Comfort eating tips/alternatives

I've battled with comfort eating for as long as I can remember, if I'm sad, I eat...happy I eat...angry...I eat. And when I've looked back at past binges etc it varies from 2000/3000 calories on top of my daily allowance of 15/1800. I thought I'd kicked the habit recently as I've been doing so well on my weight loss and sticking to my calories with smaller amounts of treat food every now and then, but the last few nights once everyones been in bed I've found myself going to the kitchen making cheese on toast, or having more pie/sweets after I've met my daily calories.

What do you guys do to try and comfort yourself other then turning to food?


  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I always try to reserve 100 or so calories so I can have a treat a they end of the night and not go over my limit. I'll crawl into bed with a good book and a skinny cow caramel truffle ice cream bar, or a jello pudding or whatever I just make sure it fits into my cals!
  • Trust me, I know exactly how you feel! I would eat thousands and thousands of calories just because I was not feeling all that great. I am able to now control my comfort eating the majority of the time, however sometimes I do still comfort eat if im feeling depressed. Some ideas of comfort eating foods are baby carrots, air popped popcorn, raw veggies, fruit, diet soda, or nuts. Just binge on foods that are healthy! If im tempted to binge eat I just take a deep breath and remove myself from the kitchen. You wont feel better after eating your feelings.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Use my hands.
    I've been teaching myself how to play the piano. We have a digital one with headphones, so i spend 1/2 anhour a day on that.
    Also i do alot of crafts. So try sewing, knitting, lace making etc.
    Also good is anything creative, like painting, drawing sculpture.
    Or you can try to learn a language or whatever.
    The trick for me is to avoid the tv. I'm more likely to mindlessly eat when watching crap. Also i read that ppl who watch more than an hour of tv are more likely to be overweight. So i figure if i dont't watch tv i wont be overweight .

    Another thing you can try is excersize to fill in time till bed time. If you have already done your workout do some light pilates/ yoga/ stretching.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Use my hands.
    I've been teaching myself how to play the piano. We have a digital one with headphones, so i spend 1/2 anhour a day on that.
    Also i do alot of crafts. So try sewing, knitting, lace making etc.
    Also good is anything creative, like painting, drawing sculpture.
    Or you can try to learn a language or whatever.
    The trick for me is to avoid the tv. I'm more likely to mindlessly eat when watching crap. Also i read that ppl who watch more than an hour of tv are more likely to be overweight. So i figure if i dont't watch tv i wont be overweight .

    Another thing you can try is excersize to fill in time till bed time. If you have already done your workout do some light pilates/ yoga/ stretching.

    I agree with this.
  • Hi all, this is my 1st post so hope i'm doing it right :O)

    Comfort/binge eating is something I struggle really badly with, I can diet until my hearts content but I always ruin it by binging.
    It's like a constant battle in my head, I have a lot of self hatred to I comfort eat and hate myself more so I just do it again and it's a vicious circle. I've made a pact to myself that if I find myself craving "bad" food or am tempted to binge that I will first of all do something for myself! So I think, okay so i'm going to eat loads of chocolate and make myself feel sick and horrible, that's fine but first I am going to paint my nails/cleanse and moisturise/comb my hair/have a bath/be proactive and do something i've been putting off etc, etc.
    It doesn't work all the time but sometimes i'll get so distracted and forget that I want to binge and sometimes I just feel that tiny little bit better about myself and it gives me the little extra strength I need to say no i'm not going to do it and that then sometimes pushes me on to go longer and longer without comfort eating or binge eating.
    The main thing for me is to do this as soon as i get the urges. Last night for example i was thinking about food, it was late and i was tired, so i took the easy option, instead of doing what I had promised myself I put it off, kept watching TV and in the end I just gave in and ate a load of crap, I felt gross immediately but just had to suck it up as it was already done, but I figure that even if it only works for me half the time, that means 50% less binges and I can work on reducing that over time rather than constantly beating myself up and doing it a lot more. (if that makes any sense at all)

    I think there have also been some very good suggestions already given, especially the craft things, i'm trying (and failing miserably) to learn to crochet and that is keeping me distracted at the moment as well.
    I wish you luck and i think the key thing is to try different things and work on it slowly and hopefully you will be able to overcome it as i'm trying to do. xxx
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    About once a week I find myself standing in front of the vending machines at work. I focus on whatever muscle group is aching from the morning's workout and remind myself that the pain I went through isn't worth what I'm about to throw in my body.

    If I just can't talk myself out of it, I grab a bag of pop chips; 100 calories each and really tasty. If I get a sweet tooth before bed, I splash a little Mio in my water. It didn't work at first but it seems to be now.

    Good luck finding what works for you!
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Cheese. I put cheese on it.
  • kristenstejskal
    kristenstejskal Posts: 107 Member
    When I'm really stressed I will comfort eat...not necessarily binge eating, but just eating for reasons other than nutrition and because I'm hungry. What I've found to work is to talk to someone! Not for emotional support or dat *kitten*, but just because when your mouth is busy talking, its a lot more difficult to eat. so go meet up with a friend or even call someone on the phone!

    and I agree with a previous poster about baby carrots and raw veggies...something about the crunchiness can really satisfy that craving!
  • i'll pop a stick of gum in my mouth, as i often find myself eating because i'm bored and eating something is the first activity that's popped into my head. also, i suspect i may have an oral fixation since i'm always chewing on pens. the 5 calories (or whatever, i haven't actually looked or logged it, lol) in a stick of gum is better than the calories i'd take in if i sat down with a bag of chips or handful of cookies...and it lasts longer!!

    i have a question for you fellow binge/boredom/comfort eaters...if you're craving something sweet--and i'm talking seriously sweet, like a candy bar, or ice cream--what is an alternative that has worked for you?? i've tried fruit, etc, but sometimes i wonder if it's not a texture thing because i'll specifically crave baked goods, or a chocolate bar, etc. and an apple or handful of grapes doesn't do anything to kill the craving. any ideas??
  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I am completely with you on the comfort eating thing. I just give in and binge/comfort eat an excessive amount of calories usually late at night the worst time of all. I have a tough work schedule I work 4pm-2am. By the time I am out of work most people are sleeping and that's when I get a craving for food since I haven't eaten in 5+ hours. Recently I started working out after work so that my mind is focused on excercise not my growling stomach. If I just can't fight the urge and need something it definitely something low cal (veggies, air popped popcorn, low cal pudding) and something I wont feel too guilty about if i do need to snack on something. As far as the sweet cravings I like sherbert as a close substitute to ice cream. I am actually at the point now where I prefer that over ice cream and any change in a positive direction is a win in my book! I also find that people on MFP are a great support system you can usually turn to.
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    I comfort eat a lot mainly due to depression lack of self esteem feeling uselss etc. I cant seem to stop. So what I do is burn loads of calories in the gym (on average about 900 a day) and that gives me a higher calorie intake figure to work too. Not the best way I agree but its all Ive got at the moment.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    the last few nights once everyones been in bed I've found myself going to the kitchen making cheese on toast, or having more pie/sweets after I've met my daily calories.
    You can't wander into the kitchen and binge on pie and sweets if you don't have them in your home. My strategy for exercising this kind of control when I'm not going to control myself at home starts at the supermarket.

    Don't buy the stuff!

    I have been more or less in maintenance for a couple of months because I gave up making those choices while grocery shopping and brought temptation into my home. I will restart in January with healthy snacks only at home (whole fruits instead of a fruit pie, yogurt instead of a cupcake, etc.) and begin again. I'm okay with having some time off from losing weight and indulging with such things, expecting I might gain a couple pounds because of the holidays though. I was 40 pounds heavier this time last year and I only have 20 pounds to go and I'm in no hurry.

    If you want to stay on track and can't keep yourself from giving into temptation at home, you need to set yourself up for success by controlling the foods you bring home. Some people have suggested some good snacks (popcorn, Skinny Cow ice cream). I would say that maybe if you feel like you want to keep a real treat or too (as opposed to a diet type), try to buy only one - like a single (expensive!) cupcake from a bakery, or a single slice of pie.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member

    If you want to stay on track and can't keep yourself from giving into temptation at home, you need to set yourself up for success by controlling the foods you bring home.

    This. I work on the theory that i dont need will power all the time. I only need to have it when i go shopping.

    Never shop when you are hungry. Write your meal plan/ shopping list just after a meal and stick to your list.

    Also if you find that you are genuinly hungry at night, u could try either only eating 1/2 to 3/4 of dinner at dinner time and having the rest later, or making sure you eat lots of filling low cal foods ( eg vegetables protein) to stop youself getting hungry.
    Another low cal snack is to try a protein shake, they are quite sweet, you need to have lots of water, which will fill you up too.
  • I can relate to that!! Exercise plays a major role in controlling this. Daily exercise really makes a difference and keeps me more mentally able to control that. It really does help improve your mood as well. In addition to this, I pray a lot!! I have to pray my way out of a pan of brownies or a box of donuts on a regular basis!