ideas please?

so i started this a couple weeks ago and have only lost 4 pounds, im running out of ideas of what to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner....but mainly breakfast...

any ideas???
i can't really eat eggs or cheese so any ideas besides those two? would be a great help!
please and thank you :D


  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Are you lactose intolerant or allergic to eggs?
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Oatmeal, cereal (I buy organic - the brand is Mom's Best & Kroger carries it, pretty cheap too. $2 for 16.5 oz), plain yogurt with fruit mixed in, bananas, canteloupe, grapes.

    For lunch I normally do wraps. I just bought some large romaine leaf lettuce and I'll make chicken salad in it and throw random veggies in it. Very yummy & makes me feel like a health food snob, lol! Also, I love using whole wheat tortillas and filling it with deli meat, canned chicken, tuna (whatever I have at the time - this week it's chicken, I had that today) with veggies. Today I just did canned chicken, a hard boiled egg & half of the leaf lettuce inside the tortilla.

    You can also do whole wheat pitas... slather on some hummus, throw some lunch meat and veggies, nuts, whatever inside. Super yum! :) I'm real big on sandwiches & wraps so that's mainly what I do and just switch out the meat and fillings so I don't get bored.

    Dinner is usually a chicken breast and veggies since it's low cal & my meals get smaller as the day progresses. I also love tilapia and doing pasta with meat but only if it's an early dinner - I don't like to do carbs too late at night and 3 nights a week I eat pretty late because of work.

    Hope that helps! If you want, you can peruse my food diary. :happy: Good luck! 4 lbs in 2 weeks ain't bad :wink:
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    Breakfast: Oatmeal with fruit in the morning. I used to eat Raisin Bran, but this is 100 calories less and just as filling.

    Lunch: I used to eat 1/2 peanut butter sandwich and an apple, but that wasn't enough. Now it's Salad (lots of veggies) with egg whites and balsamic only for dressing and a piece of toast with Brummel and Brown

    Dinner: A good dinner, around 500 calories. Tonight was 6 oz tilapia in whole wheat tortilla with tons of zucchini, salsa, and big salad. I'm stuffed.

    But still looking forward to my Hershey's kisses. I have about 3 per day for a treat.

    Since I made these changes at breakfast and lunch, my 3-week plateau ended and I'm back to losing weight.
  • ritagirl
    ritagirl Posts: 3
    im not lactose intolerant...its just i had bad experiences with those two food groups when i had gone out of the country...and i try to stay away from it as much as i can or else i get sick
  • kelli_panzera
    Check out other pople's food diaries....mine is public...I keep a lot of dairy out of my diet due to doc's orders...but look around, you may find things that are surprising and enjoyable!
  • Akasha13
    Akasha13 Posts: 7
    For breakfast: cereal (Nutty Nuggets - Kroger's version of Grape Nuts) or oatmeal with fruit (raisins, cranberries, strawberries, bananas, etc), and 1/2 of a medium sized grapefruit. The cereal could also be Corn Flakes with fruit or even Raisin Bran. A plate of fruit with banana or pumpkin bread is good too.

    For lunch: chicken noodle soup (or your favorite soup), a small salad and maybe a tuna sandwich. I've been known to eat the tuna straight out of the can with a little bit of salt mixed in and some crackers.

    For dinner: skinless chicken, salad, baked potato (easy on the butter and/or sour cream), pasta. Middle Eastern foods are really good because most of the dishes are healthy and tasty. One of our favorites is Hamud and it's really good.
  • ritagirl
    ritagirl Posts: 3
    thanks everyone for ur great ideas...

    @ akasha:ya my family is from the middle east so i eat a lot of middle eastern problem is i need to cut down on those! loool
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    girl, you have soooooooo many options!!! its really all about knowing them. i've had the problem with getting bored with my meals too. i've learned that salad every single day does not work well with me. :laugh: but now i have a TON of recipies saved on my computer to refer to when i plan out my grocery list for the week. here's how i set up my menu:

    1. to make sure i get enough fruit and veggies, i usually base my breakfast and snacks around fruit and my lunch and dinner around veggies. from there, i try to include protein with every meal and spread out my dairy and grains accordingly.

    2. i spend time online searching for recipies that i think would fit nicely into my main food plan. some sites i like to search in are,,, and

    3. i try to make a menu each week based on my saved recipies that includes something new or something i'm excited about. this makes grocery shoppping and experienting with food more fun!

    i hope this helps. don't get discouraged, you'll find something that works for you. good luck!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    In the mornings I eat Fiber One Original Bran Cereal (1 c) and nonfat milk (1 c), I love it, it's sooo good and I have never felt so full from cereal the way I do with this one. Sometimes I'll also have carnation instant breakfast with a fruit. Another yummy breakfast is Thomas Original English Muffin with 1 tbsp. peanut butter.

    BTW 4 LBS in a couple of weeks is excellent progress, you should be happy with your results thus far.
  • Breathe_Glamour
    Well you can make smoothies, granola bars, yogurt & granola, oatmeal, etc.

    I found myself bored with breakfast foods, too...I started eating "dinner" for breakfast, I don't get so hungry during the day & I end up eating lighter in the evening before I go to bed. This may be a great way to add some variety and lose weight for you.

    Keep up the good work & congratulations on losing 4 pounds :)
  • mmains
    mmains Posts: 7
    Do you eat yogurt? Oikos greek yogurt (plain) with a little honey and some rasberries (or fruit that you like) is wonderful! It has more protein than regular yogurt, tastes much better, and has less carbs. One of my favorite breakfasts!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    My 2 go to breakfasts are: activia yogurt topped with walnuts or 1 cup of special K cereal with 1/2 cup of skim milk; to that I sometimes add a fuji apple. My overall food diary is public if you want to peruse for other ideas for lunch and dinner.