for three weeks now. I was told that at first it s normal for it to hurt but three weeks later? I think it should be at least improving by now instead of getting worse. I could go see a doctor but I'd prolly have to shell out 300 bucks or more for Xrays. So i wanted to resort here first and see if you guys have ideas?


  • littleroper
    When I started a workout program I had the same problem...first it was one ankle and then it went to both of them. I know it's hard but resting them really does help! And then slowly get back into your workout. I tried to fight through the pain and wrapped my ankles during the workout, but I finally just had to take a few days off. But your ankles will get used to your workout. Ever since I took some time off and slowly went back into my workout I haven't had anymore problems with my ankles..knock on wood;) Good luck!
  • Hopeful4757
    Hopeful4757 Posts: 138
    I would go see a doctor. It is always best to get a professional opinion and rule any problems out with medical knowledge. They may also be able to give you advice on what you can do to prevent this or give you other exercises that may work well for you.
  • teffy1
    teffy1 Posts: 12
  • teffy1
    teffy1 Posts: 12
    Hi Eyema,

    Your situation is probably not the same as mine, as I have bad ankles (one worse then the other) from an improperly healed break when I was 10. So honestly I can sprain my bad ankle sitting in my chair at work. I'm not familiar with power 90 so am not sure what it entails, but what helps me the most is varying my work out.

    Eliptial trainier - good ankle days
    Bicycle - with ankle wrap on slightly sore days
    Home Water aerobics - recovering from a sprain

    I have been able to to yoga, step aerobics and weight training if I listen to my body and take it easy on weight bearing exercise when my ankles are sore.

    Hope that helps.
  • MiniRose2B
    when you say "foot" do you mean underneath? or hurting around the ankle and heal behind the foot? Location of the pain is a biggie here, heel spurs can hurt and be very sore on the heel (underneath) some pain may generate to the ankle, but not much. also, you really don't have to have heel spur's to have pain on the sole of your heel, it can be inflammation and the beginning of a "spur". I have a similar problem and I always use inserts in my walking shoes (heel seats). They seem to work for me. Debbie
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I've been having a problem with my left foot and ankle. I have sharp pains on the bottom and side of my foot, and my ankle hurts. Also, when I'm doing water aerobics, it's the same foot that always cramps up in the pool. Never my right one. I've been debating going to the doctor.
  • yvosax
    yvosax Posts: 2
    I'm not giving medical advice here but as a Registered Massage Therapist, I hear these sorts of things a fair amount. I have a few suggestions of ideas you might want to consider and research on your own.

    Improper foot wear/ arch support
    - How good are your shoes?
    - Have you considered orthopedic shoes?

    Plantar Fasciitis
    - The pain you feel might be because of this connective tissue
    - Look up stretching exercises, I'm sure there's plenty of resources

    Hope that helps!
  • Rio98
    Rio98 Posts: 3
    see a podiatrist.
    it is amazing what corrective shoe inserts can do to alleviate pain problems. Also, make sure you are getting decent new sneakers every 6 months. Tired sneakers have less cusioning and bounce - and your foot will pay the price. I have a $600 orthotic and $220 sneakers - and havent had any pain since. Orthotics to take some getting used to, though, so be patient.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Pain is not normal. Pain is the body's way of letting you know something's wrong. Complaints, on the other hand, are normal. Complaints go away over time. If it's still bugging you, there's something wrong. See a doc (a good chiropractor!)
  • eyemadreamer
    eyemadreamer Posts: 41 Member
    yea the pain is on the outside side of my foot usually on the side and goes up to my ankle. it flares up and feels like it tightens and my foot suddenly feels heavy and painful. it hurts whenever i do any type of pressure on it.. such as cardio workouts (jumping jacks, run lunges, squats, really anything that will twist and bend my ankles around) i have to limp around for a minute or two for the pain to subside. yeah im not sure if its medical related or if i just need better shoes. i used to be a runner, was on a cross country team. i ran a lot for a few years. then i stopped after i got married and been pretty much inactive for the last 5 years and now is just trying to get back into it. and now this issue... i really cannot go through a 30 minute workout without stopping every 5 minutes to limp the pain away.. and go for another 5 and then it hurts again and so on. i am thinking i probably need to stop working out alltogether until i see a dr or figure this problem out.