skin removal surgery cost?

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
Anyone lost a lot of weight and had skin removal surgery? If so, how much did it cost? I assume it depends on how much you have taken off. Did insurance cover any of it?


  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I think that for those who lose a lot of weight and keep it off should get it for FREE!!!!!!
    That's just my opinion :)
    Great job on your loss :) Sorry I'm not helpful
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    My guess would be that insurance will not cover it because it is cosmetic.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    If toning doesn't work for me (im giving it 12 months), Il be looking into that myself. My insurance(as of now) won't cover it. They consider it "cosmetic". nice huh?
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220 Member
    I also would like to knoe :)
  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    My brother lost 200lbs and had to have skin removed. Insurance does not cover it. He had the abdominal done and it cost $10k. He is saving for the chest which is another $5k. I think it should be covered as well, it's a hinderance both physically and emotionally.
  • almawr
    almawr Posts: 77
    bump - interesting !
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    I work with in NC it runs from about 8K-10K. Insurance will not cover it unless you have nice hernia to go with it...and its still a fight to get them to pay.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    I know someone who had a tummy tuck. She said that it wasn't covered by insurance. They would only cover if the person was having medical issues due to the excess skin, i.e., sores, infections, etc. She said that it cost $10,000. I don't know if prices vary accross the country, but I do know of people who have travelled outside the US to have plastic surgery, and that even with all of the travel costs, said it was cheaper. I don't know if I would trust Dr.'s outside of the US though...
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    My mom went from 300+ down to 139 and she looks very scary naked, its so sad really that ins pays for bypass surgery and not skin removal. I can tell when she wears jeand that she has her skin all tucked in the front.
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    I have a professor who reccently lost alot of weight, mention it, he said it was around $30,000 and not covered by insurance, and takes about 90 days of recovery.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Wow, $10K. There's a good reason (as if we needed another) to try to lose the weight slowly and steadily and minimize loose skin.
  • LynneGG
    LynneGG Posts: 95 Member
    I did have excess skin removed from my stomach a few years ago. At that point in my life I had lost 85lbs. Insurance did pay for mine....if it stays red and irritated or prone to yeast infections are things they look for. I used a plastic surgeon I worked with in the operating room and he had no problems with the insurance. So don't rule anything have nothing to lose (except excess skin) by visiting a surgeon that you know takes your insurance. It might be a hassle dealing back and forth with the insurance but trust me it is well worth the effort.
  • I think that for those who lose a lot of weight and keep it off should get it for FREE!!!!!!
    That's just my opinion :)
    Great job on your loss :) Sorry I'm not helpful
    I agree!!! After all, how much money are you saving them by living healthier!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I think that for those who lose a lot of weight and keep it off should get it for FREE!!!!!!
    That's just my opinion :)
    Great job on your loss :) Sorry I'm not helpful
    I agree!!! After all, how much money are you saving them by living healthier!
    Agree and agree!!!!
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    One of my clients lost a lot of weight and she said she was having her skin removed for free at a local burn center hospital. Not sure if you have a burn center hospital near you but she went to the Shriners Burn Center hospital in Galveston , Texas.

    Im not sure if she went through with it but it maybe an option and a way to help a burn victim.
  • missyeighmy
    missyeighmy Posts: 24 Member
    i checked into getting a tummy tuck ... which they required that i be at least under 200lbs but would like me closer to my goal weight ... the estimate was $6700 .... ins wont pay for me. But i am going to save for it ... i have had 4 csections and hysterectomy and also i am very Fat and my belly is just sagging and i know its only going to get worse the more i lose because my mom lost over 100 and had the same skin flap .... my opinion is ins should pay for it because its unhealthy to have it .. at least thats what my moms dr told her . i hope you get it if you can . good luck .
  • missyeighmy
    missyeighmy Posts: 24 Member
    i checked into getting a tummy tuck ... which they required that i be at least under 200lbs but would like me closer to my goal weight ... the estimate was $6700 .... ins wont pay for me. But i am going to save for it ... i have had 4 csections and hysterectomy and also i am very Fat and my belly is just sagging and i know its only going to get worse the more i lose because my mom lost over 100 and had the same skin flap .... my opinion is ins should pay for it because its unhealthy to have it .. at least thats what my moms dr told her . i hope you get it if you can . good luck .
  • I wish it was easier to get skin removed or shrunk because it is so discouraging knowing that you tried so hard to lose weight then you see all that skin just hanging there. I was diagnosed in 2005 with breast cancer and that is the only cancer that you gain weight even though chemo make you sick it is the hormones. I also had to take steroids to reduce inflammation due to radiation recall and alot of pain meds. At my heaviest I weighed 275, as of now I'm cancer free and I'm still trying to lose weight because weight is a factor in cancer so I'm doing it for my health. As of now I weigh 207...I was 195 a year ago but some of it creeped back on. I believe though it is because of the way I look with out clothes, I'm scared to lose more due to the skin. If there was a reward program where they say if you loose this much the skin removal is paid for. You go to a doctor and get evaluated and they tell you how much should be lost before they will do the surgery. Just like on the TV shows....Biggest Loser, my 600 lb life, or extreme makeover weight lose edition. I hope I don't get as big as some of those but they deserve it loosing that much.
  • septemberchild83
    septemberchild83 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for this thread! I was looking for information too!
  • I had started at 276lbs. My doctors had been telling me to loose weight, but that was very hard for me back then. My mother was the one that asked my main doctor about a diet that my medicare would cover. I started the diet the begening of October in 2012. I have lost so far almost 70 pounds. I asked if Medicare would cover the skin surgery, but it comes out that they won't cover me on that. I lost all that weight so far, yet I feel the same. I can't ware anything smallerbecause of the way it looks on me, yet I can fit into sizes so much smaller. A surgery would make me feel so much better. I would then actually be able to see myself and bring me to my accomplishment. How many more pounds do I actually have to loose to get the surgery, and how much would it cost? I am under Social Security Disability with Epilepcy that I was told I recieved from my radiation that I recieved from my brain cancer when I was in elementry school and the radiation from the last few year cancers.