Best bet in an Indian restaurant?

I'm going to an Indian restaurant for dinner and think I've got a good idea what to avoid on the menu (kormas?) but since I'm not in control of what goes into my dish, what is the best meal to order so I stick as best I can to the lower end of the calorie range? Any other tips?


  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    Dry chicken tikka with salad

    Or if you really want a sauce, go for a tomato based one e.g Jalfrezi and choose plain steamed rice, not pilau etc

    Avoid Naan bread. A poppodum is approx 50 cals
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    go for tandori chicken,or chicken tika its dry cooked so no calorie heavy sauce.

    & stay away from the Nann bread
  • KateDonnelly
    Skip Naan completely and try to do the same with rice or at least go way skimpy on your rice portions. Unless you are WAY calorie restricted or have already overdone it for the day, I would think you would be safe to eat a sampling of the main dishes. Just really watch your portion sizes. Like eat two tablespoons of several or something and go slow so you can enjoy every bite. I also do extended workouts on days I am going out to ensure I am not going over too much. Good luck.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    i love tandoori shrimp and will be ordering that myself tonight.
  • kaylada89
    kaylada89 Posts: 38 Member
    I haven't been doing this long but a friend of mine has lost lots of weight on her diet. Her tipis not to avoid the food that you love because you end up having cravings. Just have small protions of different things or a little of each thing. It would probably be best to do excercise before that night to burn of calories that youve ate earlier in the day. Have a good night at the indian.
  • rainbowws
    rainbowws Posts: 41
    What's a prawn biryani like calorie-wise?
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    Tandoori sounds the go with a side of raita to add some juice?? Personally I'd eat a little less before or yesterday (bit late now), and a little less tomorrow, throw in an extra exercise session and eat my favourite dish (and lots of it)! I adore Indian. It is a baddie for the calories though. I am definitely of Kaylada's friend's persuasion.

  • rainbowws
    rainbowws Posts: 41
    maybe you're right, it would be nice to have one night dedicated to not worrying about calories!! thanks for your advice everyone :)
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    look for something with a tomato base not a yogurt or creamy sauce
    try vegetarian or seafood
    and halve your rice portion