New & In Need Of Friends !

Hey Ya'll , I'm Lexie . I'm new and I'm really gonna need some motivational buddies , so If you're interested just add me and shoot me a message (:


  • DanaWiggins1981
    Hi Lexi, I joined ages ago but only decided to give it ago two days ago, so I am just starting my journey and looking for motivational buddies too:)
  • savingkadee
    I just added you, I am very supportive/encouraging. I am in recovery from bulimia, but I try my hardest every day!
  • dukeninja
    dukeninja Posts: 50 Member
    Hey. My diary is open and I log in everyday.
  • Annrita17
    Hello everyone, I'm Rita. I've finally decided to take control over weight and lose weight. No more trying, just doing :) I'm really looking forward to encouraging and being encouraged. God bless you guys!
  • sparnell1988
    I started mfp back in January of this year. I procrastinated way to long! I just started being 100% devoted to mfp. I'm real good with motivation for everyone else its just hard to motivate myself lol. If any one wants a new frind send me a request!
  • mercymarque
    Hello. Im Mercy. This is a great place to lose weight, get information, learn about healthy eating and products. Log everything u put in ur mouth. Get plenty of rest, get moving, drink lots of water and weigh ur food. U will have a bad day it's okay. Don't let that one bad day turn into weeks. Good luck on ur journey.