HELP: 'Calorie Deficit' clarification

What does 'calorie deficit' actually mean? Should I just be under my calorie goal for the day? Or do I have to burn more calories through exercise than I eat? I did the latter today (AND I AM SO HUNGRY!).. I ate less calories than what I burned and maybe because I am new to this,..but this is really tough! Is this what I am supposed to be doing? See my food diary. I am supposed to consume 1200 calories a day. I ate three meals plus a snack but exercised intensely so that my 'net' is negative. Is this a good idea?

Thanks for your help in advance!


  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    *bump* please help!
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
  • NicoleNeverman
    Please don't do that again! Your net should NEVER be negative. You want you net to be 1200 cal a day in oder to lose 2 pounds a week. So if you eat 1200 calories and then burn 500 through exercise you should be eating MORE than 1200 calories that day so that your net is near to 1200.

    Negative numbers are really bad. Your body needs a certain amount of calories a day (your BMR) just to function and stay alive. Definitely read the above link carefully and you will learn what you need to be doing.

    Good luck :smile:
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    aww thank you! I just read through that post and i will do my measurements tomorrow! (i need to find measuring tape..). and Ok! I will eat more and better tomorrow and WON'T DO THIS AGAIN, I PROMISE! :) thank you this has been super helpful and it is great to know I can fix this. THANK YOU :)
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    On Tuesday you are not enough, only 800 calories. On Monday you are way way over.

    Look at the summary page, it will tell you how much more you can eat if you exercised.

    Ie, 1200 is minimum you eat, then you exercise and burn 300 calories, in here, many would advice that you eat additional 300 to give you energy for the exercise burnt because MFP already calculated your deficit when you set your target weight loss, and setting your activity level at sedentary. But there are also argument that you don't eat all the calories back because many underestimate amount of food you eat, and over estimate the calories burnt in exercise.

    If you are starting this, you will feel hungry because you are restricting what you are eating, on top of that you up your metabolism by exercising. The body is trying to find the balance. Give your body time to adjust, it will take awhile to get used to this new regiment, and my advice, eat enough, ie don't stick to salad and soup alone, that's makes you hungry, find dense food that makes you fuller with the same amount of calories, eg, potatoes, brown rice, meat. It's ok to eat these, in the right portion and still lose weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When you log your exercise, MFP automatically updates your "GOAL" eat your goal calories, don't eat below that, you'll throw a major monkey wrench into your metabolism.
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    ok thank you cwolfman13 and jlohcook!
  • envythisstarbox
    envythisstarbox Posts: 6 Member
    For example The deficit that I shoot for is 1029 in order to lose roughly any where from 1.5 to 2lbs a week so I actually try to roughly eat around 1279 calories or so to create a deficit in order to lose that amount, so depending on your goals and what rate you are looking to lose weight depends on the deficit you should create, however there are other factors that play in this such as activity level and exercise. You don't want to dip below 1200 calories or an 1000 calorie deficit in order to lose weight "safely." I have dipped below personally either because I wasn't really hungry that day or that I had created a bigger deficit by burning more calories in exercise. When I create a larger deficit than I planned on I don't feel too bad about having that slice of cake at work ;) Again it all depends on your goal rate of speed you are looking to lose weight... The important thing is to do it safely and eat healthy! Assess yourself weekly, same day, same time, same scale to determine the rate of speed you are losing weight this may help assist if you are losing it too fast, to slow or maintaining. Hope this helps... :happy:
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    aww thank you very much! That is very helpful! I agree, that is a great idea! I did much better today then yesterday! And I can tell I did not overeat but I'm not really hungry. I am used to excess snacking at night so that's gonna take time to get used to, but I know I ate enough today and I am satisfied with my exercise!

    thank you!