HELP! Pub lunch with work - what to eat?

I'm off to the pub this afternoon with my work team and I'm in a quandry about what to eat. I've been to the gym this morning so even with breakfast I've got about 1400 calories to spend, but I know about 500 of those will go on gin and slimline tonic, and there's bound to be a glass or two of wine at some point as well.

I want to eat something that will be filling and substantial enough to keep me going, but I don't know what to have. Here's the menu:

I was thinking the smoked salmon and sour cream sandwich with salad, but don't know if that's the best choice? We may be eating starters and I have no idea for that.

Any help greatly appreciated!


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Do you ever have cheat meals now and then? I'd log it as that as when I go out I always tend to go over but you've been to the gym so that's in your favour.
    I'd have a few drinks, a lovely meal of what you fancy then get back on it tomorrow.

    Have fun!
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Do you ever have cheat meals now and then? I'd log it as that as when I go out I always tend to go over but you've been to the gym so that's in your favour.
    I'd have a few drinks, a lovely meal of what you fancy then get back on it tomorrow.

    Have fun!

    I agree with this, enjoy the lunch and don't get too stressed! At the very worst all you'll do is delay losing those next few pounds!!
  • Domi_BTGfit
    I had a look through the menu and I'd likely choose the smoked salmon starter, the seasonal vegetables and/or crunchy slaw for sides and then one of the grilled fish options for the main. That allows you some peace of mine with regards to your alcohol/drinks intake.

    So long as you aim for a higher protein/lower carb dish (fats is OK) then you should be fine. If a dish comes with white bread or a bread roll, just don't eat that part.

    MFP is about learning what's in food. So long as you're aware of what you're eating, anything is OK in moderation. Have fun and don't let it rule your life. You've done the right thing in seeking advice :) Good luck!
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    This is my nightmare situation as I have no will power whatsoever :(

    If I were being really good, and considering the amount of cals in alcohol, I would probably make up my own meal- a starter - maybe salmon? Then I'd have the side salad and a side of vegetables. You should end up with a pretty decent meal there. Make sure you ask for dressing on the side and no butter!!

    Or just be really picky and ask!! You never know what you can/can't get until you ask so maybe take the waiter to one side and ask if its possible to have a main course salad with some plain fish or poached egg or something?? Again dressing on the side and no butter!!

    Otherwise you could just enjoy what you want but try and get rid of hidden cals eg no butter, dressing, sauces et.

    Hope this helps- good luck! :)
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Salad garnish from everyone elses plates ? On a serious note Domi's advice sounds good but as do the others, you're allowed to eat nice food just get yourself back into the healthy frame of mind tomorrow. Have an extra 30min workout/run or whatever exercise you do. Enjoy it :)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I would probably forgo the alcohol, and go for the half shropshire chicken and drink water or iced tea.

    ETA: ask for the gravy on the side.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    drink soda water instead of your g&t?
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    I'd get no starter - even if the others do, and go for the half chicken - lots of protein and you can leave the potatoes if you don't want them. See if you can get a side salad with it instead.
  • ilyenacerise
    Thanks for the advice - I ended up just going for the smoked salmon sandwich, it really was just two slices of bread with a few bits of smoked salmon, had a salad and olives on the side.

    I do allow cheat meals/days but there's way too many on the run up to Christmas...
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    It is the Christmas season. Can you not just chill out and enjoy having whatever you want. Remember this is a lifesyle change and life involves going out occasionally. Just get right back on it tomorrow and you will be fine. Enjoy your meal out and have fun.