I'm back...

I started MFP last April and lost 27 pounds. I am back because I noticed the scale has turned against me and I need to become friends with it again. Last time I did it alone but this time I think I will stay one track if I meet some new people who have the same goals as I do.

So hello! My goal is to fit a pair of jeans I bought 3 months ago and no longer fit!


  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Hey there.....I hear so many people say they left MFP and gained all the weight back or some of the weight back....My goal is not to leave once I meet my goals...If you don't mind me asking how much weight did you gain back? Good luck with your goals...you did it once before so I know you will be able to do it again!!!
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member

    I left for Feb & March; had too much to do. ....and gained 3 of the 8 pounds I lost. I am back too, and have lost 2 pounds so far.

    Not going to stop this time!
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    I've got a pair of 38 slacks I glare at weekly so I understand. Good luck.
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    I've got a pair of 38 slacks I glare at weekly so I understand. Good luck.
  • KristenElise3
    KristenElise3 Posts: 6 Member
    I gained back 6 pounds of fat. Which doesn't seem like a lot, but before I was 130 with muscle, and recently I weighed in at 136.4 and I have lost that muscle.