Do you believe?

EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
My sister and I were never taught to believe in Santa Clause, (or the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy etc. for that matter) . Probably mainly because my mother is super religious and didn't want Christmas time to be all about gifts or whatever. I was a total brat and used to tell the kids in my day care that Santa wasn't real and one day they'd find out the truth and know I was right. LOL, got in trouble by the teacher for that one! I am personally glad my parents chose not to tell us Santa was real. What about you guys? Did you believe in him? For those that have kids, do you tell them Santa is real? Why or why not?


  • FightingforFit82
    I grew up believing.

    We teach our kids about Jesus first and mainly celebrate him. We haven't really discussed Santa much. They get One gift from him each year. They aren't big into Santa though.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Santas not real?

  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Christmas is older than Jesus. Here's proof:


    Seriously, I believed in Santa and I'm teaching my kids about Santa. It's all in good fun. A little magic and wonder is good for the imagination.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    My parents told us about santa but I figured it out when I was three and got in trouble at age 4 telling my whole kindergarden class Santa was just our parents. My brother I ruined it for, too. Woops.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    I believed!!!!
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    my children believed in Santa and their children will do as well ... not big on the jesus thing though !! not religious at all :happy:
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I grew up believing in Santa Claus and so did our children. Santa Claus is the person who brings extra gifts, so even my oldest sons will still claim to believe.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Santa is a very valuable tool for teaching morality to the very young, he is like training wheels for God and ethics.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Mickey Mouse isn't a real being either, but brings much joy even to adults. Life is about being happy, so if it makes someone happy to believe, then believe.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Santa is a very valuable tool for teaching morality to the very young, he is like training wheels for God and ethics.

    Santa IS God.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Santa is a very valuable tool for teaching morality to the very young, he is like training wheels for God and ethics.

    i agree
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Was taught that santa is real lol. I eventually figured it out or my older brother told me. It wasn't too bad of a let down. I'm gonna tell my kids about Santa. If anything it might persuade them to behave if they think he's watching lol.
  • NJSunshine13
    I grew up believing in Santa and raised my kids the same way. They are 21 and 18 now and they STILL get presents from Santa. Everything in their stockings Santa brings. They don't even get to see their gifts under the tree until Christmas morning. Everything is hidden until they go to sleep Christmas Eve. They would be disappointed if it was any other way.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I did not have Christmas as a child , so I don't believe.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    When my oldest son was 3, we were leaving a restaurant and an older lady asked him if he was ready for Santa to come. He looked at her with a stone face and said "Santa's not real."

    She was shocked.

    Warmed my heart.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I believed! My parents were such good storytellers too that I didn't catch wise until I was 9 or 10, and finally took my big brother aside and asked him to level with me. :)

    I don't think Santa necessarily has to detract from the whole meaning of Christmas, if it is approached right. When my kids are a little older (I only have one so far and he's only 11 months) I fully plan on teaching them about Santa, and say that because Jesus is in Heaven, He gave Santa "magic" here on Earth and asked him to give special presents to all the good kids who are kind to one another and obey His teachings. :) And then I guess I'll let them figure it out on their own in due course. That's the plan, anyway. :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I never believed in Santa. Adults tried to tell me he was real but I just never believed.

    When I was 9 we fell on especially hard times. Mom couldn't afford gifts so we went to the local Salvation Army and they gave us toys. My mother had us wrap our own gifts and mark each one with a tag saying; from Santa.

    Course we didn't know we were wrapping OUR gifts at the time but when Christmas came and the 'Santa' gifts were there I knew exactly where they were from. Not some magical, made up, figure but an actual human being who was kind enough to donate toys to the Toys for Tots program.

    Anyway! I don't mind that I never believed in Santa. I don't think it ruined Christmas for me. Christmas was ruined long before Santa was removed from it. ...
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    My mom thought telling me Santa was real was the same as lying to me, and thought that as I got older, if I knew she lied about Santa would worry about what else she might be lying to me about. Obviously, very religious.

    Me on the other hand, feel I got screwed out of a childhood (for a lot of reasons) and my kids believe in Santa. Even though I think they really know it's us, they still go along with the gig for fun.

  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    There's something special about passing down Christmas stories and traditions. I love how my kids get excited when they see deer and start asking if that's one of Santa's reindeer. I love how my kids get excited for the displays, the lights, the decorations and the food. I've saved every single written letter to Santa and even penned a few Santa response letters back.

    It might be a lie, but all that is priceless.

    My daughter almost figured out the truth when she was five. When she woke up on Christmas morning and saw her present from Santa, she said "Look, daddy! Santa has the same wrapping paper as us!" (details, damnit. DETAILS!)
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Santa is great! When the kids finally figure out one mythical magical creature isn't real, it is just a short step to figuring out all the other ones are made up too. I know I stopped believing in both God and Santa at around the same time. :devil: