Binge Eaters..have you heard??

I posted this in my blog but I dont think anyone saw it (or maybe noone cared lol) but I thought Id post it here because I think its interesting..

Did you guys hear about the Psychiatric Association changing its diagnostic manual (better known as DSM-5). Its basically their bible and lists all the symptoms of psychiatric illnesses and treatments of these illnesses. Well until now, the manual only included anorexia and bulimia. Now they are adding Binge Eating. Thank God!
I am a major binge eater but I never realized that it is a total psychological disorder. There's just a huge stigma that comes with the word "disorder" and I guess I never wanted to admit it was a problem.
But seriously, Ive been binge eating for years now and I am praying that I will find some kind of treatment for it. They said on the Today show that since its been added to the manual, insurance companies are going to pay for treatment now! Woohoo.
Anywho, I was just wondering if anyone else has heard about this.. Have a great day everyone!


  • i think binge eating is more of a symptom rather than a disorder. in my case it's anxiety or just being bored (which then makes me again..anxiety). it's self-soothing and time consuming just like using a drug or smoking a cigarette.
    i feel like if you give it the power of it being a ~~~disorder~~~~, you're kind of taking away your own power to stop it. like if you feel y you were just born that way then the only thing that can help you is a drug or intense therapy. nah. it's a self destructive behavior you CAN stop; it aint easy but YOU have the power to stop it.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    The drug companies will be overjoyed-they'll be doubling their sales of antidepressants on the insurance company's' dime.
  • I think some people get confused between the difference of over-eating and a true binger. Overeating is what most unhealthy americans do.
    Binging is literally eating out-of-control to the point of feeling sick, hiding food wrappers and evidence, guilt and shame, and a feeling of being completely out of control. I know many people suffer from it.
    I just fear with the new disorder diagnosis a lot of people will be jumping on it so their insurance company can foot the bill for therapy, drugs, and surgery.
  • It's definitely an issue for many including myself. But there is hope out there!! Medication never worked for me unfortunately but it's a good thing they are recognizing it finally!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member