Tired of weight loss and NEEDING MOTIVATION

As someone that suffered with childhood obesity I have been counting calories and resisting temptations for the last 14 years without a break. For the last 7 years or so I've been so close to my goal weight of 150 lbs, always hovering in the neighbourhood of 165, but I've been finding it nearly impossible to shed the last little bit. I feel like I've never experienced what it's like to have a healthy relationship with food and be able to truly enjoy culinary experiences or taking time off from the gym without feeling guilty. It's just exhausting.

Anyone have any tips on how to stay motivated after this long?


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    No wonder you're exhausted. I'd be exhausted too if I felt like I was fighting and depriving myself for 14 years. That's a long time. It strikes me most that you feel you've never had a good relationship with food. I think if you find a way to work on that, the remainder will be far less exhausting. 14 years is a long time to fight yourself, beat yourself up and feel guilty. Figure that part out and the rest will be cake.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Give up. :explode:

    Or you can get mad and do it. :wink:

    It's really up to you.
  • Flawless_K
    Flawless_K Posts: 42 Member
    I think we are in the same boat. I was doing so good Aug-October, but as soon as the winter months came, I have slowly been eating myself out of a 31 pound weight loss. I called it a break at first, but the bad eating habits have slipped back into my lifestyle. I THOUGHT I shook this.....some times I think im destined to be Bigger....
  • MonDeee
    MonDeee Posts: 37 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My family has a history of obesity and I seem to gain weight if I just look at a cupcake.
    However, we all have choices...you keep fighting for your health and for your life. Or you give up and let genetics take over. What I've learned in all my years is there is no quick fix. Every day is a new day (for better or worse) and everything in moderation.
  • lkplibra
    lkplibra Posts: 147 Member
    No wonder you're exhausted. I'd be exhausted too if I felt like I was fighting and depriving myself for 14 years. That's a long time. It strikes me most that you feel you've never had a good relationship with food. I think if you find a way to work on that, the remainder will be far less exhausting. 14 years is a long time to fight yourself, beat yourself up and feel guilty. Figure that part out and the rest will be cake.

    You are 22 years old. If you have been restricting calories for 14 years; you started at 8 years old. That is no childhood at all. What a miserable experiance. No wonder you are tired. I totally agree with the above. Find a way to improve your relationship with yourself and food/your body will take care of itself. Is there anyone you can talk to?
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My family has a history of obesity and I seem to gain weight if I just look at a cupcake.
    However, we all have choices...you keep fighting for your health and for your life. Or you give up and let genetics take over. What I've learned in all my years is there is no quick fix. Every day is a new day (for better or worse) and everything in moderation.

    What is a cupcake?
  • Flawless_K
    Flawless_K Posts: 42 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My family has a history of obesity and I seem to gain weight if I just look at a cupcake.
    However, we all have choices...you keep fighting for your health and for your life. Or you give up and let genetics take over. What I've learned in all my years is there is no quick fix. Every day is a new day (for better or worse) and everything in moderation.

    What is a cupcake?

    This is sarcasm right?
  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My family has a history of obesity and I seem to gain weight if I just look at a cupcake.
    However, we all have choices...you keep fighting for your health and for your life. Or you give up and let genetics take over. What I've learned in all my years is there is no quick fix. Every day is a new day (for better or worse) and everything in moderation.

    ^^^THIS. I gave up the merrygoround a while back, thinking I was never going to be in shape, why bother?, dieting wasn't working, etc. I got up to 212 lbs, barely recognized myself in the mirror, was having heartburn and indigestion everyday, my legs started swelling, was having sharp pains in the side of my head and neck, and in my chest. FINALLY, I realized I better get back ON the damned merrygoround, because if I didn't I was going to die. I may never be thin, I really don't think my body will let me be THIN, but I CAN and now AM better. My legs no longer swell, the sharp pains, heartburn and indigestion are gone, and I've even lost a little weight. I hope to lose more weight, but honestly I'm willing to be patient with it now. Frantically exercising and dieting will just result in a rebound effect, so go slowly and incorporate your new eating style into your life seamlessly so that it won't SEEM like you're dieting ;)
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Maybe you need a diet break. Try eating at what you think "maintenance" would be for you for a couple weeks. Maybe you need an exercise break. Maybe you need more sleep. Maybe you need someone to talk to.

    I often find I get most frustrated in the weight loss battle when something else in my life isn't going right. And I used to use food and binging to cope with it and now I don't have that mechanism to turn to. So you need to find some other healthy way to treat yourself, to cope, to comfort yourself. Try something new maybe, something you've always wanted to try? Dancing? Zumba? Spinning? Yoga? Don't do it for the calorie burn, do it because it's something you want to do. Or maybe treat yourself to a new book or magazine subscription or a new coat or new candle or new fragrance or something special you want just for you. I know substituting spending money for eating food is probably not the best solution, but I think there is a tradeoff where it is very worth it. Take some time for you this week and this holiday season. Make sure you are treating YOU right.
  • MonDeee
    MonDeee Posts: 37 Member
    What is a cupcake?

    A cupcake is the devil. Delicious, sweet, fattening cakes in miniature form.