All you can eat buffett style resturants

katie192 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am planning on going out for lunch about 12.30pm tomorrow to an all you can eat resturant, then i will be going to work from 3pm - midnight. So i won't have time to do any exercise to make up for all the food i eat. I have cut down today and i can do the same on thursday, Will this be ok, i don't want to spoil my good efforts.


  • Someone asked the dietician in a class I took that same question. The answer is yes, but in moderation. You should be striving to eat 3500 calories less than you need a week to lose 1 pound which equals out to 500 a day. It is the weekly totals that count however. But you need to be careful not to each too much calories on the up day because you should never go below 1200 in one day even to make up for extra calories. So if your goal is to eat 1400 calories a day and one day you eat 1800, you can eat 1200 the day before and the day after to make up the difference. But you don't want to go over that 1800 mark. I hope this makes sense.
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    Just because it's all you can eat - it's not a good idea to eat all you can. Try picking healthier options like lean meats, chicken, salads and light soups. You can still make good choices and eat a reasonably sized meal.
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    Good thinking just don't forget if your gonna plan the work to make sure you work the plan. (geeky saying I know but I like it)
  • I tend to stay away from those places for that reason. you see all this food and it's like the AA person in a bar (temptation). If, you must eat a little protein, carbs, and mostly fruit and veggies. You can have a dessert, but cut it in half and share it with someone. Don't cut your food intake from another day to make up for that lunch. Your body needs that food to help burn calories for that day. Good luck

  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    You can also make up for it by exercising extra hard today and thursday. As well I would not eat all you can eat. Have water and salads and lean foods. I know it's easier said than done. That is why I exercise a lot when I know these things are going to happen
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Is somebody there going to wrestle you down and stuff cheesecake down your throat? Do they have a big mommy who won't let you leave until you've eaten everything she served you? Do they stick an IV in your arm and inject Ho-hos?

    No? - You still get to decide what you will eat, and then you have to pick up the food and feed/chew/swallow? Well, then what you eat is still up to you. I live near a beautiful clean spring fed stream, but I don't drink 8 gallons of water a day. Just 'cause there's mountains of chow there don't mean you have to feast. It's not really "All you CAN eat", it's "All you CARE TO eat". So don't care to eat too much, and don't eat any crap.

    I start out with a big plate covered with a huge salad and several servings of raw & cooked veggies. Once that's gone, I'll go back and get some good protein, nice lean meats roasted or braised, plus more veggies and maybe a little starch and a little bread (watch biscuits, they're little gut bombs). When that's gone I'm pretty stuffed, and I go ahead and nibble some dessert. A taste of several things.

    The poison is the bread, the battered-fried stuff, and the heavy sauces & dressings. Stick with stuff you could make over a campfire and you'll be fine.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I eat my normal healthy foods, and stay away from the unhealthy ones. I eat just a bite here and there, instead of full servings. I log it ALL. I have never even come close to maintenance on my all-you-can-eat-buffet days.
  • cindydufield
    cindydufield Posts: 50 Member
    Have a plan. You should be ok - but make it better. check out the buffet menu on line if they have one. Bring your salad dressing with you, if that is one of your down falls. We all know what is bad, try to make your focus on your company and conversation. Try to make an effort to drink water and start with fruit. I went on vacation and they had a breakfast buffet, before i ate anything i look up calories and i did not touch the sausage links at all that week they were not worth the calories. So just be prepared..:bigsmile:
  • beerwidow
    beerwidow Posts: 20 Member
    This is probably a little late for the lunch... but for future reference. Other hints / tricks to help at a buffet:
    1) choose a smaller plate to get food. If you're going to fill a plate, it is better to fill a small one. :-)
    2) walk through the line and survey what looks good and get an idea of how much of each you are going to have.
    3) sit as far away from the buffet with your back to it. This helps you resist going back for seconds.
    4) drink a lot of water with your meal.

    Good luck & hang in there!
  • katie192
    katie192 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks, I generally try to eat chicken, maybe a sausage, small piece of fish, jacket potato and 1 desert. I try to avoid chips and too much ice cream.
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    Is somebody there going to wrestle you down and stuff cheesecake down your throat? Do they have a big mommy who won't let you leave until you've eaten everything she served you? Do they stick an IV in your arm and inject Ho-hos?

    No? - You still get to decide what you will eat, and then you have to pick up the food and feed/chew/swallow? Well, then what you eat is still up to you. I live near a beautiful clean spring fed stream, but I don't drink 8 gallons of water a day. Just 'cause there's mountains of chow there don't mean you have to feast. It's not really "All you CAN eat", it's "All you CARE TO eat". So don't care to eat too much, and don't eat any crap.

    :laugh: Oh my gosh, I am cracking up! It's absolutely true!!!

    I would check out the website of the buffet if they have one, and see what types of foods they offer, then make a plan tonight and figure out what you will eat, and an idea of what you might be having in calories. I always plan before I go anywhere now for food, and it has helped alot.

    And I agree with the above post- don't skimp your calories on other days, your body needs those. Just try to get in some extra exercise on the days you can this week. Make good choices tomorrow, and enjoy your lunch! :flowerforyou:
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