
Is sushi bad for you? I love sushi. Especially california rolls. But are they good or bad to eat?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Just remove the rice and fish and all condiments and your gold.....j/k
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    It's not bad for you
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Just remove the rice and fish and all condiments and your gold.....j/k

    What would be bad about the fish in sushi....?
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    define "bad for you".

    pretty much anything is alright in moderation and if it fits your macros.

    I'd be hesistant calling California Rolls sushi though, and if there is a "bad sushi" that's be it.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Sushi can be really healthy if you order it correctly. Try to stay away from tempura, since it is all fried. You can also ask them substitute brown rice for white. Go easy on the soy sauce to keep your sodium levels down. If you really want to do healthy Japanese food, you can ask for sashimi, which is just the fish.
  • BobSassafrass
    BobSassafrass Posts: 85 Member
    Like everything else just watch the portions and youre fine.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Just depends on what kind of roll you get.
    Fish, rice, seaweed, vegetable= great foods. It's just when you start getting the rolls with fried meat, certain sauces, and other fillers that you have to start really being careful.
  • catieishealthy23
    catieishealthy23 Posts: 12 Member
    CA rolls aren't as bad if you get them with brown rice and a whole chunk of crab( real) and avocado. If you get them where they have the crab "salad" it's mixed with mayonnaise.
  • catieishealthy23
    catieishealthy23 Posts: 12 Member
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Just remove the rice and fish and all condiments and your gold.....j/k

    What would be bad about the fish in sushi....?
    The j/k at the end of my post means "just kidding". The reality of it was, I was being somewhat sarcastic. Generally what happens is the food in question when asked if it's good or bad is dissected and anything that remotely resembles a bad ingredient, bad being in the conventional way, where something deems less that perfect should be totally eliminated. For example, white rice is well, white, so we shouldn't eat anything that's white and it has the dreaded quick absorbing carbs, god forbid. Raw fish will kill you, has worms and it's meat and meat is bad. Condiments like soy sauce are high in salt and salt is bad and should be totally eliminated from the diet.....Like I said.....j/k. :smile:
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    This is one of those questions that is only asked in the U.S. I'm sorry, not a big fan of "OMG [name the country's diet] is soooo much healthier than our own" B.S. but seriously. WTF about sushi could possibly be bad for you? Oh, you mean you're eating 50 pieces of nigiri at Tokyo Explosion's all you can eat sushi buffet? Yea, ok that's not such a good idea . . .
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Is sushi bad for you? I love sushi. Especially california rolls. But are they good or bad to eat?

    Nothing wrong as long as you don't overeat. Rolls have a lot of good things going for them - seaweed is very good for you, there's usually some type of veggie in there, and a little white rice won't kill you. Having said that, I don't eat a lot of rolls because I prefer sashimi. For me I want to enjoy the taste & texture of a piece of fresh, high quality fish (or sometimes shrimp, squid, or uni).
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    I love me some raw salmon and avocado sushi with wasabi sauce...Eating 2 rolls for lunch fits well within my daily calorie allowance.

    Everything in moderation.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I usually have red dragon rolls or sashimi. Nothing wrong with a reasonable amount of sushi - just make sure you drink your water to offset the sodium from the soya sauce :p