How would you describe your normal daily activities?

I don't know how to answer this question,,,, I am a stay at home mom. My 3 year old is home with me and my 7 year old is in school. I hate to say that I sit all day because I don't.. Am I lightly active or sentadary?

thanks in advance


  • queensara2478
    I would say at the least you would be light active. I don't know any 3 year old that doesn't keep his mother on her toes! I too am a stay at home Mom and I put light active as my normal day.Hope this helped.
  • elysium2699
    Hi there! I am certainly not an expert, but... I literally sit at a computer all day for my work, getting up for bathroom breaks and lunch. I consider this to be what is meant by sedentary. My guess is that with a 3 year old, you are certainly not! Lightly active would likely be a much better description I think ;)
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    I spend equal amounts of time @ work sitting, and then walking, carrying, lifting, standing. If I did that all day I'd day active but as its half and half I've said lightly active.
    They say if unsure, go down, because its better to slightly underestimate then overestimate.

    (I'm sole-charge of a small business selling fabrics and notions online, so I do some admin work on the computer, the rest is picking and packing orders and cutting fabric, lifting and carrying boxes and rolls of fabric and going up and down stairs.)

    When I was a SAHM with little kids I didn't sit all day, but I still would have said sedentary as I wasn't moving about loads. Then just count anything out of the usual as extra exercise (hard out cleaning, running around for more than 5 minutes with the kids, going for a walk)
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    :happy: Mine is set at lightly active, I have a 2 yr old and almost 4 yr old and am a sahm, you are definitely at least lightly active.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    You're probably at least lightly active. I consider myself sedentary - I write for a magazine and literally just sit at my computer all day and read and/or write.

    I doubt that you are able to sit down even remotely that much. That being said, if you're worried about over estimating your calorie burn for the day, put sedentary and then log most of your activities that are not just sitting.
  • StarryEyedGirl
    thank you all very much! that helps me. My 3 year old doesn't nap anymore so I am really busy with her until 8 pm bed time!! thanks again!
  • StarryEyedGirl
    my calorie intake went from 1200 to 1480... what should I do?
  • NaturalMom
    I would say at the least you would be light active. I don't know any 3 year old that doesn't keep his mother on her toes! I too am a stay at home Mom and I put light active as my normal day.Hope this helped.
    Me, too! Chasing toddlers all day is definitely work! :)
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    I'd aim for between the two - like allow yourself to go as low as 1200 but up to 1480 if you need it one day. Your maintenance level is probably around 1900-2000 so it'll still be a defecit regardless.
  • StarryEyedGirl
    thank you Sarah that makes great sense!

    great advice from everyone- I really needed it!