Intimidated by the men in the weight section of gym!

So I've just started weight training and for my first few sessions the weights area (that is still a bit of a foreign area for me) was nice and quiet. Got to the gym last night, it was packed with BIG, scary-looking blokes, all prancing around and not doing a great deal.

I felt like they were ALL staring at me and probably thinking "what is she doing in here"

What advice can all the weight training females on here give me.. I really want to stick to doing this programme but I really found the experience very off-putting last night. Squatting especially!


  • Zeyhn
    Zeyhn Posts: 4
    They probably think that you are hot, I doubt they are thinking "what is she doing in here". Nothing to worry about, be strong and just do it. Don't let this put you off, weight lifting is great for everyone.

    Good luck!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Do you wear short shorts?
  • Here is how I managed... I put in headphones turned up my music to loud levels did my program and pretended like no one was there. I promise you... if you stick to it they will come to respect you and you will become a part of the normal scene. Just don't be disturbed when people get comfortable and interrupt your music and routine to give you some "tips" :tongue: just stick with it girl!
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    IMO..... the hell with them. we all have to start somewhere and you belong there just as much as they do. i was once in your shoes. about 10 years ago. didnt know anything bout anything!!!!! stick with it my friend!!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Here is how I managed... I put in headphones turned up my music to loud levels did my program and pretended like no one was there. I promise you... if you stick to it they will come to respect you and you will become a part of the normal scene.

    Good advice!!
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    I do exactly the same thing. Music on super loud and pretend am invisible. Normally there are only a couple of guys in late when I do weights. Although am sure they were all working out near the door to the cardio area where I was running in lycra. I just ignore them. Unless they actually say hi. I try to not let it weird me out.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    Hell, I'm a guy, and I've always been intimidated by the weight lifters in the gym, but I was always the "fat bloke who couldn't lift much".

    I agree with the suggestions to create your own personal bubble, and that if they are looking at you, they're probably checking you out. Or depending on how much you lift, impressed/intimidated by you. ;)
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    IMO..... the hell with them. we all have to start somewhere and you belong there just as much as they do. i was once in your shoes. about 10 years ago. didnt know anything bout anything!!!!! stick with it my friend!!!

    Yep this guy is bang on, I'm a guy and fairly fit but I also get intimidated by these guys and always stayed away, then my PT gave me some work to do in the area and I just started going in. Music up, focus on me and got on with it, was all fine. And now I've spent more time in there they are all alright really, just there for different reasons.

    Just go for it!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Just do your thing, you aren't going to get kicked out.

    I take my notebook and write down my weights/reps and that keeps me busy between sets.

    If you need help ask one of the guys, they'll probably be pretty friendly.
  • ChunkieNuts
    ChunkieNuts Posts: 135 Member
    Hmm i know what u mean, we have a womens and mens separate weights room, but typically the womens weights are baby weights and pink ..which isnt great
    i just get on with my own business and ignore does help that my boyfriend is one of the big muscley guys prancing about though. Lol
  • Don't worry about it. They're all staring at each other too (and pretending not to) and they really only have an issue with the person using the kit they want to be on themselves at the time. Take your turn, do your bit with the kit and move on.

    Fix it in your mind - when you're in the weights area, walk around like you're boss. It'll set you up to be boss of the iron too which is all that matters. If they're not doing a great deal and you're squatting then they need to get out of your way!
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    IMO..... the hell with them. we all have to start somewhere and you belong there just as much as they do. i was once in your shoes. about 10 years ago. didnt know anything bout anything!!!!! stick with it my friend!!!

    Yep this guy is bang on, I'm a guy and fairly fit but I also get intimidated by these guys and always stayed away, then my PT gave me some work to do in the area and I just started going in. Music up, focus on me and got on with it, was all fine. And now I've spent more time in there they are all alright really, just there for different reasons.

    Just go for it!
    yes..... but im a girl...better take a better look my friend!!!:noway: :laugh:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Just do your thing, you aren't going to get kicked out.

    I take my notebook and write down my weights/reps and that keeps me busy between sets.

    If you need help ask one of the guys, they'll probably be pretty friendly.

    Yup to all of this! I use my phone to keep track of my lifting sessions so am focused on that between sets, and every time I've need to speak to the guys in the lifting section (if they're done with equipment, weight etc) they're always really nice. The odd looks I get are mainly from the cardio bunnies!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Yep, I felt like this when I started lifting. It wasn't me being paranoid, they were watching (and one of the PTs is/was the worst offender). I found it very intimidating, but dealt with it by always wearing my i-pod, and being quite firm about not being pushed of any kit. The regulars are used to me now, find me a bit intimidating, but they accept my presence. I still get the watchers occassionally, but they are normally newbies or guys that don't work out too often. Its no wonder that there are only a handful of women in my gym using the weights area.
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    yes..... but im a girl...better take a better look my friend!!!:noway: :laugh:

    hahaha, so sorry. It was a vert lazy glance at your profile pic on my small phone screen! Huge apologies! Here I am trying to post a nice post and offend someone! D'oh!
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Just go in there and do your thing and dont even think about it.
  • One of the best investments I've made for myself is to hire a personal trainer. Or even use the complimentary training session that a lot of gyms offer. I know how to use a lot of the machines and weights from the past, but the gym I'm at now, I can count on one hand how many women go to the weight area. He's helped me understand how to use some of the machines I've never used before, and the "guys" know I'm as serious as they are with getting toned.

    In fact, I think I work harder than some of the men in my gym who only concentrate on upper body and have the skinniest legs I've ever seen. For me, it's a whole body workout, top to bottom. When my trainer isn't with me, I put on my headphones, do my sets, and have even noticed some people imitating me. So I must be doing something right.
  • Good for you for weight training even if you were uncomfortable! You get major kudos! My reccomendation is to either try a different time, maybe it would not be as full of people standing around? Or maybe try to find a local Curves or womens gym? If neither of those work out for you walk in confident and show those guys that they should not mess with you because you have tickets to the gun show! ;) LOL Weight training is so great dont get discouraged hope you can figure out what you need to do! Good luck!
  • GanjaBall
    GanjaBall Posts: 31 Member
    I go to the gym late at night. Mostly cuz that's the time I have bu it really helps with the scary muscley guys on the weights.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    You said you 'feel' like they are all watching you, but were they 'actually' watching you. There might have been a few stares but that's prob cos they find a women lifting weights hot. Remember, those guys are weight lifters, they know that lifting iron is important for everyone to do as part of an exercise routine. So whether you are scrawny or bulky, they would feel like you belong there. They are more likely to 'look down' on you if you were on the treadmill. I wouldn't worry about it at all.