Ok so for the past two days I have had the flu.... gross. I literally did not eat and today I get on the scale and did not drop any weight. This is so frustrating and I do not understand how this could be. I have been struggling for months now to lose 23 pounds and I lose like 1 pound and then gain 3. I normally in this situation just give up and go pig out on junk food, but this time I am gona continue to eat healthy and work out. How soon do you think I will see results? I need to lose the weight asap!


  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    well, first, if you have the flu and you're not eating, your body is busy restoring itself, fighting off infection, and feeding off the calories it had before you got sick. Aside from the last two days because you were sick, have you been exercising? whats your calorie intake like? fat intake? i applaud you for not giving up, as this is a long struggle ( as i've found out myself lately) and to give up would make you feel even worse...
  • Bradley84
    If you havent eaten for 2-3 days, your body will go into 'starvation mode'. It will think no more food is coming its way and try to hold onto all its stores! Thats why its best to always have a satisfied stomach. Just make sure its satisfied on the good foods.

    As for losing weight asap, this isnt a quick-fix scheme. It takes dedication, that with other members help, means that not only will you become slimmer, but also healthier. If you lose weight too fast, it can be ratehr unhealthy for body, and as soon as you dip in the naughty tin (come on...we all have one in the cupboard) thats when the wieght will start to creep up again.

    Slow down, take stock of where you are, where you want to be, and achieveable goals inbetween. Good times are ahead but only if you follow the guidelines.
  • froggy905
    froggy905 Posts: 23 Member
    My advice is to ditch the expectations of faaaaaast weight loss. If you are owning the change of lifestyle for yourself, it should not matter if change comes overnight or takes a while, as long as change is happening, and it is permanent.

    I used to have the same outlook---wanting change and wanting it fast---if I did not get immediate results I would give up. But a more realistic view is that you might hit plateaus for weeks or even months before you begin losing again. But you need to stick with it through the hard bits.

    Keep your chin up! YOU Can Do It!
  • tsherwin
    tsherwin Posts: 8
    I know the feeling...I have been using weight watchers since July of 2009 and only lost 10 pounds...I'd lose 1 gain 2. It sucks. :sad: Then I went on this website - I;m actually seeing results....try going over your personal settings again...make sure you have everything filled in accurately. then - with being wont' see any weight shed for a couple days....also when you don't eat enough your body goes into "starvation mode" and save or stores everything you feed it into fat so it can ration out the energy required - the reason is it doesn't know when it's going to be fed again.:noway:

    exercising is good! but be aware that muscle weighs more than more cardio less weights will work better for burning off the existing extra body fat.

    It's frustrating trying to lose weight at times...but then all of a sudden you'll start to see results and it makes it all worth the work!

    good luck.:wink:
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    For one thing, you are sick. When you are sick, your entire system is out of whack and you will retain fluids whether it is a respiratory flu or a stomach flu. Also, when you are sick, your metabolism is not burning at full capacity as far as weight loss. Your body is fighting the illness and does not care if you want to lose weight. On that note, stay away from the scale and focus on getting yourself well.

    Second, you cannot safely lose weight ASAP. It is a slow process that requires diligence and hard work. You must change your eating habits and exercise. Once again, stay away from the scale. I, also, have my numbers set to lose a pound a week, but have gone for weeks at a time without losing an ounce. But, my clothes fit better and it is visually noticeable that I am thinner. I'm not sure of your motivation to lose weight so quickly, but in order to be successful and to keep the weight off, you cannot rush your body.

    Hang in there, get well, stay away from the scale and remember (though you may not want to hear it) slow and steady wins the race!
  • PamelaCunningham
    I am right there with you!! I have doing this for over a month and have lost 2 pounds then I gain. It is very frustrating. I do feel better and have been working out 6 days a week. I am not going to give up. Just hang in there.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Well, you're not going to lose 23 lbs "asap". That's just not going to happen. Or if it does, you'll do it by starving yourself like crazy and you'll only gain it back when you start eating again.

    Get out of that asap thinking, that's your first downfall.

    What are you eating? Are you exercising? How much water are you drinking? How much sugar and sodium are you taking in a day? If we can see your food diary, you'd be able to get much better advice. :flowerforyou:
  • hbuffing
    hbuffing Posts: 23
    Thanks everyone. I hope I see some pounds lost tomorrow! As for the answer to someone's question I typically exercise a lot and eat really healthy (like 700-1000 calories a day)!!! But, when I have had the flu I did not do any. I understand I cannot lose weight asap but at the same time I wish I could. I just feel so fat and want to be thin again. I want to like getting on the scale and see my number go down! But lately all I see is the number rising or staying constant. I will try to walk a little bit extra and cut my calories as well.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thanks everyone. I hope I see some pounds lost tomorrow! As for the answer to someone's question I typically exercise a lot and eat really healthy (like 700-1000 calories a day)!!! But, when I have had the flu I did not do any. I understand I cannot lose weight asap but at the same time I wish I could. I just feel so fat and want to be thin again. I want to like getting on the scale and see my number go down! But lately all I see is the number rising or staying constant. I will try to walk a little bit extra and cut my calories as well.

    700-1000 calories aday is not enough especially if you are exercising. That is probably why you aren't losing.
  • hbuffing
    hbuffing Posts: 23
    What do you mean that is not enough?
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    I agree with everyone. Good for you for sticking with it and not giving up.
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks everyone. I hope I see some pounds lost tomorrow! As for the answer to someone's question I typically exercise a lot and eat really healthy (like 700-1000 calories a day)!!! But, when I have had the flu I did not do any. I understand I cannot lose weight asap but at the same time I wish I could. I just feel so fat and want to be thin again. I want to like getting on the scale and see my number go down! But lately all I see is the number rising or staying constant. I will try to walk a little bit extra and cut my calories as well.

    700-1000 calories aday is not enough especially if you are exerszing. That is probably why you aren't losing.
    DITTO!!! 700 calories a day is ridiculously low. Not only will it hinder your weight loss, it will have a huge impact on how your body functions. That is not nearly enough calories and nutrients for you. Even if you were losing weight, it's still a terrible idea to do 700 calories a day because you'd just gain all the weight back as soon as you starting eating - not even over eating, just eating normally.

    The fact that you're upset that you didn't lose weight after having the flu is also concerning. What is your motivation? Just to be thin? Because I think you should really consider being healthy in the equation as well - it will help get the weight off AND keep it off. And I bet you'll feel a heck of a lot better too.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Do you mean you are only eating 700-1000 calories? Plus exercising??
    You are not eating enough.
    Please start to eat more healthy foods and then you'll loose weight. Drink LOTS of water too.
    Good Luck, and I hope you feel better real soon. :flowerforyou:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    You can't eat 700-1000 calories, and then think of cutting down more on top of that. You need to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories, more if you're exercising. That right there is probably the whole reason you're not losing anything.
  • hbuffing
    hbuffing Posts: 23
    ok so this day is horrible. I am upset about not losing weight.... so what do i do.... I binge eat! I feel like I am in this endless cycle! I need help!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Can you make your food diary public? If so, we'll be able to help you better.
  • hbuffing
    hbuffing Posts: 23
  • hbuffing
    hbuffing Posts: 23
    ok it is public... Just a WARNING I DID HORRIBLE TODAY!!!! But, I am going to hit the gym tonight and burn as many calories as possible!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Girl, you need to eat. You ate a total of 320 calories yeterday, and exercised off 522 calories! So you basically ate -202 calories...Your body is starving. No wonder you're not losing anything. And starving yourself always leads to bingeing.

    Today isn't so bad, calorie-wise, but it could be better nutritionally. You just need to make better choices, veggies, fruits...maybe you can try planning your meals, and that can help you stay on track. I've always hated cooking, and now cook for myself 99% of the time. Try cooking your own food more often.

    You should takea deep breath, sit back and relax and read around here...research and see what works for others. It might work for you. If yo'd like, you can look at my food diary and get some ideas.

    Just don't panic, don't expect it to happen immediately, and don't starve yourself!
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Its more then likely water weight. Do you feel OK on 700? If so keep it up. Only Americans have this " low calorie=starvation mode" mentality. Basic high school math and science says if you're eating below your BMR you will lose. Combine exercise, you lose more. Your body can only hold on to so much.