Ready to start my lifestyle change

lfrancis80 Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
HI Everyone, My name is Lori and I am a wife and Mother. I'm 29 years old and have struggled with my weight for about the past 8 years. I've tried all kinds of crazy yo yo diets that sometimes worked but always short term. Food has become my comfort, when I"m sad, stressed, mad, or happy and I am now trying to change that. About a month ago I started really watching what I ate after having to go on a liquid diet for a surgery. I lost 20lbs in 1.5 weeks from the liquids and after I was supposed to have surgery (got canceled due to some pre existing conditions) I decided to really watch what I put in my mouth. Then my husband (who travels for work) came home and watching turned into not really caring and I gained back 8lbs. Now that he is gone again I'm back to watching what I eat and exercising regularly. I'm back down those 8lbs plus 2 more. I'd really like to meet people who are going through the same battle as I am!

Good Luck to everyone!


  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome! I have struggled with my weight for the past 10 years. I have gotten down to 200 twice in the past and got comfortable to gave it back! I will support you in your journey!
  • papersparrow
    papersparrow Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome, Lori!

    You've found a great site to support you through this change. I've found the tools alone help me in keeping track what I eat and how to mind it; but the community is what makes MFP the best.

    Food has always been a comfort to me, so I definitely get what you mean there.

    Kindest regards and good luck to you too!

  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    You have come to the right place, because I beleive we are all struggling to loose weight. You are on the right track by watching what you eat, if you throw some cardio and possible weight training in the mix, you will get faster and more effective results.

    Once you get a full handle on loosing weight, then even when your husband comes home, it wont be too much of a struggle for you to stick to your healthy eating habits, but it does take time to be fully disciplined, because your aim is not to do a yo-yo diet, but to make a whole lifestyle change, and that will take time and will power.

    We all have our cheat days or moments, its only natural, but log your food daily regardless of how bad or good you do, so you can see clearly what you are doing on a day to day basis, so as time goes by, you will be able to make better choices.

    Good luck
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Welcome! I started MFP at the begining of this month....I LOVE IT!! I have even got some good friends/coworkers hooked on it also! Feel free to add me it seems as we have close to common goals :-)

  • jessapoe
    jessapoe Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to the Club! I am a newbie myself, and really liking MFP so far. I feel that the emphasis on health along with accountability for yourself and an established network of non-judgmental supporters is what we all need to get the ball rolling on weight loss. I have been overweight for the past 5 years and I am trying to get my health back on track. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other through this journey! Cheers!:bigsmile:
  • Welcome! I too have always struggle with my weight. I lost 35 pounds while nursing and then gained it all back as soon as I stopped. It sucks. I too have tried so many fad diets my head spins. Since being on mfp for the last month, I have had nothing but success. It is awesome. I look forward to recording my food and checking the message boards every day. I know you can do this. Good luck:)
  • Thank you all so much for your kind replies :) I've been very good about staying disciplined while my husband is gone and pretty good while he is home. I work out the only chance I get which is either during nap time or after both kids go to bed. I never gained a pound while pregnant with my son but as soon as I had him I gained 22lbs while nursing and once I stopped I never stopped eating those same foods. I feel as though I'm on the right track now and am excited to see my outcome 6 months and even a year or 2 from now!
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