baby weight....

shannon2822 Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! i just joined the site and im trying to lose the baby weight (which feels never ending) and my daughter is 16 months old!! i cant use the excuse that "I just had a baby" anymore! if anyone has any tips to lose the baby weight i would love your input! Im just tired of looking 5 months prego..... -Shannon


  • fluffyfeathers
    fluffyfeathers Posts: 47 Member
    i don't know about you but it seemed like there was never time to workout, and my son is 22 months. i finally made time he goes to bed around 9 pm i work out for 1/2 hour cardio, and have really adjusted my eating habits. i've lost 18lbs since jan 2010. if your child takes long naps you could work out for 1/2 hour then or now you can go outside for baby stroller walk or play now that he is mobile. teach your child good habits
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I agree, it's all about finding time to do it! There is no secret to losing the weight, just watching your calories and getting in exercise should help. I workout when my son naps each day. I know there are a million other things to be doing but my health is important so I just do it and let a few things slide. I know how you feel about the baby weight. I let mine be my crutch for the longest time, my son is 9 months old and I've only lost half (most of which came off during the first 2 weeks). Don't feel discouraged, as you start making time for exercise you will want to eat better and the cycle will get easier. You can do this!!!
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    My son is 14 months. They have a daycare in a small gym where I live. He stays home during the day so I found that it was a win, win situation. With him getting some social time and me getting some mommy time at the gym. :smile: I too am still batteling the baby weight. It is a slow process...drinking lots of water and working out religiously. I am losing about 1 ib a week. I have about 10-15 more pounds to go. I gained almost 75 pounds during my pregnancy. :blushing:
  • I understand completely! I never lost the baby weight from my 2 and a half year old son when I got pregnant with my daughter last year. I now have a six week old and am having to loose her and HIS baby weight!! I unfortunalty work so am unable to work out at nap time. I do, however, walk for half of my lunch break. I also make myself find reasons to move at work. For example, I moved my trash can so far away from me that I have to get up to throw something away. At home, when I am putting away laundry (if I have the time) I will put away one article at a time. Although this takes longer it gets me moving. I just focus on moving as much as possiable. If I am unable to go to the park to walk, at least I have moved!!

    You can do this!!! Just do what you can and take joy in the small accomplishments!! :happy:
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    welcome I have a 16 month old also (nov 17th) I find MFP really helps you keep your calories in line by logging all your food.

    If you live somewhere where the weather is nice getting out with the stoller daily is good for both you and baby. You can even see if there is a stroller fitness group in your area.

    I also make a soup or salad every week. Its my "cheat" meal. If I know I'm going to have a higher calorie dinner I have the soup at lunch, it fills me up, is filled with lots of great veggies but is low in cals :)

    feel free to add me as a friend and we can encourage each other.:flowerforyou:
  • I know exactly what you litle boy is 2, will be 3 in there is not using that excuse anymore..I need to stay focused!!
  • Im trying really hard not to get disscouraged.. but for a while it was hard! I work at a job where im at my deks 8 hrs a day but today me and a co-worked are going to go walking on our lunch break! im excited to get out and start moving! lol! I really love the calorie counter on here! I think that will help me out alot! Thanks for your encouraging words! Good luck to you!!
  • lpuggi
    lpuggi Posts: 31
    I understand what you're going through. I have a 5 month old and the baby weight seems to just be hanging around. Keep working hard and you'll reach your goals, good luck!
  • Okclbates
    Okclbates Posts: 15
    I hear ya. I have three kids and it's very hard. As mothers, we are nuturers and put our kids before ourselves. In my case, compound that by a very demanding career and long hours and it's extremely difficult. In my case, my health has started to suffer, so I've finally come to the conclusion that I have to be what most of us consider a little selfish and take time for myself to eat better and exercise. However, when you really think about it, are we really being selfish? We are making sure that we are in better physical condition for our kids and some day our grandkids.

    We just have to remain ever vigilant.

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