Gonna give it a go for 2013

So...I am in need of a lifestyle change and I want it to begin January 1st 2013.

I am currently sitting in the 250 range at 5'8. Doctor has basically said I was healthy in all areas except my weight. I would like to be down to 180 by the end of the year, I just have a tough time coming up with a plan to get me there.

I have had success in losing weight, but I gain it all back and then some pretty quickly. I usually cut my carbs out to a bare minimum or nothing at all. I know its not the route to go, but it seems to be the only one that works. Mix that with running a mile every day the weight was falling right off, but as I said, it comes back with a vengeance.

I have a weight bench and I enjoy running...though, with it being cold I find it hard to get motivated to go outside in run in 30 degrees or colder.

I dunno, I guess I am looking for stories on what works for you. I know there are threads on top of threads about this, but I just wanted to get some personal insight.

Oh, and any tips or advice for me would be appreciated as well.


  • lacaro1
    lacaro1 Posts: 81 Member
    I tried low carb one and it was not for me at all! Lost a bit and gained everything back. Well what worked for me is definetey counting calories and logging everthing I eat (was apparently too much for losing ;)
    As I go out a lot I started to make up for the calories by eating under the days before and after, as well as switching to diet cola and rum (lowest calorie content).
    Food wise I eat a LOT of veggies (brokkoli, squash, salad are really filling) and cut back on sweets as well as animal products in general. Additionally I drink about 3-4 l of water every day, that really helps to flush your system.
    Hope this helped ;)
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    No time like the present - start today! Good luck!
  • trudob
    trudob Posts: 16 Member
    No time like the present - start today! Good luck!
    Agree! Today is better then tomorrow! And it will make tomorrow easier!
    Just following mfp will help so much. Make healthy choices which you will figure out just from using this!!! Good luck
  • jpwt1313
    jpwt1313 Posts: 21 Member
    Well then! I guess I will see what I can do starting tomorrow! I am sure a tuna sandwich is going to be better than anything at Taco Bell for lunch tomorrow.

    Dont let this kill the thread, I am still interested in what everyone has to say.
  • alexige
    alexige Posts: 1 Member
    watch out for Tuna...im tuna obsessed so I counted out a Subway footlong tuna the way i have it 1120 calories...compare that with a footlong turkey same exact way 740 calories. Tuna has a lot of calories in it as you can see so just be careful with tuna sandwiches. Just throwing that out there. But best of luck I started at 235 5'9" im at 220 and feeling great!!!
  • ^Seconded.

    Just imagine how much LESS you'll have to do by Jan 1 to reach your goal if you start now!! Seriously, if you wait until then, come Jan 1, you'll be wishing you started today. If it's a lifestyle change...and you are obviously living your life right now (I mean, your life isn't pausing until Jan 1st, is it?)...well.

    Start today! Add in more vegetables with your meals. Go for a walk or jog or whatever today. Decide that by Jan 1 you will not have 70 lbs to lose, but less than that. Just go for it :)

    About the tuna - it's not the tuna that is high calorie. Tuna is a protein, it has the same number of calories as other proteins with the same fat level. The reason it's so much higher at Subway is because they probably don't use plain tuna, but rather tuna w/ mayo.

    Anyway - I think the key is to eat an overall healthy diet, and to cut down on portions. I usually don't finish what's on my plate now, but I don't eat any diet foods. I drink whole milk, full-fat yogurt, eat bread, porridge with butter. I just eat less of it.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Here's a blog post I wrote about what has worked for me:

    I really have enjoyed doing home workout videos (Insanity) and going to Boot Camp-style group fitness classes. Other than that I run (if you don't run currently you could try Couch 2 5k to learn to do it)... but walking is the best thing to get going. Start with walking as a low-impact activity that can get you used to devoting the time to exercise. Once your schedule is used to it, experiment with other kinds of activity to find out what you really like.

    But yeah... you can just start now. Start by even just logging what you're eating now... without trying to change anything. Just to see where your intake is at.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.

    EDITED TO ADD: My highest weight was about 218 lbs... I'm now 158 lbs. If I can do it, you can.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Sounds like you're just gonna try. To make this work, it has to be a commitment.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    good luck OP. you are pretty much EXACTLY where i was this time last year.

    my advice is to not worry about calories yet. start off by having MFP calculate your TDEE and eat at maintenance but start getting in the habit of logging your food.

    doing this a) gives you a head start of developping the logging habit AND b) will give you a better idea of what your current maintenance is which will be invaluable when you first start out so you have a better idea of how much you can eat and still lose
  • Good luck on your journey.
    It has helped me to keep in mind that I am in this for the long haul, not just X number of months or a year.

    Plain greek yogurt is great for lots of protein for reasonable calories. You can get 23 grams of protein for 140 calories. Be sure and check the sugar - 7 grams or fewer is what I use.

    Unsweetened almond-coconut milk is a great source of calcium (more than cows milk). You can find a cup for 45 calories and no sugar! Whereas cows milk has 12 grams of sugar.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    - eat mainly nutritious foods at a reasonable calorie deficit with some treats here and there
    - hit your macros
    - strength train (cardio if you want also)
    - rest
    - be patient

    oh, and eat ice-cream
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    i used to be around 240-250 before i reduce my weight to currently 210, of course i added some
    LBM in there :) so it is doable , by the way i still eat pizza and ice cream and all the things i love, it is all about your calories, feel free to ask any questions and im sure all the folks will be willing to help :)
  • Here's a blog post I wrote about what has worked for me:

    I really have enjoyed doing home workout videos (Insanity) and going to Boot Camp-style group fitness classes. Other than that I run (if you don't run currently you could try Couch 2 5k to learn to do it)... but walking is the best thing to get going. Start with walking as a low-impact activity that can get you used to devoting the time to exercise. Once your schedule is used to it, experiment with other kinds of activity to find out what you really like.

    But yeah... you can just start now. Start by even just logging what you're eating now... without trying to change anything. Just to see where your intake is at.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.

    EDITED TO ADD: My highest weight was about 218 lbs... I'm now 158 lbs. If I can do it, you can.

    Oh, I second this, too. Actually, reading what some of the posters after me wrote, I agree with their suggestions more than what I initially suggested.

    Maybe if you want to not start NOW because it's too overwhelming (or whatever the reason), take a week or so to just track your intake. But what I suggest is not to start tracking on MFP yet. I would eat exactly whatever it was you would have eaten on any other ordinary way just as if you were to start on Jan 1. However, write it down - not here, but in a notebook. Then, once you have collected a week or more of your intake, log it. Only THEN. Why? You will be able to get a very accurate idea of your caloric intake. If you start tracking now, I think it won't be a very accurate of your normal intake since you will know you are tracking, and you might subconsciously make better choices or eat less than your normal.

    The best plan is the one that works for you and that you can maintain.

    It's way better to just be consistent rather than just to try losing it all as quickly as possible.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    you have to find something that you can live with! This is not about a 'diet' for a short time to lose a certain amount but a whole lifestyle change. Can you live never having carbs again? For most people the answer is no. Can you live without eating carbs after 2pm, probably. Can you never drink another soda, maybe. Can you commit to drinking only one a week, probably.

    I like the Skinny Rules by Bob Harper as a guide. I started my weight loss off with a jumpstart trying out the 17 Day Diet by Dr Mike Moreno. It could be a way of life but I have modified it to fit my lifestyle better. Research lots of options and find something that you think will work with the way you live. Modify things you need to when you need to and keep moving!
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    This is all just my opinion...I'm no expert and we all have our own ideas of how to go about this.

    I agree that now is better than waiting for the new year!

    Tuna, however, can be very healthy for you. Don't order it anywhere. Make it yourself. Measure what you put in it. I use one of three things:fat free or light mayo, salsa, or mustard. It's also great dry on a salad.

    What works for me?

    I log all my food intake. I measure it all and I log it all.Measuring and logging are super important! Some days are better than others but it's there. Set the settings to lose however you want to lose and then stick with it. I also workout daily. (Though there are occassionally exceptions to this!) Don't drink your calories! I drink unsweetened iced tea, water, and diet soda.

    You can do this!