Some people will believe anything

rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
An acquaintance from high school recently got certified as a personal trainer. I have no idea from where, but ever since, she's been posting every myth and scare tactic and trend that exists all over Facebook and talking about it as fact.

This morning, she posted this:


For years the medical industrial complex pointed to antibiotics as some sort of medical miracle that saved humanity from monstrous disease
s and extended life expectancy.

The truth is much different.

Antibiotics are exactly that: Anti (against) and Biotic (life).

The problem occurs when antibiotics indiscriminately kill bacteria in the gut. Antibiotics kill 'bad' bacteria and it kills the essential 'good' bacteria. The gut is now left unprotected.

Fungus is suddenly unopposed and begins to proliferate unchecked. After fungus gets rooted in your gut other parasites move in and begin to compete with your body for precious nutrients and minerals.

What's worse is that fungus will eventually break down the surrounding cells causing microscopic holes in the walls of your intestines.

Now processed foods, parasites and other toxins will escape the gut, flow through to your blood stream and overwhelm your immune system.

This is the first step towards chronic diseases like cancer.

Even one round of antibiotics can severely weaken the immune system and require years of targeted nutrition and herbal therapy to bring your system back to normal.

I thought better of it and deleted, but I had started to type, "You do know that before antibiotics, people died of things like strep throat, right?"


  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    antibiotics do kill all, including the good bacteria. that's why probiotics are SOOO important when taking ANTIbiotics. the good bacteria in your gut get killed off ( people often end up with nasty diarrhea after a round of antibiotics). antibiotics are also the reason for yeast ( fungus) overgrowth in your body.

    you can end up colonized with yeast ( systemically not just vaginal or mouth). and it's pretty damaging. the more carbs/ sugar you eat the more you feed it and the worse it gets. the more you end up on antibiotics the worse it gets too. which is why some women end up with raging yeast infections after antibiotics.

    leaky gut is a very real thing too!

    antibiotics are great when they are used properly, but they aren't. people use them too often, for things that are not bacterial in nature, and then they don't finish their dosing like they're supposed to, people use antibiotic to try and treat viral infections. parents have a sick kid and insist on them receiving antibiotics, etc. so, those bacteria become resistant. antibiotics are having to get stronger and stronger because of resistance and over and inappropriate use. there are bacterias now like MRSA , VRE, CDIF-- these are normal bacteria ( staph aureus in the MRSA- methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus) that NO LONGER respond to certain drugs, in this case, -- cillins ( like penicillin, and ampicillin, and methicillin).

    this is very real. I am a nurse, and yes, while people might have died previously from strep throat, it was and still is!, more likely that if it went untreated if turned into rheumatic fever and then into rheumatic heart disease.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    There are people who believe they are the second coming of Christ, that the Earth is flat, that the moon landing was faked, etc. Just smile friendly like and slowly back away . . .
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    4 -- I am very aware that antibiotics kill the good AND the bad bacteria. But this post is nothing but a piece of propoganda that if people believe it could lead to some serious health problems when they refuse a simple, effective treatment for something that untreated could kill them.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Ahhh! I was confused, I couldn't see the 'sell', but there is is, the last paragraph. 'Hire me, your doctor's killing you'
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ahhh! I was confused, I couldn't see the 'sell', but there is is, the last paragraph. 'Hire me, your doctor's killing you'

    Those pesky doctors.
  • Liadora11
    I don't really see anything wrong with what she posted, as I'm not the worlds biggest fan of anti-biotics either. I pretty much agree with what she wrote as my own poking about into the subject has led me to the same conclusion. It doesn't look like she is telling folks to stop using them, just to be aware that they aren't the miracle cure all that a lot of folks seem to think they are.

    When I lived in the UK the GPs handed them out for every little thing and I knew people that took them upwards of 6 times a year for little things like a throat infection when they could have just seen it off with patcience and rest.

    Here in Sweden, they hate to hand anti-biotics out unless it's absolutely neccessary and I think that is a much better way to approach it. Killing off all the little bugglies both good and bad doesn't seem like the best way to go unless you have absolutely no choice you know?

    You said she has recently gained her certification and it's easy to be a bit evangelical with newly aquired skillz!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Honestly, I think a lot of this type of thing is backlash from all the drug war propaganda and the insertion of politics into health care. Some of it is just people being gullible, but a lot of it is the result of years of the pharmaceutical industry and insurance industry altering public policy to suit their own bottom line rather than to benefit public health.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    That did seem to be the case in the UK when I was a kid, but I'm happy to say that I was in a surgery on Monday, and there were posters up saying to treat the symptoms, and save antibiotics.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    even one round can mess you up though.
    i work in the medical field and i avoid antibiotics like the plague. i have to be dying ( like pneumonia dying) to use them. same with my kids. in fact, i have 5 kids and i think only ONE of them has EVER been on antibiotics........

    4 -- I am very aware that antibiotics kill the good AND the bad bacteria. But this post is nothing but a piece of propoganda that if people believe it could lead to some serious health problems when they refuse a simple, effective treatment for something that untreated could kill them.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You said she has recently gained her certification and it's easy to be a bit evangelical with newly aquired skillz!

    Yeah ... most of what she posts is alarmist crap with no real basis in reality.

    In the US, most doctors are not keen to hand out antibiotics willy-nilly. Some do, but most of the offices I've been in (especially pediatricians) have signs all over talking about how antibiotics won't treat certain things, so they won't give them just because people want them.

    I haven't needed an antibiotic for myself in about 12 years, but my daughter has had strep and bronchitis and things and when they doc thinks it's the right course of treatment, I go with it.

    So far, no cancer.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    It is important to examine the topic of antibiotics in a historical context. The following excerpt puts it into perspective:

    "Today, in the United States, deaths by infectious bacterial diseases are only one-twentieth of what they were in 1900, before any antibiotic chemicals had been discovered." [1]

    Miracle? It seems awfully close.

  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    what a boring Facebook pal she must be!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    even one round can mess you up though.
    i work in the medical field and i avoid antibiotics like the plague. i have to be dying ( like pneumonia dying) to use them. same with my kids. in fact, i have 5 kids and i think only ONE of them has EVER been on antibiotics........

    4 -- I am very aware that antibiotics kill the good AND the bad bacteria. But this post is nothing but a piece of propoganda that if people believe it could lead to some serious health problems when they refuse a simple, effective treatment for something that untreated could kill them.

    Well, one of my aunts has a master's in nursing, another was been an RN for about 40 years (and worked years at Roswell Cancer Institute), my cousin is an RN, my step-grandmother was a pediatrician, my friend's father is a doctor in a NICU unit and my mother's best friend has a BS in nursing and has been an RN for most of my life.

    They don't (didn't -- Grandma died 20 years ago) avoid antibiotics for themselves or their children.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    i have worked pediatric oncology ( kids with cancer) at CHOP ( um, top ranked peds hospital), general peds, maternal child, mother baby, and in a 60 bed level 3 NICU.

    different strokes for different folks. not to mention, some people don't really educate themselves, by choice.
  • rickybluntjr
    rickybluntjr Posts: 15 Member
    The antibiotic side-effects is true. But instead of just scaring people, she needs to recommend what we can do to combat the side-effects of taking antibiotics. If I'm sick, I'll take antibiotic but then I'll also take supplements to help restore the good bacteria in my system.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    what a boring Facebook pal she must be!

    Not everyone can afford their own site and marketing campaign when they first start out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i have worked pediatric oncology ( kids with cancer) at CHOP ( um, top ranked peds hospital), general peds, maternal child, mother baby, and in a 60 bed level 3 NICU.

    different strokes for different folks. not to mention, some people don't really educate themselves, by choice.

    You're right. You know more than all of them. I will never take an antibiotic again. :flowerforyou:
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    On the positive side, if it weren't for gullible women, I would never have had a love life.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    no. i am simply stating your friend is not wrong. that doesn't have to mean anything to you. if anyone in my house NEEDED antibiotics, i would give them. but we don't get sick. end of story. my children do not get sick, do not miss days of school, do not end up with bacterial infections.

    viruses, you don't treat with atbx. but people do. parents demand them. when you watch children "shake and bake" from the hardest core atbx out there, you educate yourself as much as you can to make sure that NEVER happens to your child.

    if i had kids that needed atbx routinely for something like bronchitis, i would look into what the bigger issue is. but, that's just me. like i said different strokes, for different folks.
    i have worked pediatric oncology ( kids with cancer) at CHOP ( um, top ranked peds hospital), general peds, maternal child, mother baby, and in a 60 bed level 3 NICU.

    different strokes for different folks. not to mention, some people don't really educate themselves, by choice.

    You're right. You know more than all of them. I will never take an antibiotic again. :flowerforyou:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    antibiotics do kill all, including the good bacteria. that's why probiotics are SOOO important when taking ANTIbiotics. the good bacteria in your gut get killed off ( people often end up with nasty diarrhea after a round of antibiotics). antibiotics are also the reason for yeast ( fungus) overgrowth in your body.

    you can end up colonized with yeast ( systemically not just vaginal or mouth). and it's pretty damaging. the more carbs/ sugar you eat the more you feed it and the worse it gets. the more you end up on antibiotics the worse it gets too. which is why some women end up with raging yeast infections after antibiotics.

    leaky gut is a very real thing too!

    antibiotics are great when they are used properly, but they aren't. people use them too often, for things that are not bacterial in nature, and then they don't finish their dosing like they're supposed to, people use antibiotic to try and treat viral infections. parents have a sick kid and insist on them receiving antibiotics, etc. so, those bacteria become resistant. antibiotics are having to get stronger and stronger because of resistance and over and inappropriate use. there are bacterias now like MRSA , VRE, CDIF-- these are normal bacteria ( staph aureus in the MRSA- methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus) that NO LONGER respond to certain drugs, in this case, -- cillins ( like penicillin, and ampicillin, and methicillin).

    this is very real. I am a nurse, and yes, while people might have died previously from strep throat, it was and still is!, more likely that if it went untreated if turned into rheumatic fever and then into rheumatic heart disease.

    The problem is the doctors. Why are they prescribing antibiotics for viral infections?