Help with Afternoon/Evening Snacking (Binges!)

So I've been SLOW at losing the weight, I've been doing MFP and monitoring my food since May and I've lost 22.6lbs. Since my 2nd daughter was born (1.5 years) I've been having serious bouts of afternoon binge eating (From 1pm until 5pm is when it hits the hardest)

Any advice from a fellow recovering binger?

I've tried eating a big breakfast (500cal) and then tapering off in the evening. Doesn't work. I've tried eating lots of protein, also doesn't work.

I feel out of control and its frustrating as heck!


  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I love to eat in the evening so I work it into my day. I eat less earlier, more later. Doesn't matter what time you eat.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Find things you can eat a lot of and still low calorie. Popcorn is always a good choice. Also chewing gum and drink water, water, water. That will help fill you up and may help.
    Just remember it's all mental too. Find something else to occupy your mind. Get up and move around when you're having strong urges to snack.
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    My afternoons were a tough time for me too! I realized it was usually a time I had to myself. Typically during the day I share my food with 2 little ones. I was enjoying food with my quiet time!! For me it was more of a mental adjustment. I started off my afternoon with a workout and then I tend to make better choices with food!
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    What about building these binges into plan, slowly cut them or change them into healthier snacks?
  • When you feel this way eat fruits and drink water . All i drink is water . I am at a slow lost too. I know why because i have cut back on eating lot of fruits. Some of the fruits gave me acid so I had too cut back some . I am learning about the fruit that don't have lot of acid. i was eating vegetables and fruits all day long, and drink water. For meat I eat bake chicken and fish . I cut back on my sweet.
  • Get out of the house during that time. Walk the kids to the park, etc. Then you'll be less likely to snack, plus you'll have burnt off extra calories to compensate if you do! It sounds as much about boredom/habit as anything else.
  • have you determined why you are binging? Is it out of boredom are you really hungry and that leads to a binge? I'm the same way. Example, i would associate watching a sporting event and snacking, which lead to a binge. I try to change my habits. Try to preoccupy myself with something other than eating. It's physcological for me.

    Just try doing something different. Maybe take a walk, do soemthing different around the house to just get your mind off of food.

    It's not easy and good luck!
  • Hiya
    I have quite a few snacks so found a way to keep them healthy
    Firstly try to drink loads of water, that helps me not have as many snacks

    On a typical day I have 2 bananas, an apple and/or strawberries/melon in a pot. I get bored easily so now I have natural yogurt (boring on it's own) on top of a rivita, with sliced up bananas on top. This is lovely!! My colleagues look at me funny sometimes cos I have to have it all out on my desk, but makes a great snack and leaves me full for ages. The yogurt/ banana could keep for an hour once open so you could spread it out.

    Next time you go food shopping look for stuff you WILL actually snack on. I used to buy loads thinking "I'm being really good" then never bothering to eat it. I also like a small pot of rice pudding too. Carrots with hummas is also another nice snack! Depends what you like :) Hope this helps